Saturday, March 16, 2013

Another Test...

More futuristic telephonic bloggery. Checking to see how seamlessly I can shoot a photo, retouch it, and post it using only the telephone.

This is the little Bavarian porcelain dish my grandmother used for her bedside rosary. Now it sits by my knitting chair.


  1. Nice clear photo with good color. What a sweet remembrance object. My granddaughter made me a glass dish for Christmas which I use in much the same way. I'll have to try editing photos on my phone.

  2. Beautiful. Your grandmother would be glad to see that it is still so loved.

  3. That is gorgeous! Now I why didn't I think of a little bowl for notion?

  4. Nice job! What photo juking app do you use?

  5. stNice work on the photo and editing. I reiterate the question what app do you us for editing on your phone? I have not attempted that myself yet, so curious what such a fine photographer as you finds useful.

  6. What a perfect little dish for little notions. It suits you perfectly, as does the new phone you're still learning how to use :-) You're doing an awesome job!


  7. Your repurposing of this cherished object touches my heart. It holds the tools of your sacred activity much as it did for your grandmother. Or am I the only one who thinks knitting is holy?

  8. Lovely photo :)
    I'm more utilitarian... As a hangover from my cross-stitching days, I use altoid tins to hold my knitting tools. Of course, I have multiple sets of tools ...

  9. Pretty! Why don't my ipad pics every come out this nice.

  10. JoAnn9:01 AM

    For Nora at 8:12am - I have no idea how long Altoid tins have been around (in this country, maybe not so long), but I use an "old" Sucrets tin. No matter the amount of tweaking it would never make such a beautiful photo as Gramma's rosary dish. Way to go, Franklin!

  11. careful, you're in danger of becoming a Young Person with your slide into things technological. It'll be drugs and knife crime next, you mark my words.

  12. You give me hope. I'm planning on switching to a smart phone and I only wish I will be able to blog so well. Love the way this little dish is living on. I have little hand-painted jar from my great-aunt Isabel that I use for knitting odds and ends. I like to think your grandmother and my great-aunt would like this.

  13. Anonymous9:25 PM

    because knitting is as meditative as praying the Rosary

  14. That's a sweet way to remember your grandmother.

  15. honeybee332:19 PM

    as pretty a photo as this lovely tableau deserves! I particularly appreciate the way the frilled/pierced edges blur out, leaving the tools and painted pattern in sharp detail.

  16. That is so sweet and what better way for you to utilize it now. :)
