Monday, November 01, 2010

Trick or Tweet

Halloween Tweets


  1. Thanks! This was my first laugh of the day:)

  2. Oh, Harry -- thank god for Depends. When you get her out tell her -- tell her -- OY VEY IZ MERE! I haven't a CLUE what to tell her!

  3. I love Dolores~ Poor Harry...

  4. LOL... that really had me going. Franklin, thanks for that chuckle!

  5. This is hilarious. I want to go to a party with Dolores...

  6. Any Halloween that doesn't land you in jail is sweet, sweet victory. Way to go, D!!!

  7. I just KNEW it had to be Dolores! (Needed my fix. Thanks.)

    ...poor Harry. Maybe we should take up a collection and let him pick a fiber festival vacation the next time she's locked up--I mean, busy.

  8. Oh, goodness, you make me laugh!

  9. I've had a few nights like that..>.<

  10. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Dolores is everything I ever failed to be.

  11. awesome. just awesome. :)

  12. The only other writer I know who has such skill at differentiating characters' speaking styles is Terry Pratchett. Oh, and Dickens.

    (If you take Eileen's suggestion about the "fiber festival vacation," then you may want to make Harry a sweater of steel wool to keep him safe.)

  13. I hope the summer duvet survived the cigarette lighting.

  14. hunts fruitlessly for that funny button

  15. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Steve? As in Steven Fry?

  16. KarenJ6:35 PM

    LOL!!! It's 10:30 p.m. here so it's probably my last laugh of the day! (Poor Steve.)

  17. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Thanks! I've been wondering what Dolores has been up to lately; I thought she might have wandered off to Maryland or Rhinebeck and been missing for a while.


  18. I want to be Delores when I grow up!

  19. I lost my phone this week at Hydrate, tried borrowing a phone off the boy dancing next to me. No dice.
    Good on you, Steve.
    More or less.

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