Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Franklin to Carol

Harry to Carol

Dolores to Mrs McFadden

Dolores to Elvis

Dolores to Tom

Dolores to Carol


  1. That Delores is a hoof-ful. I hope you start taking out travel insurance. If you don't mind, could you let her know I'd appreciate a nice Cubano myself. I'll save the Glenfiddich Reserve.......

  2. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Do we want to even know the other half of the story?

  3. Anonymous9:55 PM

    I almost spit beanie wienies on my computer when I read the "D is for Delicious" part.

    I never knew Harry is a lefty.

  4. ha ha ha ha ha....

    Man...wish I'd been there for the Renaissance motets- I like that style of music.

    Sock yarn and Willy Wonka...interesting combination

  5. Anonymous10:14 PM

    the imagination is reeling...reely! Glad to know that 2/3 of the crew knows how to write a proper thank you note! Congratulations! Obviously I do not want to know the other half of the story!

  6. too funny!

    I hope we can show all of you as good (or even better) time when you come to Austin!

  7. Anonymous11:48 PM

    If only my thank you notes could be as poignant.

  8. I heart Harry. He needs some t-shirt representation so that I can show the world my love for sweet, innocent Harry. In a totally non creepy way, I mean.

  9. Oh god, I'm crying again! You are simply too much. Harry is so sweet. I want to hug him and pat him and name him George.

  10. Franklin: tell Dolores (for me) that Hilary won in Pennsylvania so her gender clearly won't be a drawback in the campaign. But OY VEY, Sheep, WTF? The campaign workers here are so full of angst, when our Candidate is out carousing around in that manner. I've managed to keep it out of the papers (thanks for your help, Harry) but we Fibertarians are starting to get nervous. It's only 7.5 months until Election Day. Is this a Romney trait???

  11. I hope that you and your crew are coming to Iowa one day, any plans for that? We could use some sheepish excitement.

  12. Anonymous4:56 AM

    I can only guess what prompted those last notes. Love it that Delores is an equal-opportunity, um, opportunist. (Blackmailer sounds so crass, don't you think?) And I love the font that I will now and forever think of as "Harry's font". Gotta get that one on my Mac!

    I second the idea of a Harry line in the Cafepress shop, complete with that font, of course. Bless his wooly li'l heart!

  13. Anonymous6:02 AM

    OMG, no wonder carol's kids (and bunny) need psychotherapy!


    anne marie in philly

  14. We love you more than words can say.

    We miss you even more.

    Mrs. & Mr. Carol

  15. Oooh, I'd jump in line for a Harry t-shirt. Too late for this year's MD Sheep & Wool, but there's always next year!

  16. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I shall endeavor to be as discreet and appropriate as you, my dear.
    Em, un baiser is, indeed a kiss.
    However, those rude and clever French folk use the verb form, again, baiser, to mean sexual intercourse.

    Did Dolores maybe tell you to say that?
    Ignore her and use "je t'embrasse les mains" next time, 'kay?

    Unless, of course, you intended to use the first one.

    Sitter #625 (I think)

  17. Yes, "baiser" does have the double entendre that the previous commenter mentioned, but on the other hand, even Le Petit Robert mentions "baiser la main d'une dame" as a very respectful form of kissing a woman's hand. It is appropriate to the very formal and slightly old-fashioned style of the letter. Franklin has grasped the subtlety of the French language, as I have noticed he always has in the past. La subtilité est de mise, n'est-ce pas ? Et l'humour est très apprécié...

  18. It cracks me up that none of those notes are at all accurate, but meld them all together and average them out, and it's probably a pretty accurate feel for your stay.

    Tell Dolores to post the videos of her and Tom on YouTube.

  19. Delores is one of a kind!! Always adventure where ever she appears. I hope someone always keeps a journal of her life, I would hate to miss a minute of it.

  20. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Hey, musclemom, there's this thing called joking.
    Humans engage in it fairly frequently.
    Perhaps you should do some research.

  21. I have a crush on Harry. I would love him on my chest (a t-shirt, you know...)

  22. Anonymous10:18 AM

    That's my GRL!!! She's off the heazy! LOL

  23. Let's not quibble, dears. Franklin can do whatever he wants to my hands. In whatever language -- or no language -- he chooses.

    Il est formidable!

  24. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Yes, Reverend Mother.

    Perhaps I need to point out that Carol is neither a nun for real nor my own real mother?

  25. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Now that's really made me chuckle! It is just so true that the full picture of a trip to see family / friends rarely emerges until you all compare notes later - just like my stepfather's 70th birthday party in March when my younger brother ended up with a broken jaw.

    While he maintains all innocence and heroism - I know he tends towards a more Dolores view of truth and morality! So who knows?!

  26. Oh, thank GOD for Delores. If you couldn't see all of her mistakes and gaffs, who knows what mischief you otherwise might get yourself up to???

    (Especially with the hubba-hubba eyes that I saw peeking out at all of us from that last post, you naughty delish thing you!)


  27. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Sounds like everyone had fun!

  28. I'm not sure I could afford the property damage inflicted by Dolores if she were ever to visit my neck of the burbs. Sheesh!

  29. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I love Harry. He's such a sweetie. But I have a feeling I'd fit in a lot better with Dolores. Once she got me drunk enough, of course.


    (Man, reading a post like this, after a night with the Harlot, is a real one-two punch. I may have to go back to bed to let my ribs recover. Again.)

  30. Tell Harry he is welcome to come over to hear James and the Giant Peach read to him. The cats will be on their best behavior.

    As for Dolores, we know that asking for her to be discreet with her partners is a lost cause, but mimeographed notes are so gauche

  31. Anonymous8:49 AM

    How is it that I can so readily believe that the beautiful handwriting is, indeed, the way you write all your letters?

    Meanwhile, I may be more curious than deniasha ... I want to know the rest of the story....

  32. Had a stopover at O'Hare during my marathon 36-hour trip to Indy Monday through Tuesday.

    At the bar by Gate H14, there was an ovine apparition wearing orange hotpants and a purple cami, surrounded by businessmen and knocking back shots with the suits.

    She was passing out campaign buttons that read: "Vote Van Hoofen--A Sheep, for a Change."

    Ya gotta keep her under control, Franklin. She was going to take a short hop over to Indy to cause major disruption in the Clinton camp.

  33. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I wish Harry could come live with me.

  34. Anonymous10:28 PM

    I think I want to hear the rest of the story. Then again, after Delores' visit during the Clinton campaign here in Indy, I am not so sure it is safe to know everything our candidate does.

    Love little Harry. I am joining the line to politely ask for something with the darling fellow on it.

  35. I can't even think of what to say (while I wipe away the tears). Just "my oh my" ...
