Sunday, February 06, 2011

My Thoughts on the Super Bowl


  1. LOVE the tags! My sentiments exactly.

  2. Julia9:52 AM

    Well, yes. But what about figs and flips and Continentals?

  3. LOL Love it... can't say I agree with you but I love your 'post'. I don't watch sports, generally, but I don't mind watching the big games... Super Bowl, Stanley Cup, Grey Cup, etc.

  4. I'm with you. I can't stand the sound of a football game on TV, so I'm heading to Sifu to knit. My husband can take the kids and watch the game!

  5. LOL! the way to solve the superbowl duldrums-have a knitting superbowl party...well the TV is on with the superbowl but their is food, drinks, and knitting...a great time! Who cares about the game!

  6. Is that because you're not a football fan, or is it because you're a Chicago sports fan and the Packers stomped all over the Bears to get to the Super Bowl? :)

  7. for me, it's all about the ads and making snack foods. and four uninterrupted hours of knitting time

  8. Couldn't agree more!

  9. Agreeing with Susan. Love it!

  10. Anonymous10:58 AM


  11. my thoughts on the super bowl: it's when the best lys sales happen.

  12. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Lots of fun knitting time with friends, that's how I feel about it! Oh yeah, and tons of good food. Unfortunately, the food is often messy, and doesn't mix well with the knitting.

  13. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Lots of fun knitting time with friends, that's how I feel about it! Oh yeah, and tons of good food. Unfortunately, the food is often messy, and doesn't mix well with the knitting.

  14. Hockey and motorcycle racing. Now that is worth putting my needles down for. Occasionally.

  15. Hehehe - Too funny! We host a party every year and I never know which teams are playing, but I love getting the families together for the laughter, food, and a bit of release from the winter blues. Mmmm.... I can smell the buttermilk brownies in the oven now.

  16. Don't really know what superbowl is. Something with adverts where breasts get bared? Is it baseball or American football?

    (Was that a giveaway - Brit here).

  17. Here in Pittsburgh you'd get arrested for this post. :-P I myself will be hunkering down in a practice room with my clarinet to avoid all the drama.

  18. anne marie in philly12:45 PM

    you and me both!

    for me, spring begins next sunday as my baseball team reports for spring training. BATTER UP!

  19. Can't agree more. I thought it had already happened.

  20. If it hadn't been for the super bowl themed post on cake wrecks, I wouldn't have even known it was today.

  21. I concur. I don't even know who's playing...

  22. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Obviously not a Packer fan ;)

  23. Uh, that's football, right?

  24. At 5:30 pm , when the game starts, I'll either be in the kitchen cooking or upstairs with DD watching movies while the rest of the house is in a uproar watching the game.Emerging only to make sure there is plenty of snack food and ice for football fans in the house. The stores in my area will be closed or empty.

  25. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I'll be "watching" the Super Bowl this year. And by "watching," I mean hanging out with friends, eating nachos, and looking up from my knitting long enough to watch the ads. There may be beer as well.

  26. Oh, is that today? :-)

  27. Anonymous1:59 PM

    My thoughts exactly.

  28. Evelien2:07 PM

    What is super bowl? Is it some kind of party drink with fruit in it? (I'm from Holland...;))

  29. Heading across town to watch my friend and his son watch the Superbowl. He bribed me with cheesecake and told me my knitting was welcome. Smart man! (Word verif is "diast", as in "his cheesecake is to diast for."

  30. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Amen, brother! The world does not revolve around a single football game. On the plus side, today's a lovely day to get my shopping done as the stores are empty. See you in a few weeks at Madrona. Really looking forward to your class.

  31. I love you so much. I can't really avoid it since I live in one of the epicenters. I'll be heading to my secret underground bunker shortly, where I'll hide out until it is all over. If the local team wins, this may be Easter.

  32. dclulu2:17 PM


  33. Maybe the Puppy Bowl?

  34. Once again my husband said "what is so funny?" as I laughed out loud at you. I will knit along with it so I can see the commercials - don't care about either team this year.

  35. You're awesome. Simply put. I wish you were in Pittsburgh. I'd have invited you to our "Super Bowl Refugee Party" for those who want to party and hang out with friends without the annoyance of football on.

  36. One of the many advantages of living with two Europeans....they care even less than I do. Movie night tonight!

  37. I prefer the Puppy Bowl

  38. I NEVER watch football, but this is different -Anne from Green Bay

  39. But... aren't you, by default and by having been bred and born in PA (near my own relatives), a Steelers fan? Quite frankly, Franklin, I'm shocked.

    OK, not really. I was just hoping you were my kindred spirit, in the same position as me--facing the prospect of being permanently banned from Christmas in PA should I dare to wave away the importance of the Steelers playing in the S(t)up(o)r Bowl today.

  40. Camilla5:00 PM

    I watched a Super Bowl once; Joe Namath played. I haven't been much interested since . . . I would much rather spend that many hours (it's about 46, isn't it?)doing something fun: knitting, spinning, reading back Panopticon posts . . . .

  41. I find the curling matching extremely exciting!

  42. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I look at is as 4 hours of knitting and drinking home brewed beer. Doesn't get much better than that.

  43. CitiMinx has it, The only good thing about the game if I am in the position of having to be there, is the knitting time. ;)
    Doing dish cloths for Christmas gifts this year;)

  44. Don't mind the VERY LOUD cackling coming from down Houston way. Now I *really* wish I'd gotten in trouble at work to come see you!

  45. Anonymous8:07 PM

    AMEN. Why not declaire a winter gather with friends, eat junk food day and skip all the yelling and such. Knitting is so much quieter and I'd rather see the big names of knitting compete for the fastest hat or warmest mittens.

  46. You ALWAYS make me laugh. Do you know how valuable that is these days? Thank you.

  47. You are teh awesome.

  48. LOL I couldn't agree more!

  49. Well (said)

  50. =Tamar9:54 PM

    Now that they're putting the best commercials on Youtube, there's no need for the tv at all.

  51. Super Bowling is more fun! Every year we dress up as super-heroes or -villains, and go bowling. One year I was The Needler, with steel sock needles sticking out of my gloves. (Difficult to bowl that way, tho.)

  52. Agree and adding one more tag: A Rat's A**

  53. I'm a lurker, but it's stuff like this that force me to break the surface and just say... I LOVE YOU! You can't imagine how much I love your writing and how I look forward to blog updates. Bless you! And please continue :)

  54. The Super What?

    My verification "word" today is "iminglue". I'm not entirely sure *how* I got in the glue, but it's certainly a curious turn of events.

  55. Amen. We knitted and watched a movie here.

  56. SusieQ1006:33 AM


  57. rosesmama7:10 AM

    Wow. Mine, too.

  58. And I thought I was alone!!!

  59. I watch the Super Bowl for schadenfreude. The sacks, turnovers, and mistakes made by both teams.

    It's also an excuse for me to make even more homemade ice cream for when there are enough people around to justify it!

  60. Denise L.10:43 AM

    You have mirrored my own sentiments eloquently.

  61. love you, franklin! i always knew you were a wise and insightful man.

    and to amanda at 10:14... what a great idea! and you probably had the bowling alley to yourselves, as the mundanes were crowded in the sports bar, no?

  62. judy g12:08 PM

    right on, brother!

  63. Karen2:39 PM

    I had the same thoughts about the super bowl as you did.

  64. My thoughts exactly

  65. Evalyn6:04 PM

    Yeah, me too.

  66. Barb in Washington7:44 PM

    Well, yes, I agree. And I got a bunch of knitting done while I occupied the same space as people who cared about the game. Which leads me to ... how 'bout the Pink Opus? Not to be pushy or anything, but since you weren't watching the game ...

  67. I didn't care at all about the Superbowl, but I did manage to win the Superbowl pool at work! I donated all my winnings to Planned Parenthood.

    Way to maintain my status of "Most Least Understood" in my office.

  68. You forgot "flying fart in space".. other than that, we had the same thoughts.

  69. I love the superbowl, and most football, so I was having fun. The down side for me, I was home with an injured, drugged up husband. I texted my boys through the entire game, making comments between knitting.

  70. The tight pants on the wide receivers were nice...

  71. Sara in WI4:02 PM

    Remember that when you come to camp you are in the middle of Packer Country...The game was amazing and I didn't drop one stitch....

  72. Denise4:34 PM

    You are so wonderful. So glad you knit. and blog.

  73. what's a superbowl? ;)

  74. Labels: implicit agreement, wordless concord, what more is there to say really?

  75. Aww, come on. It's a totally pointless, poorly executed example of American Exceptionalism. What's not to love?

  76. I love Super Bowl Sunday! I get to eat at my favorite restaurants and have the place to myself.

  77. knit happens11:33 AM

    Isn't the Superbowl in January? (Or maybe it used to be?)

  78. 50% off all non-continuing yarn inventory.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Best Pre-Game, During Game, and Post-Game analysis I've ever read.
    Hmm, not that I've actually read any before this.

  81. As a died in the wool Packer fan, I forgive you. We all forgive you and yes, thank you it was a good game!

  82. Anonymous12:20 PM

    BRILLIANT! This was the 45th Superbowl I have NOT seen. My record is perfect.

  83. I've been out of town; so sorry I'm late to the Super Bowl Party. I love how you celebrated it!

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