Monday, October 31, 2005

While You're Waiting

It's extremely pleasant to check the mail on a Monday morning and find it full of wisecracks in response to the contest. There aren't enough round tables at the Algonquin to accommodate your collective wit.

I'm closing the entries as of now, so I'll have time to review them all tonight and announce the winner tomorrow.

The prize, which was created specially over the weekend, is this little sketch.

I've put it into an 8x10 mat so it seems all arty and prize-like.

New Photo Portfolio

Over on my Web site, the "Architecture and Interiors" portfolio is almost complete. You are most cordially invited to view it while it's in progress. If my schedule works out, the beginnings of the "Children" portfolio will also show up in the next day or so.

And I've got another design for the shop about 80% of the way to complete, too. It's another knitting perversion of a cherished work of art.

The Dreadful Correspondent

I owe about 2,000 of you a response of some kind. I dearly wish that Blogger, which otherwise serves me well (and, might I add, gratis) made it easier to shoot back an e-mail to comments that indicate a response is required, but it doesn't.

My feeble excuse is that a sudden surge in readership, combined with the double whammy of sickness and overtime, has caught me quite unexpectedly. And I'm not the most organized person at the best of times (ask my parents). I'll be devoting several hours this week to catching up, so if you are expecting to hear from me and haven't, I beg your indulgence.

Especially from the darling lady from Mary Thomas's hometown who wrote me such a beautiful and informative letter about my heroine that I printed it out and saved it to read while soaking in a hot bath. It was that good.

And before I forget, reader Jen made a cute "Panopticon" button, which she has displayed on her blog. I'm not one for using graphic buttons as links, but she did a nice job and I give the design my blessing should you care to steal it from her. Just no stealing her bandwidth, okay?


  1. Excellent choice of prizes.

    As one who has suffered from the rule that I respond to all e-mails, I sympathize with your plight.

    Someone ought to come up with an emoticon for "no reply necessary" so folks can use it conveniently.

    :+ (that's my feeble attempt)

  2. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I love the prize! Sadly, I'm not clever enough to have come up with an entry for the contest, so I have no shot at it. Ah well.

    Can't wait to see the new design for the shop. My lovely New Yoga tee arrived just arrived this morning!

  3. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I try to respond to all my e-mail too. It's not easy sometimes keeping track, especially when I tend to read and not answer immediately.

    Wasn't feeling clever either re: the contest. I woulda just kicked him in the balls, probably. No witty repartee from this skank.

  4. Oooh nice sketch! That is the perfect prize!
    I do hope all our wisecracking remarks cheered you up!
    And don't worry about not being organized.. I'm sure not!! (and believe it or not it has nothing to do with my 4 kids!!)

  5. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Yay! I have Franklin's blessing! That is enough to make my day. :) and :+ (no reply necessary) ;)

    Ok that's enough.

  6. i absolutly adore the new drawing, it captures both the whimsy and the intensity of the craft... Excellent!!!

  7. Drat! I wish I had been feeling witty enough this week to enter a rejoinder in the contest. But alas, it was not to be. Guess I'll just have to go actually *buy* some Panopticon swag. :)

  8. Anonymous2:46 PM

    absolutely adorable sketch---glad to see that even a sheep needs glasses to knit--thought that only happened to the 40+ crowd--do i stand a better chance of winning the sketch if i tell you my birthday is coming up on 11/10? plus of course my entry was like "butta"--

  9. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Notice that the sheep's glasses are perched on top of her head while she knits. That tells me that she was myopic in her youth but now can't use her glasses up close, or in other words she is over 40. Maybe Franklin will eventually catch up enough to take her to get bifocals, but in the meantime she looks just like me.

  10. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Oh, and :+.

  11. Franklin, you are one of the most kind-hearted and caring people I've ever met, and I have no doubt that you are filled with the urge to respond to every single person who writes to you, but may I humbly suggest that none of them would want you to sacrifice your health or any of the time you might otherwise spend knitting and/or cuddling w C--at least not to any significant degree--and they will surely understand if you can't respond to each person individually--and if they don't understand, well, fuck 'em. You may be suddenly famous but you're still just one person. Take care of yourself and don't feel guilty. Please. I'd hate to think of all this new-found popularity bringing you anything but happiness. Certainly not self-flaggelation and misery.


  12. Now I know why Birdfarm is your good friend...what excellent advice and what excellent taste in friends.

  13. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Franklin, Please do not feel obliged to reply. I am happy that you enjoyed the rambling e mail that I sent. I am very flattered by your comments about me. It is so nice to be called a Darling Lady! I shall forward the link to my children and they can see that my knitting knowledge does have some use! Judith

  14. To my mind one and all must go through this.

  15. I like what you guys are up too. Such smart work and reporting! Keep up the excellent works guys I've incorporated you guys to my blogroll. I think it'll improve the value of my site :).
