Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Answer Man

Am rushing off to the Blue Lagoon (my life, it is bleak) so only time for three quick answers this morning.

1. Prancing pony Lopapeysa in the Lopapeysapalooza post is available here as a free download in English. Awesome, no?

2. The sheep in the graffiti post is in the upper left corner. It's wearing black sneakers, which is the way that Icelandic sheep camouflage themselves. Very effective, apparently.

3. Yes, I have heard about the volcano possibly erupting any minute now. I hasten to reassure you that I am not sitting on top of it. Please stop with the alarming e-mails. I'm fine, we're all fine, and if by chance it blows me sky-high I'll die happy. I'm surrounded by sheep and yarn. What more can you ask for.


  1. I can think of many, many things worse than being stuck in Iceland while an ash cloud blows over, like being stuck in the USA.

  2. Thanks for the heads-up on the sheep - I've been driving myself cross eyed trying to work out whether they were sheep or some sort of graffiti sound booms.

  3. Anonymous9:17 AM

    A good friend of mine was in Iceland for the last big eruption... her commentary went: "We saw weird clouds on the horizon. I took some great photos. Then we got to Reykjavik and back into cell range and I had a lot of frantic emails to answer."

    Panicking. It's a thing that people not directly affected by events sometimes like to do!

  4. The Blue Lagoon!!!


  5. By reading your little posts I feel that my mind travels now and than to Iceland too...Thanks for that....
    Make sure if you got stuck you work on integration...learn the language, dye your hair blond....and knit a sweater for me when I will arrive to rescue you XX

  6. Errupting volcanoes give you a sense of perspective. I witnessed St Helen's. Millions of us survived it. You may be inconvenienced. Do not use outside ATMs as the ash will scar the reader and it will eat your card. (ARE there outside ATMs in Iceland?)

    With all those hotsprings, you should be just about poached by now. I am SO jealous!

  7. Kirsty10:46 AM

    Surrounded by sheep, yarn, and the Blue Lagoon--really, it couldn't get much better than that.

  8. You are a very lucky man.

  9. Jeanne11:50 AM

    Thanks for posting from Iceland... I've been on an Icelandic suspense novel jag lately, and funnily they never mention the sheep. I love that the free patterns for these beautiful sweaters are only a page or two, including charts". I've knit socks with longer, yet less workable, patterns.

  10. I am loving this trip! Thanks for bringing your readers along...do you have lava-resistant yarn with you? wink!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Why do I think your Blue Lagoon isn't the same one Brooke Shields was on?

  13. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I second what Paula said: many things worse than being stuck in Iceland while an ash cloud blows over! Iceland is a wonderful country. I was only there for 3 days once and it remains one of my favorite places. Enjoy!!

  14. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Not sure you are going to get much knitting done at the lagoon...I wouldn't.

  15. MUST HAVE pattern for the Icelandic sweater with the sheep gracing the yoke on pprevious post....pattern available??????

  16. Thankyouthankyouthankyou for the link to the prancing ponies! Now... do I make each pony a different color, with a bobbin down the back? Oh, the decisions....

  17. gerri in St Paul11:18 PM

    I know you thought those eclairs with a topping of British teevee were heaven, but WHAT did you think of the Blue Lagoon?

    I loved the decision making that Iceland required: skein of yarn? cup of coffee? skein of yarn? cup of coffee? maybe the yarn was cheaper. I don't know since the choice was obvious.

  18. This can't have effect in actual fact, that's exactly what I think.

  19. Anonymous9:27 PM

    What more can you ask for? Not a damn thing, Frankilin!

    Tressa in NC

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