Saturday, October 13, 2007

Yarn Con!

In mere minutes, self and gear are being whisked away to Pulaski Park for Yarn Con, where I'll be shooting all day for the 1,000 Knitters Project.

If that's not enough to lure you, which is entirely likely, visit the Web site and ponder the lists of vendors, classes, and demonstrations going on.

Susan Strawn will be signing copies of her new book, Knitting America: A Glorious Heritage from Warm Socks to High Art; and Dolores is particularly looking forward to a second meeting with Knitgrrl Shannon Okey.

Entry is a whopping three bucks. All the cool kids will be there. If you mother says she doesn't want you hanging around with those yarn-sniffing hooligans, tell her you're going to the library. We'll totally cover for you.



  1. I will be there in spirit. What a terrific day!

  2. Have fun.

    I am throughly enjoying seeing the 1000 Knitters photos.

  3. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Super sample photos Franklin. Have a great day. Are you going to have a special section for "celebrity" knitters - thinking of Kaffe Fassett, for one.

  4. Hey, Franklin. I hope that you're doing well. That first lady kind of looks like Kathy Bates. Now, who is that CUTE guy? Does he have a blog? :-)

  5. There's no way 0024 is a knitter...he would be WAY too busy doing other things in Franklin's home.

  6. Wish I could be there. One of these days...

  7. *sigh* And here I've got to go to work.

  8. I panicked when I read the title for this entry. My brain immediately sent out the alarm, "Oh no! Franklin's been the victim of some horrible yarn con!" And then I read the entry. Adrenal glands are calming down now.

  9. Hey Franklin.

    I'm really enjoying seeing your 1,000 knitters photos. Really nice work. I can't remember if you ever said, but -- probably in a back post somewhere thatI forgot I read -- is 1,000 knitters a possible book project? If so, I'll be in line for a copy. Book or no book -- what a nice document!


  10. I'm in favor of not-"celebrity" sorting, but am way more interested in either in scrict numerical order, and perhaps information (a list of names with room at the table for anonymous, say)/ statistics such as perhaps knitters from where, although that's limited by the project's scope and your travel cash.

    A book, a Book! It's not a matter of whether, I hope, but which publisher to dangle it and your reading demographics in front of - Lark, Schoolhouse, Interweave? All come to mind as knowing how to market work to fiber artists in general and knitters in particular.

  11. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Hey, didn't you say all the 1,000 knitters will knit the same pieace? how come these knit something dark and Kafe Fassett and Brandon Mably are knitting something white? I am confused!

  12. (sigh) I knew the day I introduced myself like this would come fast, but I didn't know how soon: I am Douglas' mommy. I just wanted to say thank you, thank you for stopping to talk with us on your way out from the Yarn Con this afternoon and showing Dougbug 'round the needles. I may be on to something by coming late to the show; I walked out with only one skein of sock yarn. Bug woke up shortly after and started grabbing for alpaca, so obviously you made an impression on him too.

    I can't find your email on the site (tired brain) so here's mine: ezemke aht gmail daht cahm. Hope to hear from you. Thanks again!

  13. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Oh yeah, more 1,000. Boy are you going to be able to show the variety of knitters! Sounds like a great day, hope you had fun!

  14. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Phooey. I was really excited at first, when I saw this post this morning (Sunday) -- I'm in the Chicago area just for the weekend, and I could have broken away from family activities to come down to the yarn con if it had been today. So close, and yet so far.

    Keep up the good work on the 1000 Knitters -- great project!

  15. too, if I'd known about this say - a week ago last Tuesday, and I put my knitting basket and started walking, I coulda been there too! (or..maybe persuaded the DH to drive me). Just all too fabulous for words - is that annual? Can you let us know next time in ADVANCE? And I'm on the list for that book too. You rock on so MANY levels, Franklin (and 'sides, you're "in" with Dolores, you lucky thing)

  16. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Gosh, that middle one is cute.

  17. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Knitter #0024 is just foine, but maybe 18 at best, y'all! Let the poor child LIVE! : }

  18. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Hey, I made it on Franklin's blog! I feel like I've got my 30 minutes of fame (adjusted for inflation, of course). Oh and that 0024, RAWR!
    Thanks, Franklin.

  19. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Franklin, dahlin', will you be at Rhinebeck snapping pix also? Or shopping?

    BTW, it's supposed to rain on Saturday. I ordered the "I'm a Square" thong for the Bingo from Cafe press. I'm seriously considering wearing it over my hair to protect the do. What would Dolores think of that? ;)

  20. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Kathy Bates?
    I'm not sure if that a compliment or not!?!

  21. Anonymous3:00 PM

    How I wish I could be there. Have fun!

  22. Franklin, I've been a frequent reader for some time now. When did you add your tag line "I just can't shut up"? It made me laugh because my blog is titled "She Simply Talks Too Much!". Takes one to know one, I guess.

    I do hope the thousand knitter project will bring you to DC; I'd love to knit on that massive scarf!

  23. I just listened to your interview on her show the other day, I was greatly entertained. The bit I liked best was when you talked about knitting in public - I personally get a wierd illicit thrill when I knit in public, and am often disappointed when I get no reaction. Most of the regulars who share my commute no longer blink. Fortunately there is one, older, man, who just CANNOT seem to believe what I'm doing. I often catch him glancing at my knitting in a most horrified manner.

    Myself, if there is anyone else on the bus who is knitting or crocheting, I become like a baby - you know how they are fascinated with other babies, and just can't tear their gaze away? I know I shouldn't stare but I just can't help myself. I guess I'm a knitting voyuer/exhibitionist.

  24. Hey, what's up with the dark scarf?? Something's a-foot here!
