Monday, November 14, 2011

The Transformation of the Bunny Rabbit

Did you ever have one of those days when you woke up and knew with fearful certainty that absolutely nothing else would be accomplished until you had knit yourself an extremely tiny specimen of Oryctolagus cuniculus?

Fortunately, in preparing Teeny-Tiny Mochimochi, Anna Hrachovec (the benevolent queen of had anticipated this eventuality and provided a pattern. It took about thirty minutes scratch to my itch.

Stage One

Cute, right? Yes. But...pedestrian. Unremarkable.

The eyes had to go. Too predictable. Bigger. Brighter. Caffeinated.

Stage Two


Then, a haircut that didn't look like a haircut. Something tousled and shaggy, probably unwashed, maybe styled with an ironic nod to the 1970s and The Doobie Brothers but decidedly modern in color.

Stage Three

And a piercing, of course.

Stage 3-B

I was going to complete the makeover by knitting the bunny an extremely small Death Cab for Cutie t-shirt, but he had decided this post was So Over.

Stage Four


  1. You are a brilliant genius.

  2. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Never had One of Those Days, but I feel one coming on. Elisabeth

  3. You could do one of these as a measuring tape cover for Abigail as a stocking stuffer. Pull by a foot, I believe. Or put the tail off to the side.

  4. Love, love, love the piercing!

  5. littleredyarn12:54 PM

    Love this!

  6. Anonymous12:58 PM

    This totally explains the corgi I suddenly had to produce one day from Knit Your Own Royal Wedding and the two moles that came from another source (a Rowan book? can't recall right now). Your last tag explains it all.

  7. Thank god the piercing was in the ear. I was afraid to scroll down and had my pearls all ready for clutching.

  8. Anonymous1:38 PM

    You are my hero.

  9. SusieQ1001:40 PM


  10. Love Anna and Mochimochiland, and you Franklin... because you have this effortless way with a post that's both specific and farther reaching at the same time. I adore tiny knits, but beware! They can become an addiction... Mochicrack... Hehehe

  11. Just one more reason why I love stopping your world... always good for a bright spot in my day.

  12. Ha! Is that Bodhidharma rolling his eyes in the background?

  13. Glad you got that out of your system!

  14. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Love the purple bunny...piercing and all. And the dreadlocks sum up the bad bunny perfectly. -- Joe-in Wyoming

  15. Bunny love ... I like a rabbit with attitude ;D

    And definitely bunny-ish. That is so exactly what they do when they are done with you.

  17. You have an adorable punk bun. I think it is 100 times better with the caffeine eyes.

  18. His piercing made me giggle at work

  19. anne marie in philly6:07 PM

    the mind of franklin habit is a curious thing indeed!

  20. Isn't that Rabbitch?

  21. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I loved all the pictures ... but the one with the piercing made me SQUAWK with delight!

  22. Gotta love a bunny with attitude.

  23. Thanks for making me smile and giggle on a grey & cloudy day!

  24. Anonymous9:14 PM

    He is a wonderfully demented creation!

  25. Watch out, those tiny knits are very addictive

  26. There can never be enough small bunnies.

  27. I love that book! The armadillo makes a very nice turtle if you knit the shell in a variegated brown color and the body in green ;-)

  28. That is so super cute...actually looks like one of my cousins.

  29. Gamma229:44 AM

    I amused but calm until I saw the stitch marker piercing. Then I snorted...thank God I didn't have a mouthful of coffee!

  30. My thought after reading this one: "oh c**p, he's done it again". I'll have to wake the DiscoDame so she can see this.

  31. OMGosh! The Panopticon meets mini-mochi...two of my favorite faves, together at last! Love it...

  32. Gamma22 - I did have the mouthful of coffee...still looking out through a daguerreotype haze....

  33. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Am having a perfectly horrible November (it all began with that freakish show storm lat month) and I needed a good laugh. Thank you!

  34. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I have learned to never have a mouthful of coffed while reading a new post from you. This was hilarious! The hair, eyes and piercing--just screams attitude!

  35. any words of wisdom on how to get the coffee off of my computer screen? Thanks for the morning laugh

  36. you think you have problems. I've just completed a life-size whippet and am currently working on an aardvark. I am, officially, beyond help. Save yourself. Never step over into the dark side of crochet, that way madness lies...

  37. Sarah http://huggiedoeshomespun.wordpress.com1:59 PM

    Bunny ROCKS

  38. Love it. You crack me up. See you in Seattle!

  39. Love it. I never do my toys as they are recommended. (Why do I even knit toys, there's no practicle use for them. I battle this addiction daily.)

  40. hee heee. So funny bunny.
    Check out my image of Chicago ,on my blog today please, teacher.

    I happened to be walking through the zoo and noticed the light was so lovely...

  41. Anonymous, too10:41 PM

    And yet, I can see this bunny, like his creator, lounging on a chaise, sipping a glass of port while reading Jane Austen or one of the Brontes. . .

  42. Green dreds - tee hee!

  43. Anonymous3:00 AM

    I had this issue with a chicken from the same book this morning. I knitted two, but neither were as hip as your bunny. On the other hand, a friend of mine squeed this afternoon when I handed her one, so it was definitely a win.

  44. I can't say I ever had that particular hankering when I woke up, but I do know the feeling. And if I ever do get that hankering, I will know precisely what to do with it. I will give it to you... that is one cool bunrab!

  45. Franklin, ur going to be in NY soon and oh so tempted to take a class it hurts...hands down my favorite blogger

  46. Ah, talk to the tail!

  47. Of course, what a great site and enlightening posts, I surely will bookmark your blog.Have an awsome day!Togel Bola Online


  48. Thank god the piercing was in the ear. I was afraid to scroll down and had my pearls all ready for clutching.

  49. The best factor about training a five-year-old to knit is referring to stamp collecting with a five-year-old. One of my nieces discovered on Easter time and she LOVES to talk about her stamp collecting with me.


  50. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Kondiloma akuminatum ialah vegetasi oleh Human Papiloma Virus tipe tertentu, bertangkai, dan permukaannya berjonjot. Tipe HPV tertentu mempunyai potensi onkogenik yang tinggi yaitu tipe 16 dan 18. tipe ini merupakan jenis virus yang paling sering dijumpai pada kanker serviks. Sedangkan tipe 6 dan 11 lebih sering dijumpai pada kondiloma akuminatum dan neoplasia intraepitelial serviks derajat ringan. Kondiloma akuminatum ialah vegetasi oleh Human Papiloma Virus tipe tertentu, bertangkai, dan permukaannya berjonjot. Tipe HPV tertentu mempunyai potensi onkogenik yang tinggi, yaitu tipe 16 dan 18. tipe ini merupakan jenis virus yang paling sering dijumpai pada kanker serviks. Sedangkan tipe 6 dan 11 lebih sering dijumpai pada kondiloma akuminatum dan neoplasia intraepitelial serviks derajat ringan segera kontak kami untuk mendapatkan obat kutil kelamin paling manjur
