Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Good Dog!

The 1,000 Knitters scarf is growing like a kudzu vine. There was another public shoot last night, at a meeting of the Windy City Knitting Guild.

This came, of course, hot on the heels of Saturday's shoot at Yellow Dog Knitting in beautiful downtown Eau Claire, Wisconsin. It's a pretty shop; I took a few snaps during the interlude of calm before the doors opened.

It was evident within minutes that this was going to be an unusual day.

Here is Jaci, Knitter 0414, the first person in the chair. Note the headgear.

Yellow Dog Diva

No, Jaci does not habitually parade through town wearing a tiara. Turns out this one is shared among the august sisterhood known as the Yellow Dog Divas, who have achieved such status through a process shrouded in myth and mystery. All I can tell you is they seem to be a very, very happy group of women.

Even the non-divas at Yellow Dog are a jolly lot. Dixie, the owner, has a knack for turning customers into family. She issued a call and in they flocked, ready to knit.

Eau Claire Trio 3

Eau Claire Trio 4

Eau Claire Trio 5

Eau Claire Trio 2

Eau Claire Trio 1

Ironically, nobody said "Cheese."

These three came all the way from that other snowy state next door.

Eau Claire Trio 6

On the right is Nic, wearing the sheep yoke sweater she finished in the car so she could wear it for her portrait. But...hold one of the sheep listing slightly to one side? And do I And cigarettes?

Not Like the Others

Ah. That explains it. (Thanks for the photo, Liz!)

We had a steady stream of sitters from start to finish, but I nosed around the racks before I left. You know, just to be polite.

Yellow Dog carries handsome, hand-turned wooden needles made by local craftsmen,

Handmade Needles

and is also one of the fortunate few sources in America for Garnstudios yarns. I fell in love with this tweed.

Angora Tweed Yarn

I also got a crush on Dixie.

With Dixie

(I was powerless to fight it. She taught me Magic Loop and how to carry two colors in one hand, weaving the floats on every stitch, all in the course of one hour. Evil seductress!)

Sunday, as a bonus, I got to visit with the local spinning guild before it was time to head to the airport. My wheel has been neglected for far too long; here was inspiration to dust it off and get it moving.

Eau Claire Spinners

And then it was time to head to the airport. I sat at the gate working on the Primavera socks and thinking about how funny my life is these days. When you let an idea loose in the world, you never know where it's going to take you. If you're lucky, you might even wind up in Eau Claire for a little while.


  1. i don't own a yarn store, nor do i work at one, but you have a place to stay here in portland, or if you ever make it out this way!

  2. Love how Dolores snuck her way onto that sweater! Franklin, are you coming to New Mexico any time soon?

  3. Now I think I must make myself a sheep-yoke sweater. Perhaps I can work in some yarn balls as well (we can't leave Harry out!)

  4. Dolores Rules!


  5. that tweed yarn is beautiful! I think I need a dixie in my life. I could use some help in under an hour!

  6. Now I want to go up to Eau Claire! And I need that yarn and those needles - how gorgeous!

    Can't wait to see the WCKG (We play the hits!) pictures! I wasn't there (haven't managed to make it to a meeting yet), but I'm sure you had a blast.

    Also - you're already halfway to your goal of 1,000 knitters. Congrats!

  7. Looking forward to seeing you at The Yarnery in St Paul - just a mile from where I live!*yahoo* Even if I am a crochet artist rather than a knitting one!

  8. I will be too late by miles to see you at Yellow Dog, BUT Eau Claire is not all that far from St. Paul, and I will be visiting my sister there in early May.

    Sounds like a road trip, ne c'est pas?

    I told her we are following an animal theme this time -- Three Kittens, Yellow Dog -- I can't wait! This last entry of yours clinched it.

    Now, let's hope my sis is willing to play along!

  9. Dang! And I'll be too late for The Yarnery, too. Dang, dang, dang...

  10. I know our LYS called you but you're booked until next year.:-( I HOPE & pray you have Seed Stitch Fine Yarn on your next year's list. Boston (Purl Man) & Salem (that's me) are anxiously waiting for you to call all New Englanders to conjugate & contribute our knitterly stitches to your scarf of ultimate proportions. I'll even say "cheese"!

  11. My cousins live in Eau Claire! I must go to that store and of course visit my family. Thanks!

  12. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Dolores on a sweater. Priceless. Man, that ewe sure gets around!

    And it's nice you got to do more than photography (enjoyable as it must be) on this trip. Great you were there long enough for some visiting, spinning and picking up new techniques. Hurray for Dixie and the Yellow Dog!

  13. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I LOVE the Delores on the sweater! How cute is she!!!

  14. Sweet! A picture of me that doesn't suck. I should take you everywhere as my personal photographer. ;^)

    For the record she actually finished the sweater the Monday before the shoot and put the glasses on that week. I added the cig and wove in some ends in route.

    Glad you liked it and your visit. MN will be even nicer, I guarantee!

  15. That looks like a fun time. We are looking forward to seeing you in Kennet's Square PA in April. Not our lys but worth a road trip!

  16. Hey, I drove over from that other state too, where's my mention? *pouts*

    Nah, seriously, it was awesome to meet you, and I'm so glad to be one small part of this project. Can't wait to see it all when it's done!

  17. Did you happen to notice that the Yarn harlot is coming to Barnes and Noble in Carmel, IN? That is very close to Stitches and Scones in Westfield. Just a couple miles apart. You should 1) come visit your folks 2) Have a 1000 Knitters shoot at S and S, and 3) See the Yarn Harlot. As a bonus, maybe she'll sit and knit for you. I don't know her so I cannot promise, it's just a thought I should not have said out loud perhaps.

  18. Liz and I are in the same knitting group and it was so fun to see her on your blog. Hopefully I'll make it to the Yarnery when you visit St. Paul. And Liz is right, Minnesota is also in the Land of Nice! :)

  19. To Nic of the SheepySweater: That's absolutely priceless!

    Franklin, did you ask, by any chance, whether the hand-turned needles could be had or shipped to anywhere other than Eau Claire, for those of us not fortunate enough to chance meeting a friendly mugger?

  20. Anonymous3:34 PM

    ooooh, franklin got a little sugar from dixie!

    lerve the dolores nod on nic's sweater!

  21. Anonymous3:53 PM

    The sheep sweater, the sheep sweater! I'm in love :)

  22. I am very glad that you enjoyed the addition of Dolores to my sweater. I wish I had thought to add Harry. Alas. It was a delight to meet you. The Terrible Trio had a great time and are glad we made the trip.

    We were happy to help you with your project. Too bad I always think pictures of me look like shite.


  23. I bet everyone is going to want a hug now! Great photo you silly guy!

  24. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Hee hee -- you put my picture right next to Dale-Harriet, with whom I went out to lunch after the photo sitting. It was delightful to meet (and hug!) you. I just wish I had known that Dolores was lurking in that beautiful sheepy sweater that I saw.

  25. What a great bunch of photos! Thanks for the opportunity to participate and to meet you. What a treat!

  26. What, what, what can we do to get you to Columbus, Ohio? Would it help if I told you that I'm starting a knitting circle with urban teens (and younger kids) at my library? :-)

  27. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Franklin, won't you tell us how long the scarf is now?

  28. Anonymous11:46 PM

    I'm glad you learned the magic loop. Does that now make you some kind of a hippy? I forget the exact terms you used some time ago. The thought still makes me laugh.

  29. You have a crush on Dixie? Does that mean our torrid love affair was only in my head? Oh wait. You didn't know about that, did you. I guess it was...

    I love that sheep-yoke sweater - and Dolores is hilarious.

  30. I think I will head my merry little way up to meet Dixie and learn that carry two yarn thing!

  31. Wonderful, wonderful.

    Love the Doris sheep, the hug, the yarn... all fabulous.

  32. Anonymous6:56 PM

    It was a pleasure to meet you on Saturday. I guess it is true that I can be lead anywhere, like a lamb to a photographer!!!

    ps. enjoy MN

    Terri-the last of the Trio

  33. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I am knitting a Faroese shawl (one of Stahman's designs) out of that very Garnstudio angora tweed; I really look forward to finishing and blocking it.
    This is my first post to your blog, but I've enjoyed reading it for quite a while now. Thanks!

  34. Yellow dog is my lys, isn't it just great? I had to miss your visit, and I kick myself throughly in the bum for that.
    Stupid job...

  35. I was almost too busy admiring Jaci's cable sweater to notice the tiara.

    & that nod to Dolores in the sheep yoke sweater . . . Priceless.

  36. Oh my Lord, those sheep! and THAT sheep!! Love it, absolutely

  37. Finally a chance to add my deux sous - how terrif, a "my-sized" man! I really enjoyed our hugs (!) I may never wash that apron again! And I'm tickled to be sittin' next to my friend Kathy in that row ARE a treat, Franklin. I do hope you gave Dolores my greetings (I'm sure she enjoyed our local brews and some deep-fried cheese curds!) and my skein of mohair (his name is Dov) sends greetings to Harry too. I think he has a stalk-y sort of crush but that's not for me to say. Pleasure to be part of your project, Franklin - pleasure and honor.

  38. I love garnstudios stuff. I'm knitting with Fabel Sokkegarn right now (making a hat) and love it!!

  39. Quite effective info, lots of thanks for the article.
