Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Ode on a Lace Edging

Thou still unfinished strip of garter stitch...
How do I knit thee, double scallop shell edging?*
Let me count the rows.
When by thy scorn, o slipped stitch, I am dead...
Not scrapbooks, nor the quilted monuments...
No no no no no no no.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I'm thoroughly sick
of knitting you.

Ad Infinitum

*By Sharon Miller, in Heirloom Knitting. Quite a brilliant design, actually. Must remember to write Mrs Miller a note of thanks when my fingers uncramp.


LaurieM said...

A mere glimpse of beauty.
The scallops in the distance beckon.

Cheesehead With Sticks said...

It will surely be worth every finger cramp and more! What we can see looks gorgeous!

Aidan said...

Commoffit. Give us pictures of the whole thing, Babycakes. We won't be satisfied with a glimpse of ankle...we want T&A!

(Must say, though, that it's a damn pretty ankle.)

Victoria said...

LMAO ...ok that was too funny

however, no matter how funny the lymric the edging is gorgeous and you do beautiful work...cramped fingers and all

Vanessa said...

That is simply breathtaking.

Anonymous said...

Rouen Cathedral, over and over again Mssr.

QuietdanMN said...

Beautiful work! I'm envious of your skill and patience!

Anonymous said...

be still my heart...

Anonymous said...

Once upon a midnight dreary,
While he pondered, weak and weary
Over tedious knit lace, in theory
An unending bore,
Quoth the Franklin, `Nevermore.'

Uh-huh. Yeah, right. When Delores flies (coach, willingly and sober).

Anonymous said...


Kate said...

This, too, cannot last...
Embrace the monotony so that it doesn't dominate your head; other thoughts can wander through - like what's up next!

Anonymous said...

Stop bitching please, we all know you enjoy every second of that work of art!

Mel said...

I happened to catch a glimpse of this photo in your Flickr photos and wondered if a post containing it might be forthcoming. Just keep reminding yourself of the pride and sense of accomplishment you'll be feeling once it's done. And how you'll feel when Abigail urps on it. :-)

SoapDoc said...

It is simply stunning, Franklin! But I do agree -- I would just love to see the entire piece -- please!?

Liz said...

Pairs of scallop shells
stretching to infinity;
sanity waning...

Anonymous said...

Okay, directions please --
does one repeat that poem as one's KNITTING the last rows or only as one is BLOCKING the finished object?

Just to add to the rounds of claps and sighs -- it is beautiful -- and it will still be beautiful when Miss Abigal urps (hopefully that's all she'll do) on it.

Thanks for sharing with us.

Unknown said...


It is an heirloom. Congratulations on creating such a beautiful work.

Anonymous said...

Will you marry me, please?

Anonymous said...

In my experience, most breastfed baby poo stains can be gotten out by a soak in a light Oxyclean solution and then drying in the sun.

You may need this information in the future.



Anonymous said...

Oh man, yes, we need to see the toot ensemble of the whole! Please? We'll find someone to offer finger massages... [g]

Carol said...

She'll look drop dead stunning at the Christening! Congratulations!

Laurel said...

And this is just one of the many reasons that I love your blog! And the edging looks amazing.

Ann said...

OH! Pretty! Show more!

Anonymous said...

Very nice edging but in my experience now matter how lovely, edging just goes on for ever.

Anonymous said...

Hey want to join my 7 shawl project???

Oh maybe this is't a good time to ask.

Anonymous said...

your fingers will uncramp when you reach out to wrap your little one in that lovely scrap of time and space ; aka lace.

Anonymous said...

So pretty, I want to see the whole thing. Man, as those rows grow longer, it's slow and painful, isn't it?

datatech57 said...

Ah, and just think how envious all the other girls will be of the gorgeous shawl she gets to wear to the prom!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Can't wait to see the finished product.

Unknown said...

The poem is awesome, and the lace is beautiful!

Mary Peed said...

Beautiful! Did you ever mention the yarn? I love the shine.

Anonymous said...

Namaste - As a lace knitter; budding Buddhist/Neo Pagan; avid reader of books (and your blog!) and gayman, I have to unlurk to say I adore your humanity, wit, and joy of life. Plus ... That bit of "roses are red..." perfectly caught the nonending feeling of lace edgings!! Can't wait to see the final piece. Peace. - Joe, in Wyoming

Lynn said...

Yeah. Been there. Am still there. Will be there for ages to come. Slog, slog, slog, and yet more sloggifying.

Anonymous said...

Oooooooo, preeetttyyyy ...

As far as determination to actually finish an object, you win. And, I have to agree, that last bit of verse is clearly the most appropriate.

PICAdrienne said...

It is very lovely. It is truly a first generation heirloom. You should be very happy.

knittingjuju said...

Oh pain, eh? So we know you'll be at it again soon? You want pincers with the next pattern?

Anonymous said...

It looks lovely. So is your next project going to be knit on size 50 needles with extra bulky weight yarn?

dpaste said...

You are still knitting that? Good heavens, the child will be taking her SATs before she gets her hands on it! ;-)

firefly said...

Bwahaha! I've been embroidering a pillow case for a sofa pillow based on a kit design I had when I was about 12, only of course this had to be more elaborate.


I'm finally at the last stretch of knots and crosses.

Thank baby jebus.

Angie said...

Franklin, having never knit lace and now in the throes of swatching for MS3, while you say that some men are not tough enough to be women, I say, some women are simply not tough enough to knit lace and you knit that ON THE BUS!! I bow at your feet.

Kristen said...

Franklin, Franklin, he's our man, if he can't do it no one can! GoooOOOOOOOOO Franklin!!

No, I wasn't a cheerleader. I was one of those types who dressed all in black, read Poe and scorned anyone even remotely as cheerful as a cheerleader.

I am serious about my support of you though. It'll be gorgeous, it is already.

Anonymous said...

a scalloped edging worthy of at least verse or two. perhaps an ode will flow more easily after blocking. love it!

5elementknitr said...

What a lovely shot! If your human pics are as good as your knitting pic's, no one need ever worry about being too fat/skinny/warty anything! Not that your knitting resembles any of those words and your photog skills just made it look good. Bollocks, I'm mucking this all up.

Great job! (there, that's better!)

Anonymous said...

It's so gorgeous! Can't wait to see the entire blocked shawl :)

Over at the mystery stole 3 group some of us are waiting to get our hands on this pattern:

Beautiful also eh? :)

The designer is away until the 18th

Ruinwen Dagorielle said...

*gasp* Stunning beyond belief!

Nana Sadie said...

OH. My.

Anonymous said...

The more you write about this event, the better I understand your vision, and yes, I think you got a winner!

peaknits said...

Love the poetry! But not near as much as I am lovin' that hand cramping edging!

Anonymous said...

Hee hee! I know that feeling. :-)

Dana S. Whitney said...

Gorgeous, even though the doggeral is on target. I'm feeling the same way about a metallic ruffle I decided to put on a scarf. Hmph.

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