Thursday, February 17, 2005

Scribble, Scribble

My sister Susan, bless her, is a model of consistency and discipline when it comes to things like journals. Perhaps part of it is vocational - she teaches high school English and (wise woman) makes her students do a lot of free-writing and notebook-keeping.

I, on the other hand, have taken up and dropped possibly two dozen diaries, journals, and notebooks since my first attempt at age 8. (I can still see it in my mind's eye. A Christmas gift. Flimsy lock, white leatherette cover with "My Diary" in curly-swirly across the cover. Like so many things I wanted desperately at that age, it was obviously intended by the makers for girls. I think I was faithful to it for a week.)

Hence, the free blog. I refuse to sink money or time into this until I find it somehow differs from what I've done before. I could install Moveable Type, I could design my own photo blog, I could hand-paint background tiles in the William Morris manner, but no. Not yet. Ask me again in six months.

I'm not even sure what I'm going to do with this space, although I'm going to start with a list of unfinished projects. Possibly, just possibly, listing them in a public space (or a space that will become public, should anyone else ever read it) will goad me into finishing them.

So, as of today, in the hopper:

- Order supplies from Light Impressions for new portfolio.
- Finish making portfolio prints (1 down, 13 to go).
- Finish online portfolio
- Contact three places that might want to see said portfolios and possibly display the prints therein.
- Finish my first knitted sweater.

Knitting is in danger of distracting me from the work I ought to be doing with photography, but at least I've evolved enough to know I'm going to sabotage myself if I'm not careful. Compulsively reading archived entries of The Knitting Curmudgeon and QueerJoe is not going to get my prints made, now is it?


Anonymous said...

I love reading blogs from the start

Anonymous said...

I agree with Phil!

Rachel R. said...

You have no idea how long it took me to scroll through seven years' worth of blog posts to get here, to the beginning... but, nonetheless, I'm here. :) And however long it takes me, I'm determined to read them all, start to finish.

... God help me.

sghemk said...

You have been on my "to-do" list since your early days of the 1000 knitters project. I am now at a point where I can do as I please, so, I am pleased to announce that I am beginning the "do" of reading your blog from the start to the last post .... btw, what ever became of 1000 knitters?


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