Thursday, August 23, 2007

Excuse the Dust

Dolores is off to Kankakee and I have a bit of free time on my hands, so I'm engaging in some long-overdue renovations to The Panopticon's layout. During this period you may become disoriented or frustrated. You may find yourself unable to locate things that were right here just a moment ago. You may experience nausea, dizziness, or mild hallucinations.

Welcome to my world.


PICAdrienne said...

For you, anything...

Anonymous said...

Dizziness, mild hallucinations ... reminds me of that night at the opera.

Anonymous said...

"You may find yourself unable to locate things that were right here just a moment ago."

When this happens, blame the pixies. If you turn your attention to something else, they will put it back eventually.

(Oh, and unicorns eat dust bunnies.)

Leslie said...

Gee, I'd have thought Dolores would have stayed around to enjoy the dizziness and mild hallucinations - it would seem normal to her, wouldn't it?

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is a bit bouring (the lay out I am talking about) but please don't change the content because it is a Joy to read (almost everyday!)

Anonymous said...

And you may ask yourself
What is that beautiful house?
And you may ask yourself
Where does that highway go?
And you may ask yourself
Am I right?...Am I wrong?
And you may tell yourself

Unknown said...

"click" Ok. Seatbelt's on. I'm ready!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a trip to the funhouse!

muoriska said...

Oh , I think I'll better sit and watch... the result.
( I'm not curious)

SoapDoc said...

Well hell, I will be right at home too! Carry on, my dear ;)

cindy said...

A blog renovation no doubt! Have you cleared this with Dolores?

Mel said...

Hmmm, It would appear that we already inhabit the same world.

Anonymous said...

::hands over earplugs and vacuum cleaner:: If it's anything like growing up in a house with a father who kept adding the finishing touches for years (he built the sucker, by himself mostly)-- You'll need 'em. That sawdust gets everywhere. Me, I'm gonna take some Dramamine. Just in case.

(Is that the whine of a table saw I hear? Oh man...I'm having flashbacks...)

Anonymous said...

As long as you're kinda changing things up a bit, how bout adding some nekkid pics of you? heh heh heh

The Nekkid Nitter

I'm nothing if not a font of good ideas.

SavtaDotty said...

Anonymous quotes my favorite Talking Heads song!

Your renovation sounds scary but exciting, just like the song.

Anonymous said...

Bring it on! A little housecleaning/blogcleaning can be refreshing. Ilook forward to a subtle or dramatic change.

My favorite T. Heads lyric:

They say they don't need money
They're lvinign on nuts and berries
They say animals don't worry
You know animals are hairy?
They think they know what's best
They're making a fool of us
They ought to be more careful
They're setting a bad example

rams said...

Whee! Dibs on operating heavy machinery!

Anonymous said...

Great new header graphic. Very creative!

mamagotcha said...

Police search for prowler
From the Kankakee Journal Police Blotter:
An alarm summoned Kankakee police to Country Fruit Market on Wednesday night, but apparently nothing was stolen. Officers went to the business at 1695 S. Schuyler Ave. at 11:29 p.m. Police found a piece of wood pulled open on the north wall inside the greenhouse. Officers and the owner walked through the business, but there was no one inside and it seemed that nothing was missing.

I wonder what the Rest Of The Story Is...

Kristen said...

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! ;)

materfamilias said...

love that new header already! (at least, hope it's new, looks fresh and new to me, how embarrassing if I find out it's been the same for months!)

Anonymous said...

well i'll have to be checkin' that one out then, now won't I?

dpaste said...

Readers should not operate heavy machinery while viewing this blog.

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