Friday, January 30, 2009

Yarns in Dialogue, Episode #07246C

Yarns in Dialogue


  1. Will you make the yarn Violet colored and another Olive? and oh oh howabout a yellow varigated?!

  2. Anonymous2:19 PM

    But what should she do in Illyria? :-)

  3. I must admit (although I hope it's just the tiredness due to insomnia talking) that I have NO idea what that cartoon means, but, it's beautifully drawn!

  4. I hate it when I don't get the "in" joke. I'm left going "Hunh?" in a rather unladylike way.

  5. ZOMG, you're killin' me here! Do you take requests? I so wanna see "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them" - plz kthxbai.

    Also... second the motion on the cross-gartering.

  6. Oooooh, just thought of another one. "For though she be but little, she is fierce." "Little again! Nothing but low and little!"

    OK, this is totally the end of me trying to get any work done today. And it's your fault.

  7. If yarn be the food of love, knit on! :)

  8. Ha! Now how about the yarn interplay in that key scene in Much Ado? I will get the order/exact content of the lines wrong here - the one where Beatrice (surely robust merino) pipes up with that classic line containing, 'The Count (who is probably of rather high silk content?) civil as an orange' and somewhere around this scene, the count says something of Hero (at this point resembling something like humble acrylic?) along the lines of, 'I wish him well of her!'

  9. Dolores: And what the hell should I do in Illyria? ... Well HELLO sailors!

  10. And what should I do in Illyria? My brother he is in Elysium. Perchance he is not drown'd: what think you, sailors?

    mmmmm sailors. We did Twelfth Night in my grade 11 year of High School. So much fun. :D

  11. Why, you're a regular Bard of Elann...of the Bard of Knit-on.(That was a really bad pun--my apologies.)

  12. Ooops...I meant "or the Bard of Knit-on." It's late.

  13. O.M.G. How random can you get?? Oh no! Wait! Don't answer that...

    Franklin I love morning is complete.

  14. "Lord, what fools these mortals be."

    That, and the love scene from Romeo and Juliet are the only Shakespeare I have on tap at the moment.

  15. Shakespeare and yarn, my day is starting off great!

  16. Ah, viola colored...yellow and purple with a smattering of black and white?

    I love that play. One of my favorites. Did you see the movie version with Helena Bonham-Carter as Olivia? Now there was a duke to die for. =^.,^=

  17. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I know it's just a sketch, but it took my breath away. The daughter I do most of my knitting for played the lead in an outdoor community version of that play two years ago.

    PS...the lady is about to dress as a boy to make her way, hijinx ensue. Then her beloved twin brother shows up, happy ending. Love that play(I won't give away the name).

  18. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I visited Chicago for the last 10 days (I type this in an airport on the way home). I'm from Chicago. I lived there for the first 13 1/2 years of my life. I remember the cold. But when I come to Chicago, and the forecasters on TV call the weather "bitterly cold", I take notice. When the average local I meet says "we're all tired of the winter" and it's only January, I take notice.

    The forecast for today was for above freezing, for the first time in 10 days. I visited Chicago for 10 days and it never got above freezing. Brrrrr. How do you stand it?

  19. Maybe you frighten yourself, but you crack me up!

  20. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I'll never forget a Shakespeare company visiting my college (Oberlin) in northern Ohio to perform that play. The town of Elyria is just down the road.

    So you can only imagine the bewilderment of the actors when that opening line got the biggest laugh of the whole play, I think.

    If you have more yarny Bard performances, will Harry get to play Romeo?

  21. I have the Bonham-Carter version of that play and adore it, though I'm the only person in the room (at my house, anyway) who laughs when her brother pulls out Baedeker's Guide to Illyra; maybe the yarn should have a Baedeker's Guide to Alice Starmore?

    Anyway, this totally cracked me up. Any chances of seeing a yarny version of The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon?? :) Elegant Yarns, Hateful Yarns, Embarrassing Yarns...

  22. So which Regia is King Lear? Would Dale Falk be invading Elsinore? Is Harry practicing being Artemidoris for Dolores' Caesar?

  23. I totally missed the allusion, and I do the same work (roughly) as Sister Sue. (Hangs head.)

    Dolores may appreciate my favorite lewd Shakespeare line (from "The Palmer Sonnet" in _Romeo and Juliet_).

    In the first fourteen lines exchanged by these charming but dumb kids, Romeo says "Let lips do what hands do!"

  24. Anonymous6:09 AM

    But, but, Franklin, it's nearly a month past Twelfth Night, or am I seriously missing something due to being the other side of 'the Pond'?

  25. Just one country? Cuz I know it's the Balkans (gotta love Ancient Greek :) )

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