Sunday, June 10, 2012

On the Unusualness of Squam

When I travel to teach, my hotel doesn't usually look like this.


My hotel room doesn't usually look like this.


The path to my classroom doesn't usually look like this.


My classroom doesn't usually look like this.


I don't usually have one of these,


upon which to do this with Jess, Ysolda, and Gudrun.


There are not usually bedtime stories by the fireplace with Casey and Eloise.


There are not usually random acts of owl-bombing by a mysterious knitter.


I do not usually look like this,


and cry a little when it's time to leave it all behind.


Thanks, Squam.



  1. I REALLY need to go one of these years. So many retreats ... so little time.

  2. I'm definitely jealous. Some day (hopefully sooner than later) I hope to take lovely classes with you (or anyone else that was teaching, for that matter).

    Alas, not for a little while :(

  3. That is exactly what I imagined it to look like, which is heaven to me.

  4. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Love, envious! Thank you for sharing!

  5. i heart all these pics so much...i'm so glad you got to go and shared these gorgeous pics w/ the rest of us! :) xoxo

  6. I aaaaalmost drove the 3.5 hours just to go to the art fair on Saturday, but I didn't. This post makes me wish I had!

  7. Sounds heavenly!
    I would love to take a class from you Franklin.

  8. Kathleen11:24 PM

    Thank YOU Franklin, for traveling so far to share your knowledge and wit. It was a joy to listen and learn in your class (wish I could have taken all three), and a true pleasure to share smalltalk while strolling through the woods on the way to lunch.

    Here's to future Squam adventures, and to all the ice cream you can eat!

    Be well.

  9. It looks like you went to summer camp! Idyllic.

  10. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Those lake shots are stunning! I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself ;)

  11. *Sigh* Oh to be out in the woods with friends. Such a marvelous experience. I'm happy you had a great time, bear and all.

  12. Jinxie2:05 AM

    Scarf got clean with a little bath in the sink, woot. Flight was uneventful, which is exactly how a flight should be. No time in Concord to do much sightseeing, aside from a stroll to the big old cemetery where all the Transcendentalist authors and their kin are buried. If I'm up early enough in the morning, I might head back over to see if I can find author hill (Emerson, Alcott, Thorough AND Hawthorne!!!!! All in one convenient location.) because that's just how rock n'roll I am. 

  13. Being in nature is just plain ol' good.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  16. Jinxie2:08 AM

    Um, whoa, that comment was not what I meant to post. Embarassing phone fail! What I meant to say was Squam was magic etc and I'm glad you were able to experience it with us. Clearly my experience has left me exhausted and unable to use modern technology (maybe I should never have left the lake). Apologies!

  17. I once got to spend a magical weekend camping and canoeing on Squam...when I saw this workshop last year I wished I could go back. Your photos have sealed the deal for me. Thank you for truly is a magical place.

  18. SusieQ1006:28 AM

    I am soooo jealous! Perhaps I'd better start saving - I might have enough money within the next 10 years....

  19. Squam is so beautiful, so peaceful, so energizing - especially with all the added fiber and fiber artists. Thank you for teaching us, making us laugh and bearing with me during your Garter Gone Wild class (I was the one with no stranding experience!), and thanks for sharing our joy at being 'owl bombed'!

  20. What state is Squam in? I mean, besides a state of bliss.

  21. FredAstep10:08 AM

    I can only look on with envy, and the expectation that i too may one day be there also.

  22. Great documentation of the w'end! So lovely to meet and get to know you.

  23. dclulu10:42 AM


  24. That looks amazing! Thanks for sharing such lovely photos - you are so lucky!

  25. You look so happy, sittin' on the dock with your uke! I gotta get out there someday.....

  26. littleredyarn11:35 AM

    That looks wonderful...I need to get up there one of these days.

  27. That looks like a real Childrenbook fairytalestory about a little cabin next to a lake and with lovely sweet children living there all year round...and a sweet bear around the corner...and they all sing all night while father plays the ukelele..and there is always an happy fighting and no screaming...but..where is the Mother??

  28. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Loved seeing your cheerful face, utilikilt and bear-annoying at Squam - so glad you had fun!

  29. Thanks for sharing your wealth of retreat pics with us. We love our visits via your pics.


  30. Ah, I need to get back to the Lakes...I used to live not too far from Squam, and even though I'm still in NH, I don't get to the lakes and mountains nearly often enough.

  31. You were right about the tesselations, I am seeing them everywhere! Thanks for coming to share your knowledge and stories with us. Hope you will be back at future sessions.

  32. looks like a story book to me. perhaps a fairy tale?

  33. love(1000)
    As always, thanks for sharing. I love to travel and play with my virtual friends by way of your adventures. :)

  34. skeindalous8:05 PM

    The owls are just fabulous! Can you tell us how to make one? ..... Your photos are superb, too. Very nicely done.

  35. Thanks for sharing the thoughts and pics. You describe it exactly as beautiful as I imagine it would be.

  36. really really enjoyed your vintage knitting class!

    (I was the owl-bomber!!!!)

  37. We interrupt our previously-scheduled commenting to say: OMG! ELOISE IS SO CUTE! AND SHE'S GOTTEN SO BIG!

    Now that that is out of my system, I will say that taking a class from you in LA was great, but it wasn't *this* great. Squam looks awesome!

  38. =Tamar12:24 AM

    Roxie at 8:45 am:
    Squam is in New Hampshire.

  39. Looks like a wonderful place to go and obviously quite relaxing from your pictures. Someday...

  40. The unusualness of Squam - you found the perfect way to say it! Just looking at your pictures makes me long for it to be next year already so we can do it all again!

  41. Pat in NY5:23 PM

    I second the motion that EmEm made: Please info/pattern for the owls!!!!

  42. Anonymous7:17 PM

    I just spent 10 minutes researching squam and that campsite. Wow. I hope you are teaching next year because I'm going next spring for sure. Your pictures look like heaven - and there is knitting on top of that? I may burst into flames with joy! Thanks for sharing.

  43. I really hope that you get to teach next year. I would love to try that garter stitch jacquard. It looked amazing!

  44. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Sigh...wish I was there. I MUST attend Squam someday!

  45. I love getting away from all the technology, the noise and the insanity of our day-to-day lives. I hope to make it to Squam some day. Until then, I will live vicariously through posts.

  46. Cheryl2:03 PM

    Dear Franklin, I love your blog and one day I hope to take your 'Photographing Knitting' class. I am taking other classes via a web site called '', where they offer a 'Food and Drink Photography' class. You already write, photograph and teach, so have you ever thought of becoming an online course creator? - they welcome new teachers. If you do, please let me know! Regards Cheryl

  47. Great blog post!!! Love it all :-)

  48. Great photos. Good Heavens, you are such a handsome bloke.

  49. So glad you enjoyed yourself! She what happens when you teach stupid little snowflakes at Madrona!

    Squam rocks, no matter what the weather!

  50. Beautiful blog-beautiful place! At first I thought you were at Haystack!

  51. Thank you so very much for sharing those beautiful pictures with us. I keep hearing how beautiful it is at Squam and how much fun it is but your pictures really bring it home. :) I hope to someday be able to attend and/or get to meet you at one of your many venues.

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