Sunday, May 20, 2007

We Interrupt This Blog

I was in the middle of posting, finally, about the Looptopia knitting event and the Loopy Yarns "yarn tasting" that preceded it, and then my mother called at 2:39 p.m. CST to let me know my sister's in labor.

And now I can't really focus on anything. I'm going to go light some incense and say a prayer.

And I should probably work on this here shawl, too.


Lothlorian said...

painfree easy birth vibes being sent from a mummy of two who lurks here often but hasnt posted before ;)

hope baby arrives quickly for her...but not too quickly as thats not nice either!! xx

Andrea Rusin said...

Deep, calm breathing, Uncle Franklin! All manner of things shall be well. Let us know when you have more news, please.

Anonymous said...

Oh how wonderful, a new baby, one of lifes most wonderful blessings! Congratulations in advance Uncle Franklin!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, Franklin - good vibes being sent from out here, too! Thanks for taking the time to tell us when you must be bouncing off the walls. Hugs to Susan and you and the rest of the family, and will continue to send good thoughts. Welcome to the niecephew!

Between the shawl and Andrea's comment, it made me think of Lamaze knitting: Knit 3, breathe in, YO, K2tog, breathe out... ;) Hang in there, Uncle.

Wily Jeneric said...

Best wishes for a healthy, happy baby. What a wonderful family they'll be joining!

Molly Bee said...

YAY! I've been checking your blog every five minutes for days waiting for word. Franklin is going to me an Uncle and Sister Sue is going to be a Mom!!!! Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Now there's a lucky tyke! I only "know" you from here, Frunkle, but this child, a 21st century lad or lassie, has quite the foot up already being born into your fambly. Mazel-tov-to-be!
I'm sending nice Bubbeh vibes too(and can't hardly do better than that!)

Unknown said...

prayers for a happy healthy baby! good vibes sent her and your way! Deep breath, relax and visualize easy and calm birth...good luck!

Laiane said...

I'm with mollybeees; I've been checking your blog daily, and wondering if the little one was making an appearance! Best wishes to your sister (and you and all your family).

Annie said...

I thought babies were supposed to wait until you finish their knitting! Good vibes all around.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Almost-Uncle Franklin! Here's to a quick and safe labor for the new mum.

Anonymous said...

I too have been watching your blog for news. Blessings to your sister and her family...keep breathing yourself! Love ya!

ButterflyKnits said...

Can only repeat what others have said... good vibes and blessings to you all.

schrodinger said...

I'm thinking positive vibes for Mum and the baby. Now, GO! finish the shawl :)

Sorka said...

Yeah!!! The baby is coming the baby is coming!!!
Your sister will be most thankful that the baby did not wait till you were done with it's knitting.. trust me.. from a mamma of 4.. all who were at least two weeks late!

Snarled Yarns said...

Congrats in advance, you will never be the same again. (In a good way of course!)

Sheepish Annie said...

Congratulations to you and the little one's mom 'n dad! Thinking good thoughts for a smooth delivery and a finished shawl.

Anonymous said...

Blessed be, all of you! This is a busy week for birthdays in our family (and we had a new one join us on Thursday, my dad's b'day); welcome to the party!

Anonymous said...

Good luck to the mom-to-be! I'll send some good vibes for an easy and low pain delivery. My little guy was two weeks late. Hopefully her's doesn't refuse to leave like mine did. :)

Now get knitting!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is wonderful! Good wishes and prayers to your sister and the little one! Um, you might want to work on that shawl.... Just sayin' is all.

Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Good vibes to Sister Sue and to you too. I hope all the belly dancing helps your sister. I am looking forward to photos of the baby (and the finished shawl).

Dusa said...

Go baby go!

I'll let you decide if that means child-to-be, you, or Delores.

--Deb said...

Good luck to everyone! It's my nephew's birthday today, so I can tell you from experience that it's an excellent birth-day. So exciting!

Anonymous said...

Best wishes for her. If you are really stressed don't knit lace. It leads to much frustration (ask me how I know). But make yourself some plans to go see the wee thing. Babies are magic.

Kathleen said...

Woo! I'm really, really excited for you and your family. Can't wait to hear!

Fiona said...

Delurking to send good thoughts to both you and your sister, Franklin. Hope all goes well!

Unknown said...

Hooray! Keep us posted! Go, Sue, Go! Push, Sue, Push! This is so exciting! :-D

Anonymous said...

Ohmigoshohmigosh! So exciting!!!

Helen said...

Being an auntie is one of the best things in my life, and because my brother had his babies very early, I'm a great-aunt too now: it's just fab. I hope it all goes well and yes, keep knitting :)

Anonymous said...

yay ur going to be an uncle!!! good luck with the shawl!


P.S. I love ur blog and cant wait to hear ur essay on Cast-On

Anonymous said...

how exciting!


anne marie in philly

Kate said...

Good luck to sister and niecephew! It's weird being the sideline spectator when the first of the next generation starts to make their appearance. Oddly powerless and non-contributory. I boiled water just to keep in the spirit of the event ; )

Anonymous said...

I've been watching for news! Please let us know as soon as you find out whether you are an uncle or an aunt (which is how we announce births in our family ever since my brother told everyone they were uncles in a state of total excitement when my first nephew was born almost 28 years ago.)

rho said...

Wishing Sister Sue a quick birth and healthy baby - Although (don't tell your sister until later) I hope the bean holds out till after midnight so he/she can be a Gemini.... can you tell I am a Gemini--

Congratulations to Dad and to you too - so have you figured out what you want to be called yet??

How much do you have to go on the shawl???

Anonymous said...

I hope your sister has a peaceful birth and a healthy baby!

Cheri said...

I've been watching your blog too, awaiting some happy news (sadly in real life I'm awaiting very sad news).

Congratulations in advance to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Planet Earth, Neicephew! It's a place of lace, love, laughter, wonderful writing, music, and meditation, and that's only your uncle's home. May the rest of the world be as excited about your presence, and may there be joy and health for you and yours.

Don't let Dolores babysit you. The stories she is likely to tell are a bit on the mmmmmmmm... unsavory side.

Victoria said...

good happy wishes for you, your sister and your family! positive vibes thoughts and karma sent that way!

Victoria said...

oh...forgot today is my bday! and it is a GREAT day to be born and lovely time of the year to have a birthday! yeah to your niecephew!

dragon knitter said...

here's hoping your an uncle by now! (that would be a nice short labor for a first baby!) and so much for the harlot theory, eh?

LaurieM said...

Knitting a shawl beats chopping wood and boiling water.

Anonymous said...

This is so exciting!!!!

Droelma said...

Oceans of
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha.....s
For your sister and the baby

Mexico City

Anonymous said...

I'm on pins and Addis, honey. All good wishes to Sister Sue and little person in there. Come on out, kid, dause word on the street is, you're totally in business with the baby fashions.

(Breathe, Franklin. :-))

Rabbitch said...

I'm going to hold my breath until you post and tell us that her and her baby are fine.

YTT said...

Delurking because I too have been waiting by the phone all week to hear that I am an aunt. I hope your niecephew sends some knitter's-relative vibes to get things started with mine (who is also a few days past due).

Hey, I finished the baby knitting and you didn't - does this mean we exploded Stephanie's rule?

Good luck to your sister. You will love uncle-hood. Can't wait to see the birth post.

Jeanne said...

OhmagodOhmagodOhmagodOhmagodOhmagod!!! It's really happening! I'm so excited for all of you. Congratulations!

April said...

Franklin, I'm so thrilled that you're on the very verge of Unclehood. And of course we all know that Sister Sue is going to be a wonderful mother.

Welcome to the world, little niecephew.

Oh God, I'm so excited I can't stand it!

Anonymous said...

Deep breathing, deep breathing...and that's for you, Franklin, as well as your sister.

All possible blessings to you, her, and your fabulous niecephew, who we're all waiting eagerly to meet!

Karen S, Lykkefanten said...

Best wishes, hope labor and birth went well.

Sean said...

Hope all goes well for and mother and baby. Now comes the good part for Uncles! Enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

i held my 7 weeks old grandaughter in my arms as much as possible yesterday.
joy and peace for all of you

Elemmaciltur said...

Hope that all went well!

Anonymous said...

Love and prayers.

Elspeth said...

Mazol Tov, Franklin and Sister Sue! Sending the best of thoughts and well wishes the way of your new blessing. L'chaim!

Anonymous said...

Trust all has gone well. Prayers ascending as I type. Keep knitting!!

Anonymous said...

As a future midwife laboring mothers everywhere around the globe are in my special thoughts.

Also the world's greatest knitting uncle is in my thoughts.

What a baby. People around the globe are waiting for his/her arrival :)

anna from finland

Sherry W said...

Go Sis go! Push that baby out! :)

SoapDoc said...

Funny enough, today I went to her blog to check for an update before coming here!

Try to stay calm -- although if you are anything like me will be impossible right now!

She's got tons of us hoping for an quick labor -- but unless you've been too overwhelmed to post yet, isn't working -- yet!

How exciting!!! Hugs all around.....

Anonymous said...

Oh, Wow! Sending good vibes to her and you from a lurker.

Hoping for an as-painless-as-it-can-be birth for the momma and a healthy baby.

Congratulations, Franklin!

Elizabeth Green Musselman said...

Best wishes to you all! It's so wonderful to be able to knit during times like this when you're anxiously waiting for something to happen...

Anonymous said...

Hooray Uncle!

Anonymous said...

eagerly awaiting an update.

WandaWoman said...

Congrats Uncle Franklin and to your sister and husband.

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