Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Casting On

Possibly because she's had enough of waiting for her Pink Cape,* and has decided to just do it herself, Abigail (who is pushing five, can you believe it?) asked my sister to show her the ropes. Or yarns, as it were.

Row One

In her message to me, Susan noted that I should not give the impression that my niece will now be augmenting the family income as a stocking knitter, like those kiddies of old you hear about who were turning heels at age three. She enjoyed herself, and began to get the gist of it all. But she was mightily distracted the entire time by the basket of yarn on the table. She kept wanting to stop knitting so she could pet and squeeze it.

Sounds like a Knitter to me.

*I'm at the bottom, about eight rounds from the end. Stop shovin'.


  1. Adorable! I can't believe how big she is!

  2. "Good for Abigail! Yay!," says Pretty. On Saturday, my granddaughter (8 months) sat in my lap and "helped" me knit a bit on some large needles with bulky yarn...so I say, start 'em young!!!

  3. Barb B.9:36 AM

    It works for knitting just like the Jesuits "Give me the child till he's 8, and the man is mine for life"

  4. Sounds like Abigail is being raised right!

  5. Perhaps like other things knitting is caught, not taught. Well, not entirely taught.
    Gives me hope for my (expected) grandson (January).

  6. adminannie9:46 AM

    I've been wondering what was going on with the pink cape but have been restrained and not harassed you by asking about it. No pressure - but of course it IS going to be fabulous, isn't it?

  7. She's well on her way! Why wait for someone else to do it when you can do it yourself?

    She's adorable

  8. Toooooo precious!

  9. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Love her taste in nail polish - that's a great color. Also, that child has eyelashes to kill for, no?

  10. I cannot believe she's almost five. I remember when you announced you were an uncle. Tempus fugits, or something like that.

  11. Where'd this kid come from? And whatever happened to that cute baby you used to knit for?

  12. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Brilliant! My sister's girls both learned to knit from a very early age.

  13. I love the finger pointed upwards. So cute!

  14. Five?! But...but...how is that possible?

  15. I don't know what's in your family's genetic code, but I like it!

  16. Karen S3:00 PM

    Abigail can't be 5!!! I remember reading the posts about her being born--and I swear that was just a couple years ago. That means I've been reading your blog at least 5 years. Boy, the time really has flown by, hasn't it?

  17. Karen S3:00 PM

    PS, Isn't it time for Abagail to get a brother or sister?

  18. Yay for Abigail and Susan - a family of knitters, how wonderful.

  19. Denise4:21 PM

    This is so precious! And I see Abigail is tensioning her yarn in the correct hand. Hope she grows up with more love for yarn than nail polish.

  20. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Good grief, Abigail is 5 already? And a budding knitter to boot. You're obviously a very good influence on her.

  21. Wasn't she just born? Weren't you just knitting her blanket?


  22. The painted nails are just too precious! Like just about everyone else, I can't believe she's five already! (My visual verification was troll. Don't believe it!)

  23. The best thing about teaching a five-year-old to knit is talking about knitting with a five-year-old. One of my nieces learned on Easter and she LOVES to chat about her knitting with me.

  24. anne marie in philly6:57 PM

    FIVE? nuh-huh! she can't be 5 already!?!

    unka fwank better shake his tail feathers and finish the cape before she grows too big to wear it!

  25. Sandy7:23 PM

    How can she be five!?! It's not possible. Ok. Maybe it's possible and I'm just old. (sigh)

    You'd best get on the pink cape before it doesn't fit her!

  26. I was wondering what happened to the pink cape. Glad to hear that it is nearing the end of the Wip stage. Can't wait to see pics of it. :D

  27. Which will arrive first, the Lopsapeysa or the pink cape?

  28. Where's the "love" button when you need it??

  29. I've been patiently waiting for this moment. I'm glad she's showing an interest now. Nurture it like a tender flower and don't introduce any patterns with p3-b in them until she has developed her knitter's armor.

  30. Ohhhhhh, absolutely magical. She looks ready for intarsia to me.

  31. Yay! I'm counting the minutes until I can buy my nearly 4 year old niece her first needles and yarn.

  32. Nieces (and I suppose nephews) are just the best kidlets to have around: you're still young enough to be almost parental, and when you're tired of that, you can give 'em back to your sib! Abigail is coming along nicely as a Knitter. It occurs to me that I had an Uncle Frank, a favorite of all us kids as we were growing up, and Miss Abigail's lucky to have her own. Keep up the good work!

  33. Anonymous, too9:56 PM

    Dear Abby,

    Keep practicing and one day you'll be as good at knitting as your Uncle Franklin. Maybe even better!

    Can't wait to see your first finished project!

    Best wishes,

    The Knitters

    (PS to Uncle Franklin: Better watch Harry and his friends around her. . .she might make them disappear!)

  34. Looks like a pro already!

  35. Maureen4:29 PM

    Love love love the story of Abigail! I think her sweet little fingers and nail polish (OMG) are something else. And she is definitely a knitter with STYLE in capitals. Look at her hands. !!!!

  36. love the pink finger nails. she'll be knitting lace by age 8. congrats

  37. Five? How can she be almost five? She was just born!

    I do love the nail polish, though...

  38. Yay - another child is Assimilated into the Way of the Knit. Well done, Abigail.

  39. A few years ago at age five or six, my grandaughter asked me to teach her "how to yarn.". I tried, but she was too distracted by everything around her. I'm waiting for her to ask again.

  40. No, I can't believe it - 5?

    At the same time, where the heck did this 12-year-old in my house come from? I remember being twelve!

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  43. sohbet6:45 PM

    good supers sohbet
