In response to a shocklingly large number of requests from borderline pervy readers, I've added the following to the shop.

I realize this is oxymoronic. If you're wearing the "Knit Knaked" shirt, you may be knitting, but you won't be naked. I suppose you could be wearing only the shirt, and knitting. If you choose to do this, please do not send me photos of it.*
"Knit Knaked" is on men's and women's clothes right now, including the first item of lingerie to appear under my shingle, but if there are calls for it I can put it on a bag, a mug, a magnet, a teddy bear. Whatever tickles your deviant little hearts.
As for more Dolores swag, I'm working on it. Notecards will be next.
*Unless you are one of the guys on my "special list." That means you, Stephen Fry.
Oh, Stephen Fry.
Be still my heart. Please send me copies. : )
I've been inspired by your smackdown polls. Hubby and I are into the latest AMC Godfather series and question - Whiniest mob boss wife: Kay Corleone or Carmela Soprano
I rescued an old doll from a box of recent donations to the local craft center... it is a sheep...and dressed quite conservatively... or rather WAS dressed that way until I stripped her down to her birthday suit... I have been inspired to create a monument in fleece... to Dolores, my new hero
Is Mr Fry a knitter? I've never seen any mention of it in his writings... unless the autobiog was really meant to be titled Moab is My Knitting Basket.
Honey - I absolutely LOVE your blog.
thanks for being "out there" and making us smile.
congrats on the new wheel, way to go Dolores!!
Elaine & the Crew
I'd like to see Dolores Knit Knaked. I bet she's got incredible Knockers.
oooooooo, i'll have to link that to my fiance. mother's day is coming! and yes, again, he's raided your website, and bought me 2 of your t-shirts for my birthday! i'm going to be swimming in habitwear! hey, a tradename for ya!
Franklin, I really think you need to add Tim Curry to the list of men banned from supplying pictures of themselves knitting in the buff... He shouldn't even take a picture of himself doing so!
And the fourth needles is where?!
What, CafePress doesn't offer temporary tattoos?
Stephen Fry? You have good taste (as if we didn't know that already). Though personally I must lean more towards Mr. Laurie.
Because you'd expect nothing less from me, just wondering whose (yarn) balls those are floating around at foot?! Inquiring minds would like to know...
Stephen Fry, eh? Jeeves or Oscar? I know it's not Mr Mybug.
I'd opt for a Knit Knaked magnet. It would be nice to see large size zip up hoodies though in the other designs. I'm a big mama.
Dolores was so sweet to get you a wheel. Even the tough broads have hearts of gold.
My word verification was kzkqunf. Like a stifled sneeze.
Dang, another shirt I must have!
I realize completely that you aren't designing for little ol' me, but this is the 2nd shirt that fits me like a T (pardon the pun).
I bought your Venus de Knitting because I'm an amputee knitter, and when I sport it, it gets a lot of laughs. I'm also a core member of Dandelion DanceTheater's Undressed Project (we perform naked), and I'm notorious for squeaking in a few rounds of a sock between sets. I'm always scrambling for a minimal/little somthing to keep my muscles warm though, and this is just the thing. Can't wait. Will be ordering next week.
Love your stuff. ~bonnie
DH has the link and the instructions for size and occasion (Mother's Day is coming up!)
Oh yeah, and have I mentioned lately that you're my favorite?
Oh, Stephen Fry? Now he's someone I truly wish were not of your persuasion, my dear.
His stunning intellect (he hosts a wonderful smart quiz show in the UK which I adore, especially seeing as how Alan Davies is a frequent guest), his humor, his slight air of sadness...
Maybe we could just be friends.
I'd like that.
Though he IS rather ....dwarfish...
Need a 'knit naked' bumper sticker. Yeah.
I just wanted to say that the whole 'Knit Naked' comment section inspired me to name MY blog Knit Naked.
Which is strictly a compliment, and not nearly a desperate bid for a free t-shirt. Or even a blog header. Definitely not. Unless, of course, you want to.
And if you're also wondering if this is a cheap ploy to attract readers to my blog ... of course it is.
What if one is not a knitter? Could he still get naked? And does being naked encompass spinning as well? Perhaps the non-knitter/spinner could do some sort of interpretive naked dance while the knitter/spinner was knitting or spinning.
OK. It's been a LONG day. Now I'm just getting silly.
Stephen Fry is on my special list too. And he is far far from dwarfish. He's immense, in fact, in a hugely sexy way. Too bad he's celibate (self-professed not to do that whole sex and fluids thing). Although I respect that. Thoroughly. Indeed.
Stephen Fry. Lovely bloke, with an amazing mind. If you get the chance to see the BBC series "who do you think you are" with Stephen investigating his roots - then please do.
Personally, I'm afraid I have to plump for Colin Firth as Hugh Darcy in the BBC Pride & Predjudice....
Knit naked? But what will those commenters who didn't like the olympic medal think? :0
Your blog is great. I enjoyed reading it . . . loved the scarf.
great post.
thanks for sharing this. keep posting
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