Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Lurching Toward Epiphany: Day Six

On the sixth day of Christmas, Dolores gave to me

Day Six

six queens sashaying,
five Highland Flings,
four letter words,
three clenched men,
two hurtled jugs,
and a party that lasted 'til three.


  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Oh my! I might be the first. Thank you for all the good humor and delight you (and Dolores) give me all year long. Happy New Year!

  2. Is that by any chance Richard Simmon's face on the one far left?

    Good grief, the 12 days of Dolores are hysterical.

  3. I think that's Queen Elizabeth on the left.

    And is Delores trying to tell us something by dancing with them? Are you sure she's a she?? Could she be *gasp* a ram in ewe's clothing??

    *runs and hides*

  4. AH, Queen E. with her omnipresent 'bag'... Happy New Year and stay safe in this ridiculous weather!

  5. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Well.....Dolores can still get-it-on after six days. Does she ever wear out?

    And, I might add, she is looking pretty spiffy. She must plan on entertaining gents in the wee hours.

  6. I am loving Dolores' version of the song WAY better than the original. Trying to imagine this one being sung on the street corners tho. Giggle

  7. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Happy New Year, Franklin, thanks for your blog, your hilarity, and all your creative work. Continued success to you in the new year!

  8. Is that Queen Elizabeth? Or Ethel Merman? I can't tell.

  9. Oh I am so loving this! Thank you so much for putting your wit and artistic skills out there for us to enjoy! May 2009 bring you peace, joy, love and many new adventures (of the non-heart-attack-inducing kind)!

  10. It strikes me that Dolores is having NO trouble rounding up these things. Is that perhaps a course of some concern, Franklin? Like -- is there still somewhere in there for you to go to knit? Or, like - go to the biffy? You know, I think you ought to STAY HOME tonight and have a little party because if I were you, I wouldn't leave Dolores at home along (even with the Queens and everyone else). Happy New Year!

  11. Anonymous5:36 PM

    You got the Queen of England right, even down to her purse. Have you noticed on broadcasts about her receiving people in Buckingham Palace, she's carrying her purse? I mean, it's her HOME, and there she is carrying her purse around the house. What's that about?

    Happy New Year, Franklin. It's been a hoot!

  12. Anonymous6:06 PM

    happy new year 2009 to all in the habit household, those near and far!

  13. Damn! Wish I could have been at that party! Happy New Year!!!!

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