Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Real Quick

Not a spare minute to post today, but perhaps I can interest you in a news item about my knitted namesake, fresh off the needles?

Needless to say, survived Lollapalooza. Enjoyed it enormously, in fact. Pictures and full report forthcoming. It was rather hot.

And one more happy little note: Monday, me, C - one year. We are much pleased.


  1. oooh! I get to be the first to Congratulate you two on one year of happiness!!!! Yay!!!

    it only gets better from here...

    much love,

  2. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Happy anniversary, sweetie. You sure know how to spoil a guy. :-)

  3. Congratulations darlin'...hugs to you both!

  4. Happy anniversary!

  5. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Congratulations on that year. It sounds like a great relationship. Glad you had fun at Lollapalooza.

  6. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to you and C. May you have many, many happy years together. Your sister is just coming right along on her new knitting skills, isn't she!

  7. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Hey Franklin!

    Happy anniversary to you and C.! Got a little worried when you hadn't posted.
    thought you might've been hijacked.
    Did y'all do anything special?

  8. Really...July of last year, hun? interesting...

  9. 1) I'm not sure it's right that Loopy wished you happy anniversary before C did, but maybe you can consider it an auspicious sign, as we are coming up on 12 and getting better all the time, and from everything I can tell, you and C will see many happy returns of the day, so it's not necessary for me to wish you anything, as you're taking care of it just fine yourselves, but I will tell you how very, very, very happy I am for you, my dear.

    2) That bunny is absolutely adorable. I'm astonished at Sister Sue's rapid progress. Congratulations to her and to her teacher. (Nice of her, incidentally, to assure everyone that you do not have a disproportionately small head nor any droopy parts.)

  10. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Happy Anniversay - sorry this is late but my computer was down yesterday. I hope you have many more with C. It go great to see you happy. Did you do anything fun???
