Friday, June 09, 2006

Meet Neville

A guest post by Carol.

Um, hello?

I’m, er, um, Neville. [clears throat nervously] I’m, um, Dolores’s college boyfriend.

Oh, didn’t she tell you about me? I’m not really surprised. [resigned sigh] It was a long time ago, you see. We were quite young then, just barely weaned, you might say. It didn’t last long, but perhaps you already presumed that.

I met Dolores many years ago, while I was working on my doctorate in advanced numbers theory at MIT. She was waiting tables at Grendel’s Den, on break from her studies in radical ovine feminism at Harvard. She’d just decked some silly Delta Gamma who was getting snotty when her potato skins were taking too long. I’m not one for senseless violence, but Dolores was poetry in motion, my own fleecy Million Dollar Baby…

I never thought a beautiful and, um, experienced girl like her would notice a man like me. You know, a nerd? You don’t have to look uncomfortable; I know I’m a nerd. All my life I’ve been laughed at and made to feel inferior. I know some of you out there know what I mean. When you went to school, you might've been called a spazz, or a dork, or a geek. Those of you that have ever felt stepped on, left out, picked on, put down, whether you think you're a nerd or not, you know what I mean, don’t you?

Well, it seemed inconceivable that a hot tamale like Dolores would ever go out with a dorky Coopworth like me, but she did. Yessiree, that one glorious autumn in Boston. She, ahem, made a ram out of me, yes, she did. Always had a voracious appetite, if you know what I mean, and I’m not talking about hay. [dreamy look] I don't mean to be indiscreet, but Dolores' devil-may-care attitude was a very heady drug for me. For instance, before, I dutifully retrieved the condom from my wallet (it was a natural lambskin one...they feel like I'm not wearing anything), and Dolores laughed at me and told me it wasn't necessary. The excitement was dizzying.

All good things must come to an end, they say, and so it was with Dolores and me. Broke my heart into a million pieces. I scraped together my work-study money and bought her a diamond ring. Well, it was only a promise ring, and okay, it was really cubic zirconium, but I truly loved her. She shoved the ring up my -- well, never mind – and told me she wasn’t about to “get shackled to some ivory-towered pointyhead who didn’t know his ass from page twelve.” [sighs deeply] Oh, she looked marvelous when she was angry, fire coming out of her eyes, stamping her little hoof on the ground.

If you see her, tell her I still love her.


  1. OK, this one made me really laugh...I'm glad you're finding time to blog while away from home -very impressive really as I can hardly get it together enough to do it at home.

  2. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I'm starting to feel like I'm reading a blog by Sybil.

    Next we'll be hearing from Franklin's therapist.

  3. Oh Neville, there are plenty of other sheep in the flock. Perhaps you should visit the MIT Stitch and Bitch and meet some fellow geeks. Are you still living in Cambridge? Thursdays at noon. Swing by.

  4. Anonymous11:01 AM

    oh wow. *snicker* this blog should be labled NSFW (not safe for work). my coworker got coffee up her nose when she saw "lambskin condom". teeeeheeehehehe :)

  5. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Awww. This is kind of sad, in a pathetic kinda way.

  6. Good Lord, I remember Grendels!

  7. Lambskin condoms?! Aside from the general gross-out factor of using sheep intestine for that purpose, isn't it rather like cannibalism? Of course, it is always the quiet ones....

  8. Oh Neville, it could have been worse. In Australia, where we know a thing or two about sheep, the uncool are called "dags".

  9. Anonymous7:31 AM

    did anyone else notice the movie quote in there?

  10. It can't succeed in fact, that is what I think.
