Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Especially Since They Lived in Miami Beach


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This one reminds me of Edward Gorey's cartoons. Hilarious! Poor little Intarsia..

Anonymous said...

Is Intarsia an anagram of artisian?

the fiddlin' fool said...

Why the name intarsia and not, say, Fair Eileen?

Franklin said...

Fair Eileen is a member of the family no longer spoken of due to an incident involving the disputed ownership of an alpaca farm.

However, Little Intarisia does have a Jewish cousin named Aaron Cables.

Anonymous said...

My mother is a potter. It has its own difficulties.... Fortuantely she is resigned to a certain amount of breakage.


dpaste said...

As soon as I read this I KNEW Intarsia was not just some girl's name I was unfamiliar with. Ohhh Franklin, you are just too too clever.

Anonymous said...

This reminds me, the new issue of Vogue Knitting has a great, very comprehensive article on copyright. In a nutshell, anything you put on here is legally yours until 70 years after you die.

Yvonne said...

I thought the cartoon was cute but I got a bigger kick out of the "Every Damn Thing on This Blog" notice. heehee.

Anonymous said...

Really really really like the names - will we see more drawings of this interesting family?

Also appreciate the Chicago button - I think the flaming needle is brilliant (and possibly multi-layered?)-

Also really really really glad I found your blog - I enjoy it no end.

Unknown said...

Intarsia is certainly qualified to be one of the Gashlycrumb Tinies.

But what ever happened to Auntie Mo Saic?

Anonymous said...

Much as I enjoy the drawings and the humor, my favorite is the updated copyright line! You think it will carry any more weight in a court of law?!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Nice job. Poor Intarsia. Stuck in motif clothing without the ability to get a decent nickname.

Now if only I could master intarsia, not to make that, though.

Nannette said...

Great cartoon. Thanks for the laugh. LOVED your copyright notice!

I'm an often visitor, first time commentor. Must THANK YOU for such a wonderful and entertaining blog. One of my very favorite!

Lucia said...

H is for Hank who was gored by a bull
And I for Intarsia smothered by wool...

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it will show up on You Knit What?

Anonymous said...

If I'd knit when my kids were small - they would have looked just like little Intarsia, I know.

Cheryl:) said...

oohh..someone touched a nerve... I love little Intarsia!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad the crap about the Christmas card got back to you and you are making your point with humor. More than that, I am glad it didn't stop you from posting your work.

The person who wanted to use your art for a Christmas Card now seems to understand that is not allowed AND it is mean and petty. I love the work, can not wait to see what you have done for the Knitting Curmudgeon's book.

Franklin said...

Thank you, Cynthia - I appreciated your notice of what was happening. Sometimes folks just need educating. I also used to think anything on the Web was fair game - a natural assumption, I think, considering that images especially are so easy to grab.

If the person in question has decided not to go ahead, then she has my gratitude for respecting a creator's rights. If she ever wants to do business, she has only to contact me.

Stacy said...


Do you know what the difference is between a Creative Commons Copyright and regular copyrights? I'm just curious is one holds more weight than another and if any are recognized internationally.

Poor little Intarsia. I am almost afraid to ask if she has any siblings!

Anonymous said...

Ah, siblings--a brother named Aran, perhaps, and a baby, Bauhaus.

dpaste said...

I'm curious to know what question of yours I answered in my "Frustrated" post.

Elemmaciltur said... did you ended up on my blog? I've just linked you this morning...and now you're on my blog! Hehe, I've been lurking yours though. :p

Carol said...

Don't forget the family dog: Steek.

Elemmaciltur said...

BTW, then you'll need to also see THIS!

Anonymous said...

Does it even need mentioning, that the cat's name is Purrl?

Anonymous said...

Your design junction I like very well. Thanks sharing these important information this post...

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Miami Beach Condos said...

Great cartoon. Thanks for the laugh. loved your absorb notice!

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