Thursday, March 30, 2006

Three Out of Four Readers...

...prefer whores to nuns.

In Panopticon Celebrity Smackdown IV, the Bad Girls (led by Madame Du Barry) have trampled the Good Girls (led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton) into the mud in Field Hockey.

The final tally:
  • Bad Girls: 284 votes (72%)
  • Good Girls: 108 votes (28%)
Accepting on behalf of the victors, Dolores was thrilled.

"À nous la victoire, motherfuckers," she said when asked for a statement.

The next time I see that trophy, I'm pretty sure there's going to be a little paper umbrella sticking out of it.


Zee said...

I'm sorry I missed the voting, but you must admit, that was hands down an easy win. :)

Sara M said...

c'est la vie

Carol said...

Okay, put that slogan and that sheep on a T-shirt and you got me.

Unknown said...

Would you discreetly let Dolores know she needs some work done on her roots...they're showing.

And I think your statistics on preference are misleading. Who on the planet wouldn't prefer whores...that's a no-brainer.

And have you changed your blog settings to use Santorum-related verification words? I got "jism" and that can NOT be a coincidence.

Anonymous said...

Dolores drinks concoctions with paper umbrellas? Hmm. I had her pegged as more of a Jack neat girl.

Anonymous said...

Is that a sports bra Dolores has got, or just a muscle tee? I'm diggin' it either way.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I knew Dolores would side with the whores. They are so much more fun. That has to go on a shirt or mug!

Anonymous said...

What about the more "mature" historic chicks? Salome would play for the bad girls and Scheherezade for the good girls, but I'm not sure where to place Mary Magdalene...

Anonymous said...

ROFL Dolores is my kind of woman!

Unknown said...

If I could wrap Dolores and your sense of humour up in a box together, it would be the best freaking present to give to the entire world.

I love Dolores. I want to BE her. I'm not sure I know enough about Colette or Dolores, but is it possible that Dolores is the Colette of the 21st century?

Maggie said...

Please let use know if you opt to put that picture up on a mug or shirt in your shop. You and Dolores always makes me laugh, but that made me laugh embarassingly loud in my cubicle, instead of my usual silent snicker. Thanks for the much needed chuckle.

Sandra said...

I am LOVIN' Dolores... (and you). Thanks for making me laugh at loud. As if the people I work with don't already think I'm a wacko...

pacalaga said...

I do like Dolores' statement. I also wonder if she shouldn't be a series of (blank inside) greeting cards.

Anonymous said...

I would like to think that at some time during the rout the good girls were asked if they were going to give up and that one of them responded “The Good Girls die, but they don’t surrender.” In other words, “Merde!”

dpaste said...

She's wearing a tank top but no pants. Pardon me while I poke out my eyes with a crochet hook.

goblinbox said...

I love Dolores. At first I was gonna say, "I love Dolores so much she makes me want to switch," but then I realized I'd not only be switching orientation but *species* and then I thought I'd better just keep it to myself.

Rabbitch said...

Heh. I think a line of Dolores greeting cards would be a fantastic idea.

Anonymous said...

yo franklin:

I personally would LOVE to see this design on a gray t-shirt in size XL.

the victory cup could say "UP YOURS" and dolores could be holding a pair of sharp-pointed knitting needles instead of the cigarette (I don't smoke).

as an uppity chick and a well-seasoned woman over 50, I identify!

what do you think, o splendid artiste?

anne marie in philly

Anonymous said...

Delores is SO FIERCE! I love her.

I once saw a tee shirt that said'"good girls go to heaven, and bad girls go everywhere else."' Franklin, it changed my life.

Anonymous said...

I emailed the link to your blog to the ol' hubby and he LOVES Dolores. He thinks you should make a line of greeting cards (and I don't disagree).

Anonymous said...

Just in case you thought it was that other darkhaired Greek down the hall- it's Becca...don't want to set off a panic!

Anonymous said...

Mom and I were discussing Delores and spinning over lunch today.

Suggestions of attempting to spin straight from the sheep (as can be done with those dear fuzzy rabbits) were brought up.

Which led Mom to wonder if Delores is potty trained. Afterall, you don't want to spin *ahem* dirty wool.

P.S. is my word verification of aaxswd a hint that Delores will be coming after me with either an Axe or a Sword for the heresies that I have unleashed upon your blog? ;-)

Christopher said...

Dolores is now an icon. I can envision drag queens everywhere impersonating her in reverence.

Sweet Camden Lass said...

Oh, please put that into the shop. It is the perfect antidote to being the only woman in an office full of men!


Anonymous said...

I love a bad sheep.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above posters, it would be great to have that design on a tee shirt or mug. Please?

I just found your blog today after listening to your Cast-On show. I really liked your Today's Sweater story. I had to pause in my listening/reading in order to put in my plea, because I love sheep, knitting, throwing things at Pat Buchanan, and am totally uppity, so of course now I love Dolores.
And I would love to love her in that cartoon on my very own mug or tee shirt.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I can't listen to the pod show yet,(dial up) but....I miss your blog, please..... come back pretty please with beautiful yarns all piled up on top !!! If you can't blog anytime soon, please let Dolores pitch hit for you! I miss ya'll. :(

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