Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sleepish in Seattle

It’s stuffy in here. My eyes are shut, but the glare of cheap fluorescent lights is barely tempered. The air smells of exasperation, perspiration and panic. Every few minutes, a woman with a voice like a Valkyrie hoots directions sternly into my ear. I’m either in seventh grade, taking a math test; or I’m at the airport.

Eyes open. Airport.

Which is worse. Airport? Algebra? Not sure.

But it's worth it. I’ve had a week and then some of intense knitting out here in Seattle; including a talk to the Seattle Knitters Guild,* and classes at two shops I love: Fiber Gallery and Weaving Works.** For that, I will bear a security officer (whose career consists largely of looking at nude X-rays of strangers) telling me that traveling in a kilt is A Little Weird and Asking for Trouble.

The first four days were spent in the company of these fellows:

Men's Fall Knitting Retreat, 2011

Those are the faces of the Men’s Fall Knitting Retreat 2011, which I look forward to the way I used to look forward to the arrival of the Sears-Roebuck holiday catalogue. So many shiny new toys to look at,*** and always something interesting to see in the underwear section.

This year, Show and Tell Night was combined with a parade of non-bifurcated men’s garments–also known as kilts and sarongs.

Kilt & Sarong Night, Men's Fall Knitting Retreat 2011

Then we had a tickle fight. No, not really. But feel free to imagine that we did.

* I presented a new talk, and they laughed at the jokes. I am so very grateful.

** I bought books at both. I almost bought a loom at the latter, because I don't spend enough of my life playing with fiber already.

***I was particularly taken, not for the first time, by a demonstration of the Pocket Wheel; and left Skacel Collection headquarters with a dreamy hank of something that will become a new design this winter.

Edited to add: By popular demand, a larger version of the kilt photo is available here.


  1. Great Job, and wonderful spending time with the boys!

  2. Men in kilts. Be still my heart.

  3. a dreamy hank for a dreamy hunk!

  4. Nice gams, fellas!

  5. If it's good enough for Marc Jacobs...

  6. Anonymous3:03 PM

    on the gallery of faces, third row down, second in from right: is that the same guy that led the Sock Summit flash mob?


  7. I was in Capital Hill on Saturday around noon, and I swear I saw the guy on the top left corner in his kilt pass by Sage bakery. I'm sorry I forgot his name, but we took a natural dyeing class at Earthues together & he was really sweet. :) And his friend is there, too! (The guy towards the front in a burgundy polo shirt & kilt)! Hooray! I knew they'd be there, somehow.... :)

  8. Anonymous3:18 PM

    This is probably inappropriate and/or irrelevant (don't unfriend me please!), but why do so many have receding hairlines? Loved the photo montage (?) though.

  9. More men should wear kilts.

  10. Yes, Karen, that is Stephen! And I agree with the flickr commentor; we really need to be able to "biggify" the kilt/sarong photo!

  11. You are evil. Evil. I did not need to think about the Pocket Wheel. I could have gone blissfully unawares thinking that you were talking about manly eye candy and been fine!

    Crud. I wanna make a deposit for one now and payday is too far away!

  12. The kilts are awesome, the pocket wheel undeniably cute, but where oh where is the picture of the new loom, sir? Don't hold out on us!!! Okay, okay, you can get home and unpacked and do Delores Damage Patrol first, I guess.

  13. MFKR would not be MFKR without you, Dear Franklin!

  14. Gretchen4:40 PM

    See he thinks- "traveling in a kilt is A Little Weird and Asking for Trouble."
    I think- "there goes a stylish man who wears it better than I do, Damn his carved calves."
    Funny how we all see things differently.
    (also, SUPER inappropriate for him to say BTW)

  15. Look at all those handsome men in kilts (and sarongs)! Could anything be better? That security officer is an idiot -- a kilt is the most manly, appropriate garment for anything, including traveling.

    I do hope you'll write a post about the retreat. Did you let Harry attend, or is he still too young and innocent for such adult events? (And now I'm trying to picture a ballband kilt...)

  16. Leigh4:51 PM

    "A Little Weird and Asking for Trouble" He really said that???

    Sounds like you had a blast. :)

  17. Woo Hoo! A Men with No Pants Party!!!

  18. all those knitters in kilts and only one of 'em wearing kilt hose?! kilt hose k.a.l. before next summit!

  19. Oh, Franklin, do you know how much women like men in kilts???? Not fair to display all those legs when we're not there to look!!

  20. Ha! Tell him to say that to Sean Connery, for crying out loud, and to come back and try to tell you where all his teeth went. Ach, kilts are lovely things. Glad you had a good time!

  21. Men in kilts! The only thing better than men in kilts is....well, maybe chocolate. Now men in kilts bearing chocolate...

    PS - love the kilt with suspenders!

  22. Anonymous, too9:36 PM

    Since there is no way Dolores would willingly miss a convention of men in kilts, I assume you left her handcuffed to the radiator at home. Or is she still in a British gaol?

  23. The MFKR is my favourite event I'm only able to attend vicariously through yarn, due to my lack of Y chromosome. ;)

    Thanks for the peek.

  24. BUT WHY ARE YOU WEARING WHITE SOCKS????? And not some of your own knitted ones?????
    Men in White socks.....O Dear....

  25. Nancy9:25 AM

    Do I spy SportKilts Loch Ness tartan on "Mr Tight" second from the left in back? That's the same tartan my husband has for competing on Highland Athletics! :)

  26. Standing on chairs.......that,s so funny.....
    What was your new talk topic??????

  27. A Little Weird and Asking for Trouble? I think I've found a new slogan. How about a t-shirt?

  28. SusieQ10012:54 PM

    So tell us, what did YOU wear under your kilt???

    Looks like everyone was having a good time, whatever was under their kilts!

  29. I'm speechless, I tell ya. Just speechless. Each is more lovely than the next.

    (And by each, I most certainly mean the men and not the kilts and sarongs.)

    (Although they, too, are sublime.)

    You rock my world, Mosieur Franklin!
    The Spinster Stitcher
    (and her little dog too)

  30. Norie3:49 PM

    Here in Bethlehem PA seeing men in kilts is a pretty regular thing --
    as a matter of fact, next weekend is the Celtic Classic and the whole town will be kilted men, bagpipes and sheepdogs.
    Provincial, braces-on-his-brain, security officer!

  31. SarahSeattle4:21 PM

    I second the kilt hose comments. Come on, you guys, you can do it. You all need kilt hose to go with those wonderful kilts. I guess sarong guys need only sandals, though mostly in Seattle, that gets cold and old quickly.
    Love the picture. Sarah

  32. anne marie in philly6:46 PM

    what a wonderful collection of handsome men! the only one I recognised was kenny chua. did dolores get her hooves around any of these dudes?

    and that last pix reminds me of the song (paraphrased): we're men, manly men, we're men in kilts, we're butch!

    I wonder what you are going to design next...

  33. It was waaaaaaay too hot for Kilt Hose. Are you all trying to kill us?!!!


  34. Awwww. I see my friend, Troy, in the third row of portraits, but alas, not in the group with kilts. Truly a pity, because he has much nicer legs than most of my girlfriends.

    Have you had a chance to try the electric espinner from Hansencrafts? Another portable option & great for those of us with bad knees.

  35. Thanks for the Flickr link; I've shared it with one of your biggest fans, my darling daughter (aka DiscoDame of stitchmarker fame).

  36. Now where's the other picture doing the salute from Braveheart?

  37. Men in kilts turns my head everytime. Great legs guys! And a tickle fight would have been PRICELESS! ;o)

  38. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I was in Seattle this summer and almost bought my son a Utilikilt - but thought we should probably have him measured for it first - lot of money to lay out at one go. You guys look lovely. Keep up the good work.

  39. The thing about wearing a kilt is that, when slouching in a plastic airport seat, you need to keep your knees together. This goes for girls and boys. "I see London. I see France. I see you lost your underpants!"

  40. Hubba hubba.

    Men in kilts...lovely.

  41. Thanks, Franklin for your presence at MFKR, it would not have been the same without you.

  42. Just love men in Kilts! I recently received my long awaited Pocket Wheel and it is even better than I was expecting - beautiful to look at, spins like a dream and so easy to take out.

  43. stlouisbeth11:58 PM

    I LOVE men in kilts! The husband has several.

  44. I've seen it recommended now that women not wear dresses or skirts to fly, TSA is more likely to do more checking of those wearing them! I can't imagine it's different for men. ;-(

    That pocket wheel is cute, but I didn't see how it folded up. I have a road bug, which seems to be of a size, but likely heavier, as it has a base.

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