Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I Can Haz Ravoolree?

On Ravelry...

Cartoon lovers will, of course, recognize this as an homage to Peter Steiner's brilliant 1993 drawing from The New Yorker.


  1. They might figure it out by the way you display your stash as tangled messes instead of neat skeins!

  2. Oh! I loved that New Yorker cartoon! It's nice to see it again, and also to see your homage to it. Most excellent!

  3. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Only 6080 people in line ahead of me. Gee, the line is moving fast. (Not.)

  4. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Cats, dogs, celebrities, axe murderers...the list goes on anon. Heh. Not that I think any axe murderers would be on Ravelry, mind you...

  5. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Cats are very respectful of trademark, apparently. I wouldn't have expected that.

  6. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Hm...Ravelry as online kitty pr0n!

  7. Axe murderers need fine knitwear to keep warm on their way to axe killing sprees! Not that I speak from experience or anything . . ..

  8. I am going to be mad if the Cats have more FOs than me.

  9. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I am ashamed to say, I regard the Lolcats as a very guilty pleasure. I won't post or comment on their site, but I feel a little better knowing that someone I respect at least knows enough about them to make a cartoon. Thanks, Franklin.

  10. Ha! I love the little rendition of the notebook screen :)

  11. I read that New Yorker cartoon when I was deep into on-line chat rooms, and an artist could never have been more accurate about how folks (or cats) represent themselves on-line.

    I should actually be invited to Ravelry sometime this week. It'll be nice to have another diversion from my work during the day.

  12. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Probably because everyone's avatars are pictures of their cats. Yay!

  13. That is my all-time favorite New Yorker cartoon ever. Huzzah!

  14. Now that is the picture I want on a mug! (sigh, I suppose there might be issues). Not on Ravelry yet by a long shot...

  15. Shhhhh, don't reveal my secret.

  16. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Iloved that cartoon and the original. Great timing for it, I just got my Ravelry invite to day .What fun!

  17. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Good job, very cool. I wonder if there will be a group for people who aren't really people?

  18. Franklin:

    Is there anything you don't do well? Now a double homage to I can has cheezburger? as well as The New Yorker, done in the magazine's cartoon style. Well, like Lisa, I also take guilty pleasure at the Lolcats, and we've got three of 'em. And speaking of such subjects, I saw a recent New Yorker cartoon showing one of the magazine's favorite subjects -- two guys sitting at a bar, one of them covered with little band-aids. 'Since we didn't have children,' the patched-up guy says, 'the ex turned the cats against me.'

    Best regards.

  19. Anonymous12:14 AM

    One word, Franklin:


  20. You're a stitch!

  21. I can has cheezburger (and ravelry, and cute kitties with yarn fetishes) helps make my day.

    Great cartoon!

  22. Wonderful.

    Have you found the animated New Yorker cartoons yet?

  23. Anybody talks that Lolcats garbage around my five gets a bunch of fives.

    That pidgin English BS is the most revolting anthropomorphization of pets I have ever seen, with Halloween costumes for dogs following close behind.

    Feh, I say. Feh!

    (Good cartoon though.)

  24. I love that New Yorker cartoon.

    You might appreciate this. The bastard child of Post Secret and the lol cats.

  25. Ravelery would be so scandalized if it were a moth!

  26. Awwww....that reminds me of "archy and mehitabel." These new laptop keyboards would be so much easier for archy to type on. I bet he would finally be able to use capital letters...

  27. Anonymous9:41 AM

    That's such a great cartoon take-off. Well done Franklin!

  28. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Love the cartoon!!

  29. Anonymous8:03 PM

    I LOVED that Dog cartoon and even cut it out when I first saw it. But of course I love these cats just as much! Thanks!

