Sunday, May 09, 2010

Three Things That Keep Going Round and Round and Round Until My Vision Blurs and I Start to Feel Rather Sick

1. The Tea Cups at Disneyland.

Round and Round and

2. Ann Coulter's "logic."

Round and Round and

3. The edging on this new design for a shawl.

Round and Round


  1. Ha ha! Ann Coulter's logic! She keeps me spinning, too!

  2. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I love Ann Coulter....she rocks.

  3. anne marie in philly4:47 PM

    what, no happy mother's day to your sweet mom?

    can't wait to see the shawl!

  4. SusieQ1004:48 PM

    Who is Ann Coulter???

  5. SusieQ1004:49 PM

    And why is she cross-eyed???

  6. Well, knitting makes me go round & round in a rather happy way. - I can't say that of Ann Coulter! :-)

  7. Using logic and Ann Coulter in the same sentence makes me queasy.

  8. Well, there's your first mistake! There is no logic to Ann Coulter.

  9. I had to look up Ann Coulter.. wikipidia called her "Rush Limba in a miniskirt" I read no further. God help us all. HOWEVER, love the shawl and cannot wait to see the whole thing. Personally I have ripped out the same sweater I've started now 4 times... ACK!

  10. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Who is Anne Coulter

    this person is lucky to never have seen or heard of her.

  11. Don't think about logic and Ann Coulter in the same sentence. It may make your head explode!

    The shawl looks like it's going to shape up nicely. :)

  12. Love that little brown eye, staring back at your readers!

  13. Ann Coulter, that BITCH!

  14. Teresa11:04 PM

    The teacups are adorable and I love the shawl. Ann Coulter? not so much....

  15. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Okay, at least I'm not the only one who noticed that Coulter's cross-eyed. Did you PhotoShop that? Seems awfully appropriate in all sorts of ways.

  16. Gail (nosenabook)8:34 AM

    I used to regret never riding the teacups at Disneyland.
    Now I'm over it.


  17. Wow? That is quite the whirligig. I can't look at her face without getting a sympathy headache for the crossed eyes.

  18. yarnorgy(Bethany)9:52 AM

    You're hysterical! Ha ha ha! Hugs!

  19. I'm so disheartened to see you resort to insults, but hey, it's free speech. Keith Olbermann would be so proud. The shawl looks pretty, so far.

  20. Urg. Ann Coulter. :P

    Looking forward to seeing the shawl! xo

  21. Ann Coulter makes me fear for the future of my children.
    Just for mmaking me look at that face, you'd better be showing more of yours and that beautiful piece of knitting you've teased us with!
    I've missed you and your witty remarks!

  22. Free speech, Jan? Yes. An insult? Nope. Ann's logic *is* usually circular, which is why I can't read her writing. Like James Buchanan, I love the noise of democracy. I wouldn't want to live in a country without debate.

    What I can't abide is poor rhetoric and unsound reasoning, and she is demonstrably and repeatedly guilty of both. For the record, I'm not a fan of Keith, either - he lets emotion cloud his thinking and his speech. Even when I agree with him, that makes me uncomfortable. It's unprofessional.

    Mostly, I would like people on both sides of the aisle to stop yapping at each other like angry chihuahuas and start solving problems.

  23. Be brave, my boy. Don't let the edging push you over the edge, beyond the edge, or leave you tottering on the edge.

  24. 100% in agreement with your own comment on this post. Even on being uncomfortable with Keith - I am pretty sure he isn't helping get us to a better place.

  25. I would love to see more of the lace!

    I hate Ann Coulter. Egad.

  26. Oh my gosh!!! That is a hilarious photograph of Ann Coulter and an exquisite comment of her logic.
    Looking forward to seeing a photograph of the shawl when it is completed. Love the colour choice.

  27. I'm so far to the left I fear falling off the edge some days, and I also dislike Keith Olbermann. I feel about him the way I feel about PETA, who consistently make this vegetarian of 30+ years want to eat a hamburger.

    And I love the shawl and the post.

  28. Ann Coulter's what now?

  29. I'm might die laughing if you name your pattern after her.

  30. AC has NO logic. I won't even allow that devil's name mentioned in my home. And my husband is a card-carrying Republican. He is SO outnumbered here.

  31. I wish you lived close by and that we could be real-life friends. Your lateral thinking makes me happy. Mine would either may you happy or crazy. Yet to be determined.
