Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Allons-nous au Salon

This just in:* Chicago's "Winter Delights" series is featuring knitting as the centerpiece of the "Stitching Salon" that has been established for the season at the Chicago Tourism Center, 72 E. Randolph Street.

Here's the description, in part. For full information, check out the Web site.
Participate in hands-on workshops with local knitting experts every Wednesday, from 6 to 8 pm. Every other Thursday at 6 pm, knit to knitting-inspired films. Join a knitting circle during lunch each Friday from noon to 2 pm. Watch the creation of handmade artworks during on-site, interactive artists’ demonstrations on Saturdays from 11 am to 4 pm. On Sundays, January 21, February 4 and 18, at 3 pm, come to Family Sip & Stitch for afternoon tea and an all-ages craft project. Stop by anytime to help create an artwork or make a piece of your own to take home.
There's a PDF schedule of events, at which I haven't had a chance to look. I wonder who the experts will be? [Addendum: Duh, here they are. And quite a nice line-up!]

I work in Evanston, so the lunch hour stuff is out of the question for me. And I don't know that I'm up for a combination of toddlers, sippy cups, and yarn.

But I'm happy this is happening, just the same. We need to keep knitting's profile high, dammit, unless y'all want to go back to the Bad Old Days of buying Red Heart at Michael's because there was precious little else to be had locally.

*A big shout out to my Morning Commute Buddy for alerting me to this. I won't mention your name since I didn't remember to ask permission, but as always you put sunshine in my day.


  1. Anonymous2:13 PM

    voila, les experts:

  2. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Ah, the toddler, sippy cup and yarn combo. Yes, I advise running from that. And I know of what I speak as there are all three of those things within 25 feet of me as I type.

  3. heck, anything involving anyone under 20 and yarn (unless they are knitting) is strictly verboten in such gatherings, as far as i'm concerned. i go to those things to ESCAPE my children. however, if someone HAS no other alterative, as long as they're well behaved, i can live with it (at least i won't be hearing MOM!)

  4. Anonymous3:12 PM

    *sigh* I wish I lived in Chicago.

  5. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Dang, I thought you were going to be in the list of experts. Maybe you didn't floss enough??? Or Dolores got mouthy??

    Wish I was still in 60126 myself.

  6. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I wonder what the "knitting inspired films" are!

  7. Norbert, Myfanwe and I are making plans to go to one of the knitting movie nights...the one with the movie about men who knit. Norbert will be, as always, a model of decorous behavior. Hell, he's usually far better behaved than I, and I feel no need to escape him.

  8. Anonymous7:40 PM

    I'm interested in the list of knitting inspired films...

  9. you and me, both, ShyKnitter. I would LOVE something like this. At 12 hrs drive away, it's just a bit too far for a weekend trip (about half that is my max since I have to drive myself). *sigh* Enjoy it for us, Franklin, and let us know how it was?

  10. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Thanks for the info. The Fit and finisht and The Basics of Pattern Design classes look interesting.

    Franklin - how is Harry doing? Did he survive his holiday time with Tinkles?

    Jennifer in Oak Park

  11. Anonymous3:55 PM

    No good yarn in Evanston? What happened to the Needlecraftsman?

  12. Anonymous11:14 PM

    I picked up the schedule around the corner from you (and a few blocks more) at Close Knit. I'm so excited!!!!! I am going to the pattern making one even though I know it's way too advanced for me.

  13. I'm sooo excited about this entire 'event' would you call it? I have been admiring Beth Dogherty's work for a while, so I don't want to miss the Feb. 3rd show!! and I'm going to try and hit the pattern/poetry mitten on the 31st of Jan. as well!!

    I do wonder how the artists were selected.. hmmm...


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