Monday, April 02, 2012

Stars in My Eyes

I went to Iceland to teach knitting on a tour for knitters–and forgot to bring something to knit.

I left with knitting in my bag, sure. I didn't have a hat or neck warmer to wear on the trip, so I whipped them out en route. But that left me with nothing to knit once I landed.

Of course, in Iceland you are never more than two feet from a yarn display and I picked up two balls of Lopi Einband. Einband is Lopi's laceweight. Fuzzy, warm, decidedly on the crunchy side. Takes dye like a mofo, blocks like a dream.

Total cost: six United States dollars.

I started playing with the yarn during the tour, and now it looks like this. I'm calling it Iceland Sky–fathoms of blue studded with stars and draped in the aurora borealis.





Pattern forthcoming. This week, as soon as the Anna Shawl comes back from the splendid new tech editor, Iceland Sky heads out for him to review.


  1. Awesomely gorgeous!

  2. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I wish i had six United States dollars for everytime i've looked at your work and said " holycrap " .

    Marie in Florida
    Mym on Ravelry

  3. Oh Franklin, that is just so lovely.

  4. Oh my stars and garters! That's amazing.

  5. Knitting Sarah3:13 PM

    I want to go to there.

  6. That's a seriously stunning pattern.

    Good job!

  7. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Ah, now if you could offer us a kit with the pattern and a couple of hanks of Einband, that would be your license to print money.

  8. That is staggeringly beautiful!

  9. Stunning! If we don't have access to Einband, would mohair/silk work?

  10. Another stunning design!

  11. Holy Hanna that's gorgeous!

  12. Fanfreakintastic. Love it.

  13. What a fantastic blue!

  14. So if I get on a plane to Iceland with no knitting, I will come back with a tres fabu shawl? AWESOME!!!!

    Most beautiful Franklin. :)

  15. Impressive. So glad we're moving someplace chilly!

  16. Cruel though it may be, I am GLAD you had to scramble for knitting in Iceland. Maybe we should plan on stealing your knitting every time you leave home so you can create more stunning improvisations.

  17. Holy crap! thats beautiful! I wish I could just whip things out like that!

  18. That shawl is beautiful!

  19. Anonymous6:17 PM

    That is lovely. I want to hope that it is easier than it looks. But it looks so elegant that I fear it is harder.

    newamy on Ravelry

  20. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Beautiful shawl! I love the edging.

    Lynne S.

  21. Hurrah! is what this shawl deserves. A big one, as in HURRAH!

  22. Anita6:50 PM

    Oh that's beautiful!

  23. It's perfect. I can't wait to go to Iceland...yarn in the supermarket!!!

  24. anne marie in philly7:15 PM

    OMG! WANT!

  25. Franklin, you are SO very clever. That stitch pattern is everything you have named it.

  26. Gorgeous! Fabulous! And I know where you can find Einband in the US -- it's available at, in a zillion colors (and just over $3 a ball, so it's not a whole lot more expensive than in Iceland, I suspect). Now all I need is the pattern and I'll be casting this beauty on faster than you can say "Iceland Sky"!

  27. It looks amazing!

  28. I am so excited to get my hands on the pattern for this. I very rarely see a pattern for a lace shawl using two colours which is to my taste, but this one is perfect for me. It's strong, but delicate, and I love it.

  29. Absolutely stunning...

  30. I am in love...

    I am a major fan of much of your work, but this one is my favorite, I think.

  31. Anonymous, too10:48 PM

    Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire! You have outdone yourself with this one. A touch of Victorian style, brought into the 21st century with bold colorwork and a main-body stitch that does not look fussy in the least.

    Depending on the colors used, I could see this appealing to my late grandmoms (born 1890 or so) and to the most fashion-forward of my nieces (youngest born 1995 or so).

  32. Frankncents11:37 PM

    Sir, I believe you have produced a non-femme piece of lacework. Well done! As soon as this is available, it's going in my Ravelry queue.

  33. wow. that's all.

  34. Beautiful -- and aren't the prices of yarn in Iceland AMAZING -- never mind you can find it at the grocery store!

  35. Ditto to all the previous comments. Well done on capturing the essence of Iceland, both materially and ethereally.

  36. You really have a gift Franklin.....

  37. Love the idea of a kit, may have to settle for the pattern and finding my own yarn. Please publish soon!! It's a beautiful shawl, waiting patiently (!) to get started.

  38. Thanks for the morning chuckle. I went back and read your Logan airport debacle. LOL Been there, done that! Crise de foie!

  39. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I really love this. And I am so excited to hear that the Anna pattern is coming out soon. I have been waiting FOREVER for that one :)

  40. Very pretty! And as my Great Grandmama & I are both named Anna, I can't wait for the Anna shawl pattern.
    @ Laura at 7:30: Thank you for the link up for this wool!

  41. There is no thing like destination. Yesterday - against my will, I was heading to project "attic" (my hyperactive hubby-"either u do somehthing about it or I throw everything out") - here I discovered a treasure, so many skeins of green, blue, bluegreen, greenblue Einband yarn. Colours of peacock... So make my mother in law happy this christmas, my sister happy this summer, and my dementia super ever knitting auntie :) and spreed the word (and recipies) to us :)

  42. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Dear Penny,
    You simply take my breath away.
    Sincerest Regards,

  43. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Wow, what a beautiful shawl. You are a knitting super star! :)

  44. Franklin, it's stunning. I was JUST thinking about your Icelandic trip last night! (Moon coming to full, hard to sleep.) What a treat to think about a yarn section in the grocery store.

    While we wait for the pattern, are you allowed to tell us how much yarn you used, so we can get some ordered?

    Thank you for supporting Icelandic wool. I'm a handspinner, and I adore Icelandic fleeces. Luckily, there are flocks in North America now, but their yarn is as unique as the sheep, and as the fiber it's prepared from. It's great of you to give it a boost in this world addicted to Merino (not that there's anything wrong with Merino - I've got stunning Merino in the stash, too).

    Love your blog.

  45. Oh seriously. Sorry for the lapse in reading retention. I see it now: two balls of Einband.

    Thank you.


  46. I'll probably go post this on Delores Devotees too because it's a serious question - Is it possible to buy Einband in the Reykjavik airport?

  47. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Your shawl is lovely Franklin - really nice :-)


  48. Completely stunning! It's just beautiful.

  49. Wonderful look! Your work is so unique :)

  50. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Blimey. You're a mighty clever man.

  51. I don't think I have ever seen a stitch pattern like this before. It is so pretty and unique.

  52. ooooooooh!!!! My in-laws went to Iceland a few years ago and I've got four different colours of Einband just waiting for a pattern! Yaaaaay!
    (PS Blogger won't let me convince them I'm not a robot if I use my wordpress ID, so I'll leave it here, in case anyone's looking for a new recipe for peach flan and some book reviews:-B

  53. This is awesome. I love the feeling of stars in the sky.

  54. Oh, Franklin! Sooo beautiful - wish the pattern was already on Ravelry so that I could put it in my queue!


  55. Thank god the piercing was in the ear. I was afraid to scroll down and had my pearls all ready for clutching.

  56. sohbet6:27 PM

    good supers sohbet

  57. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Has this gone into deep hibernation, Franklin? I've got Einband set aside for it.


  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Oh man, I want to make one of these with a burning passion! Are you still working on the pattern??

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