Friday, June 09, 2006


Listen, kids. If you read carefully, you might notice that not all the recent posts are mine. Some of them have been written by friends* who said that in the event I couldn't get to a computer they would look after this blog** for me. So until I return, do take whatever shows up in here with a grain of salt, eh?

I'm writing from Malta, in what must be one of the weirdest Internet cafes on the planet. There's one computer, a couple of depressed-looking Maltese girls sitting around, and gigantic poster of Jimi Hendrix on the wall.

Malta is, in general, creepy. Fun creepy, but creepy nevertheless. The Maltese are very closed off and you get the feeling that in general there's a whole lot going on here that outsiders don't know about. Add to this the winding streets, the decaying Mannerist architecture, and the rather grim Catholic shrines every five feet and you have the perfect setting for a horror film in which I wind up as a blood offering to some kind of neolithic earth goddess.

On the other hand, they have a Caravaggio in the church of the Knights of St. John.

I decided to eat off the ship today (we sail in a few hours) and had some sort of Maltese national dish. It was labeled "beef" but I'm certain I ate some parts of the cow to which I am not accustomed. I don't want to know, honestly.

I'm going to sign off now, as this place is really giving me the creeps.

*evil bitches
** destroy my hard-earned readership


  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Fear Not.
    We take things with salt (or other spice to suit our tastes), and know that even if you did yield to the temptation of a soixant neuf with a grecian charmer sporting a handlebar mustache, you'd never blog about it. You've too much class.

  2. Anonymous10:21 AM

    No worries, Franklin. Your readers know your style and your devotion to C enough not to be led astray.

  3. That'll teach you to let Dolores manage your password list!

  4. needless to say Franklin you are going to have to change your password(s) when you return.
    You have to admit though they are being rather funny. (I know, I know--don't encourage them)....

  5. Thank God! I was getting a little concerned for C....

    Bastards, all of 'em. LOL!

  6. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Well, it wasn't me.
    So far.
    "Someone" even left out my additions to the "more than 100 things".
    I ask you.
    May I point out to the terminally earnest, however, that we were invited, nay ENCOURAGED (maybe double-dog-dared) by Franklin to contribute.
    Where did you say that sense of humor store was??

  7. Butte, Montana, feels creepy. You can sense all the miners who died in the tunnels under the town. Has a great bakery, though! --Sylvia

  8. Creepy locals versus local Caravaggio?

    No contest--human sacrifice here I come.

  9. Goodness must ask my friend about Malta as his last but one holiday was there .I can't remember what he said.

  10. Anonymous2:24 PM

    How were we to know it wasn't you all tired and shagged out after a long squawk? How many bloggers know the word "louche"?

  11. A couple of nice things came out of it all. We got folks to fess up to idiosynchrosies about 3-ring binders and Queen.

    We provided more cartoons for possible "limited edition" CafePress items...If you limited the "Neville" mug to only 50, I'd buy one.

    And honestly, who would believe "From the Poop Deck of SS Bustanus"?

  12. I got an email from a guy in Malta once. An artist. Say hi if you see him.

  13. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Which Caravaggio? A few weeks ago I saw The Ecstacy of St Francis in my local art museum in Santa Barbara. It was an exhibit from some museum in Conneticut. It was really captivating. I'm so glad I got to see it.

  14. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Gee, I liked the Maltese. It must be a US/Canadian thing. You say "closed off"; I say "reserved." Everyone we met was very friendly, and most of them seem to have relatives in Missauga.

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