Monday, June 23, 2008


Sorry to have been silent. After a month of much travel and more than a little work, my body rebelled and collapsed. So I've kept still. Keeping still is, I have learned, the surest cure for whatever ails me.

It's sad that stillness is so out of fashion these days. Exhausted is where it's at. The way some ancient cultures made a personal display of their material wealth, today we're expected to festoon ourselves with anxiety brought on by careers, children, politics. I was privy to a conversation recently in which someone said he didn't trust anybody who looked relaxed in this day and age, because that person was clearly out of touch with the world.

So be it. I spent the first three decades of my life struggling to be a serious, engaged person. It was highly unpleasant, both for me and for those who had to deal with me. I endeavor daily to become less mature.

You can see some of it in how I dress.

I spent my college years and quite a bit of time after living in Boston, land of earth tones. I will never forget the first time I strolled through the Back Bay wearing my first biker jacket. People stared. People pointed–and not out of admiration. It was then that I realized I was not, and was never going to be, a real Bostonian. It only took me eleven years. I'm often slow on the uptake.

Chicago is a great deal less concerned with how one dresses, which has allowed me gradually to reclaim the things I set aside when I went to college. Color is chief among them.

Not that I walk around Lakeview in a purple beret and a pink ascot. One has one's limits, and you can't undo the habits of a decade in an eyeblink. I have fifteen identical plain, black t-shirts in the closet. But more and more stuff is turning up like the green socks. Oh, those green socks. They truly were buds heralding the arrival of spring. In my case, a long overdue spring.

Still, when Beth Casey of Lorna's Laces suggested that I be part of her new "Color Commentary" series, I had to laugh. "Color Commentary" is a line of colorways designed by and named for bloggers. I'm in high company. Grumperina was first, and coming down the pike for the next several months will be many others, all far more notable than I.

My first thought was that five shades of black would not make for a particularly fun skein, except perhaps among the Goth Knit set–and I wouldn't want Zabet and friends to think I'm trying to muscle in on their territory.

I looked around the apartment and through my "design morgue" of inspiring stuff (postcards, magazine clippings, etcetera) and realized that William Morris's palette is the one that really makes my head spin. On the outside, I'm wearing black; but in my heart I truly am a greenery-yallery, Grosvenor Gallery sort of fellow.

So after much fooling about in the dye pots Beth took my favorite Morris wallpaper, Pimpernel,


and arranged the key tones into a colorway that works in Lorna's Laces skein.

Ladies and gents, for your consideration I present "Franklin's Panopticon."

Lorna's Laces Ad Redux

Ahem. Sorry about that. Her modeling gig was part of the deal.

Another, less exuberant view:

Franklin's Panopticon Skeins

I'm in the midst of knitting a small garment for a small person with two skeins of the Shepherd Worsted, and so far I like the way the colors play together in stockinette.

Lorna's Laces Swatch

You can get it in sock, worsted and lace weights from Lorna's Laces retailers both traditional and online. I'll show you soon what I'm making out of the dreamy Shepherd Worsted.

Once I dreamed of being a playwright and having a theater named after me. Instead I became a knitter and there's a colorway named after me.

This is better.


  1. Anonymous1:56 AM

    What a lovely choice of colours — and what a brilliant idea on Lorna's Laces part! A surefire way to get their yarns blogged about.

  2. Oh, I am guessing young Miss Abigail gets to be the first wearing Uncle Franklin's colorway. I like it very much.

  3. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Oh, it's lovely! I do love me some William Morris palette. Your Good Taste (TM) continues to shine through, dear.

  4. Congrats - that is totally better than a theater!

  5. Wow, gorgeous. Franklin's Panopticon is made up of all my favorite colors.

    This creating colorways based on individual knitters thing is pretty cool.

  6. Oooo-ooh. Franklin, what have I done to deserve it?
    You just swepped my feet off. Luckily I was sitting on my chair..
    Thanks, although my visa won't thank you.

  7. Anonymous2:58 AM

    Neato. If I ever get my own colorway I think it'll have to hit the neon notes, though.

  8. "today we're expected to festoon ourselves with anxiety brought on by careers, children, politics". Guilty as charged...! Thankyou - that's really got me thinking.

  9. Conspicuous consumption of time and materials. So true. It makes me extra glad that I don't follow that racket - even in the yarn world.

    The new yarn colorway is great - Very Franklin. :)

  10. Anonymous5:21 AM

    I wonder what slobbering does to one's keyboard. That's a beautiful colourway and I don't think I've ever seen Dolores looking so stunning.

    Well done, all of you!

  11. What a beautiful colorway - what a cool thing to call your own. Definitely better than a dusty old theatre.

  12. You had me at "William Morris," my dear - congratulations.

  13. spectacular! what a lovely color and a really wonderful tribute! I'm quite impressed!

  14. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Honestly, this has been my favorite of all our new colorways. Your pictures of it are lovely, too!

  15. Love it! If you really want to push yourself on color, try the colorway Scout's Swag made for me last year based on Jackson Pollock's Convergence painting. Gorgeous! (

  16. Although the beginning of this story was sad, you ended on a high note. Your colorway is perfect and sings to me.

  17. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I'll add my congrats to the pack for the colourway...well done!

    So, not being able to relate to a 'named-after-me' colourway, I shall say that I resonate with your first point about the lack of stillness. What did I read this morning? Moms need multiple doses of coffee, revved up soda and energy drinks just to make it through the day? Having just moved back to the US after years in a more laid-back Europe, that's a sad commentary on the state of things.

    Ah sure, much too serious a topic for a lovely Tuesday morning. Need to hunt up a purple beret...

  18. Very pretty, the colors are magnificent. I can't wait to get my hands on some of it.

  19. Anonymous7:45 AM

    How cool, to have a colorway created especially for you! And oh my goodness, those are basically my favorite colors ever.

  20. Anonymous7:49 AM

    It's beautiful! Tom did an excellant job of describing the colors. Congrats on becoming "elite"! (Much further reaching than a theatre.)

  21. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Oh, how utterly fabulous!

  22. Nice! Actually, beyond nice - it's just the colours I would choose.
    Must have socks in this colourway.

  23. Delores looks fabulous! Such a lovely colorway - I must get my hands on it soon.

    It was a pleasure meeting you at the Harlot Chicago Redux. My DD Helen thanks you for taking your picture with her too! ;-)

  24. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Congratulations Franklin! That's wonderful. I can't wait to see it in person.

  25. Fantastic! I can't wait to get my hands on some. Shepherd Sock, I think. Not to figure out the perfect pattern...

  26. Gosh, it's beautiful. Now to track down someone who'll ship it to the UK! ~x~

  27. Anonymous9:28 AM

    SO cool! AND fabulous colors, yihaw!!!!!

  28. Must Have!

    Hope you are feeling better.

  29. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Thank you for confirming for me that Boston is, indeed, the land of the earth tones. Did I ever tell you about the bright yellow suit I wore for my first job in Boston? I actually had someone stop me and thank me for wearing it one very grey morning. The biker jacket was more appropriate in Somerville...

    Which is why I wore it to my job at Harvard every day. :-)

    Rock the sock, sugar. That colourway, she's a beauty.

  30. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Franklin, I always enjoy reading your blog. But what got me off my butt to comment is the Patience reference you slipped in -- it made me smile.

    And Dolores looks very good in Franklin's Pantopticon.

  31. Absolutely stunning! And the yarn isn't bad either.

  32. I love it. I'm going to go looking for my own skein.

  33. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Franklin, Franklin, Franklin . . .

    A man's ascot and beret must always match!

  34. I love the combination of colors. It is truly a great contribution. May it sell a ton. Congrats!

  35. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I like the colorway a lot! Very tempting in the sock department. In fact, I think someone should make you some socks with it, just to see if yo would wear something other than grey or black man-color socks.

    And you were hanging out in the wrong section of Boston! If you had skipped over the river, there are a few places where that jacket would have snagged a few fans. Of course there were other spots where it would have gotten you beaten up. And a true Bostonian would not have pointed. Wince, maybe, but not point.

  36. Dynamite colorway....and might I also suggest that it is the sparkling color(s) of Ohiopyle in the summer.

    My DH loves color and looks superb in both his pink and eye popping orange dress shirts. I think it's just a matter of attitude! IMHO, it takes a gentleman with great aplomb to be confident in such colors and you certainly belong to that club!

  37. Congratulations! What a beautiful colorway, too!

  38. i love your colors! i must visit the local LYSs to see where it's being carried.

  39. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Beth Casey is a genius for coming up with such a great idea!
    Your colorway is beautiful, Franklin.

  40. Anonymous11:34 AM

    You're right. It is better. And your thoughts on stress as the conspicuous consumption of our age are spot on. I've decided to leave that game, too. Much healthier.

  41. You must be so thrilled!

    Sorry to hear about the beret & ascot, though. I thought it would be a sure way to spot you when I come to Chicago in August.

  42. LOVE it!

  43. ooh I neeeeed that colorway!

  44. Anonymous12:22 PM


    now THAT colorway I would buy!

    the exceptional niece abigail must be getting the garment pictured. has her first birthday already passed, or is it coming up soon?

    doing absolutely nothing (except knitting) is fun and relaxing. more people should do it.

    smooches! :-)

  45. *grabby hands*

    DO WANT.

  46. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Three cheers for un-aging! I am the oldest of three kids, and a Capricorn (believers and unbelievers, harken unto my words - a serious little goat have I been!) and I do not believe that I really started learning to be a kid until I was in my early 30's. My first attempt at it in my late 20's was really more...nevermind...not the point. Anyway, congratulations on the stillness and color, and on your very own colorway- it is beautiful.

    Glad you're rested up and I'm sorry for every time I've been disappointed in your not-blogging. I just *missed* you!!!


  47. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I LOVE it! What a lovely thing to have a colorway named after you!

  48. Anonymous12:36 PM

    A well deserved honor. Great color selection. :)

  49. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I'm lucky enough to have seen and held your LL's colourway at TNNA. It was an honor and it is strikingly beautiful. Good for you, Franklin. Your Montana fans say "well deserved".

  50. Wonderful!

    And I'm with you on trying to be less mature. There is too much worry in the world, and nothing to be done about most of it. So we might as well play. :g:

  51. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Like you, I've been venturing further afield in my color choices through my socks.

    Saying that, I absoluely LOVE your LL colorway. It hits some of my favorite color combinations (green/brown, blue brown) and goes well together. I'm definitely going to be looking for it at my LYS or asking them to order some!

  52. Franklin, first I love your colors -- all of them. Second, thank you for saying what you did today about resting and the fashion of the rest of society today. I really needed to hear that. I've had to fight for time to rest and it's been getting a little ugly lately. Gotta love our parents, they want so much for us, but man if the particular one I am dealing with would trust me that I need to rest and this is not a bad thing! It's not bad socio-culturally speaking and it's not bad for my career nor my health. Sigh. Thank you. I did need to hear you say it too.

  53. That's gorgeous yarn! I love the colours - gonna get me some...

  54. ooo, I like the colours very much

  55. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Franklin!! Dem is mah colours!!! I'm SO THERE!!

    (next paycheck! LOL)

  56. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Bailey says:




  57. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Oooh, lovely, lovely, lovely.

    You know, I think that your colourway may have just broken through my recent and pathetic, yarn ennui and apathy.

  58. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Franklin on your feet.....
    that's really SEXY!!!

  59. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Congrats on the colorway. It is very beautiful.

    It is always interesting to me to read in blogs about the hectic, unforgiving atmosphere and expectations prevalent in many places. It's been so long since I lived in that world, that my response is something like "Oh yeah, I forgot that it is like that out there in those parts." If you would like to escape the US culture that doesn't believe in rest and relaxation, you don't need to leave the country. If you leave big cities behind and travel to small towns, you may find it. Despite your experiences in Indiana, many small towns are not small minded. Also, travelling further west lands you in more mellow terrain. I earnestly wish you the best of luck incorporating the peace you seek in Chicago. Also, perhaps you could find a nice little spot a few hours away in Wisconsin to visit.

  60. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Congrats on the colorway. It is very beautiful.

    It is always interesting to me to read in blogs about the hectic, unforgiving atmosphere and expectations prevalent in many places. It's been so long since I lived in that world, that my response is something like "Oh yeah, I forgot that it is like that out there in those parts." If you would like to escape the US culture that doesn't believe in rest and relaxation, you don't need to leave the country. If you leave big cities behind and travel to small towns, you may find it. Despite your experiences in Indiana, many small towns are not small minded. Also, travelling further west lands you in more mellow terrain. I earnestly wish you the best of luck incorporating the peace you seek in Chicago. Also, perhaps you could find a nice little spot a few hours away in Wisconsin to visit.

  61. Phew, thank goodness now I do not have to go through the whole "a bit more green, perhaps a tad less blue, ohhh loving the brown" Thanks for all of the work.

  62. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Oh, it's lovely! So much has come your way in the past year Franklin. Kudos!!

  63. Does being still take discipline for you? It does for me. As much as I crave calm and stillness, I find it very hard to achieve partly because I just can't seem to let it happen. It's not just others demanding my time, it's ME demanding my time to do *something* whenever I have a spare moment. I guess all that zazen work you've been doing is paying off. And congrats on the colorway. I love it!


    A book and now this?? It seriously could not happen to a nicer person, Franklin ;)

  65. Love it! And Delores looks smashing, even more than usual in that fab colorway.
    I immediately rang my LYS and ordered 2 skeins for myself in sock-y goodness. Whee!

  66. Anonymous4:48 PM

    What a lovely honor for a knitter -- your very own colorway. If it were mine, I'd buy a bunch and give some to all my friends. Can I be your friend?

    Seriously, congratulations. Great colors.

  67. Oh, how cool is that? That's like.. the best thing ever in my mind. :) Congrats! I'm totally going to have to pick up a couple skeins. Too bad you don't get a percentage of the sales. :)

  68. The sock yarn leaves me breathless! I must have some.

  69. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Gorgeous - but there is nothing on LL's website about your colorway or Grumperina's (or the new colorways shown on the LL blog either). So I guess we'll have to wait. I thought of you when I saw this article in today's Trib:

  70. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Ooh. That is pretty. It'll be like wearing a spring garden in winter. I may have to get some of that. (Yea for G&S!)

  71. gorgeous colorway, Franklin :) I'll look forward to knitting it myself :D

  72. I've never commented before, but thank you for your words on being still. I have to remember them. I'm too intent on being 'exhausted' all the time.

    And great colourway! I absolutely love it! Congratulations.

  73. ooooooooh. Pretty!

    I don't think those colors would have jumped out at me if I hadn't seen the WM first, but having seen it...JUMP!

  74. Franklin - fear not; you'll get better at adopting the refusal to be so anxious and tense that comes with being a grown-up. I promise! Take a page from my book, I live by my favorite quote: "It's NEVER too late for a happy childhood!" Also - I will SO be getting some "Franklin's Panopticon" and hang the expense. Tell Dolores that I'm arranging for her to have a stylish scarf and turban knit from it for her Inauguration, too. I mean, THAT is the look, don't you think it'll be perfect? I can hear Harry Smith now: "President Van Hoof, you look so stylish!" (Work with me here, Franklin, it gets pretty tense here in the Campaign Headquarters!)

  75. Can't go wrong with William Morris... and I'm happy to see you honored in this way. I do believe I know some folks who need something made of this yarn! Way to go.

  76. Great colors. Very pretty.

  77. Franklin, you inspire me! Gotta get that colorway!

  78. How incredibly gorgeous. A compliment on your taste. :)

  79. Oh, honey! Color me totally jealous! How lovely!

  80. Anonymous11:58 PM

    "I thought a little hint of color
    wouldn't be out of place."

    Nothing like some "Franklin's Panopticon" to cozy up with those green socks. Better than the land of earth tones or the world of ecru any day - or even the suit of basic black. Congrats on your namesake. What a good idea. I especially like Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock yarn.

  81. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Wow! How exciting!

  82. Anonymous12:28 AM

    i couldn't help myself. i just couldn't stop. YOU DID THIS TO ME! i got so excited over your yarn that i posted about it on the daily chum. hope you don't mind i borrowed a pic, but it's all you, baby!

  83. Very cool! I love the colours, and it will definetly be on my wish list for gorgeous sock yarns (plus it's inspired by and named after a favorite blogger!).

    Stillness is something I think you know when you are a child, forget when you grow up, and spend a good deal of time as an adult to remember. I can say, that I've learned to be still here during my pregnancy... nothing like a little life up and coming to keep you centered and still ;)

  84. Oh, I love the colors...glad you didn't let Boston get to your head. Go for it Franklin!

    Glad to know you're getting some rest, too. (Learning to take naps has been one of the best parts of getting older.)

  85. Faboo!! I love William Morris, and that's a gorgeous colorway. Congratualtions!

    BTW, I love the quote from "Patience."

  86. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Lovely! (Yes that means you too, Dolores!) Yes, it is better. Pffftt Theatre, or yarn, def. yarn! Can't wait to see what your working on, glad to see your relaxing too.


    Going to LL to order NOW! Bravo, Franklin, excellent choice a colorway that I haven't seen, I lurve it!

  88. Congratulations! What an honor!!
    I am loving the colorway as that limey green makes me swoon. I will have this!! Yes, I will

  89. Holy cats, Franklin! Those colors are gorgeous! I want! I want! I want!

  90. Damn nice yarn!! :) I can't wait to get some!

  91. Anonymous1:10 PM

    My "almost local Internet yarnshop Wolhalla" will try to get it for me and please tell Dolores it really suits her :-)

  92. With you, dear host, as an obvious exception, often the "tenser" among us tend to live in cities and think that every place and everybody is like them--or should be. Some of us live in small towns, don't have TV, mind our own business, and are, well, calm. Knitting helps, too.

  93. I'm turning 55 soon, and it just finally dawned on me that I MUST STOP trying to outguess everyone in an effort to be what they want me to be, and just be me!! So I congratulate you on figuring that out far sooner than I did, and what a better way to affirm that then getting your own colorway. If I had a colorway it would be lavendar and poppy.. the two flowers that blossom and live happily together in my yard with no help from me. Now I'm off to Lorna's laces for a bit of drooling..

  94. Hey, wait a minute - - - are you sure you weren't looking through MY inspirational stash?
    mmmmmmmh (in my best Homer Simpson voice) - s o c k w e i g h t ...

  95. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Well, Mr. Franklin and I did a bit of shopping this weekend for an upcoming trip, and let me tell you! Did he get some color. He looks GREAT in his madras shorts and purple polo! Woof.....oooo, did I just say that out loud? -Tom

  96. I love Lorna's Laces and that colorway is divine. As if I need an excuse to add to my yarn stash. ~ksp

  97. Anonymous7:38 PM

    I'd also give you the theater.
    I really want some of that yarn.
    Maybe to knit some theater curtains with?

  98. I'm right there with you on the relaxing thing. As I get older, the thought of spending all my time taking anti-anxiety meds is anathema. I give myself time every day to just be. Sometimes I knit and sometimes I spin and sometimes I read and sometimes I just sit. Still. Better than xanax any day of the week. I have always been a neutral color kind of person, not wanting to draw attention to myself but I have addes orange! and turquoise! and lime green!! to my summer wardrobe. And I love it.

  99. Anonymous10:46 AM

    love it!

  100. Ugh - thank you! I keep reminding myself that being stressed and exhausted doesn't make me a better person! Thanks for saying it so eloquently!

    And I love your 1000 knitters project - you make everyone look so beautiful! It makes me want to drive across the country just to be in a shot!

  101. Congratulations, Franklin! Do you feel like a new daddy with your own colorway? Bring it to camp, please so that we can fondle, I mean see it!

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. I just scored some of your yarn today, 7/2/08, from Yellow Dog Knitting in Eau Claire, WI and boy the pictures online don't even do it justice! The colors are beautiful!

  104. that is so exciting. i think thats far better than having a theatre named after you by far.
    congrats sweetheart!

  105. Anonymous10:53 PM

    All right, by total coincidence I just picked your colorway to knit Brooklyn Tweed's Hemlock throw for my boys. I was looking for a manly colorway (no pinks for the 7 & 11 year olds! not even purples!) and picked yours. Didn't even realize it was yours until the lovely yarn assistants were trying to spell it into the cash register/computer! Very amusing as I shrieked "That's Frankin's colorway!" and they looked at me blankly...not blog readers...

  106. Yes!!! I scored some of this lovely and refreshing yarn today and can't wait to make something - not sure what, I believe it will make anything I knit look good, though!

    Your color taste is excellent. Thank you.

  107. I just bought some of this colorway while on vacation in Colorado and was wondering where the name came from, so I googled it. Very interesting! Oh, to have my own personal colorway. It would be very similar. No surprise since I love William Morris designs as well!

  108. Gosh, there's a great deal of helpful data in this post!

  109. Super-Duper site! I am loving it!! Will be back later to read some more. I am bookmarking your feeds also

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