Monday, February 18, 2008


After a long stretch of working chiefly on widdle-bitty baby things, it has made a nice change to get some manly stuff onto the needles. My new socks, and Tom's watch cap, and now a simple scarf to go with it.

Tom's Scarf

Plus a sweater for me,

Lorna's Laces Sweater

which doesn't look like anything yet, but there are braids, cables and other chest-thumping delights to come after I reach the armpits. The sweet, sweet yarn is from the Fisherman line by Lorna's Laces, and it's such a corker that even these endless rounds of stockinette are making me coo. (But it's a very masculine sort of coo.)

Abigail won't reach her first birthday until May, and already she's got a baby shawl, a christening shawl, a sweater, two jackets, a snowman hat and a kimono; plus there's a Tomten Jacket that needs a bit of seaming and a zipper. It's enough already, right?

Then Susan sent me these.

My Favorite Model

Abby in her Christmas sweater and her kimono.

And so,

February Baby Sweater Yoke

Elizabeth Zimmermann's Baby Sweater on Two Needles from Knitter's Almanac.

As has been remarked more than once, it's a pity I'm such a cold and distant sort of uncle.


  1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    yea, I'm first!

    thank you for sharing those pix of abby; how big she is getting...and sooo cute!

    have a good week!

  2. ohmygosh! She is so delicious! Don't you just want to stuff her in a pita pocket and eat her up?

    I spent the weekend in St. Louis at the naming of the newest member of the family -- I call her Little Bird. Couldn't wait to get home and cast on something new for her.

  3. Anonymous12:50 PM

    omg, what a cutie petootie!! She is a lucky girl, and in 15 or so years, I can see the line of heartbroken boys...

  4. Man! Can I be Abby?

    Gorgeous work you do! :)

  5. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Ok, any English-language dictionary simply has to add this definition now: "Abigail - n.; adorable." She looks so damned cute in both those pix! I can hardly wait to see her in a Tomten!

    Braids, cables, and chest-thumping delights? Oooh. I loves me some of them, too. Hope Tom likes his scarf, and wears it and the hat unto falling apart! (Considering your weather, I have no fears about that.)

  6. I wish you were my uncle. Your sister better plan on a big family, if she wants to use all that gorgeous knitting you're sending her.

  7. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Your work is gorgeous!! Abby is such a lucky little angel.

    Are you ever going to post the pattern for the snowman hat? Pretty pretty please?

  8. yeah, too bad Abigail's uncle is so cold, distant and obviously doesn't love her at all. All babies should be so disliked. She's adorable, but then you know that.

  9. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Can we see Tom waering the hat you knitted for him?? Who was it..... the handsome darling in the airplane???
    And your niece is very lucky with you as an uncle. She looks sooooooo cute in the kimono

  10. Anonymous1:17 PM

    "cold & distant"...HOWEVER, you are stuck in Chicago which is cold and quite a distance from Little Miss!

  11. Gosh, she really is such a little doll. And so well dressed!

    Those two blues you're working with are both so pretty.

  12. Anonymous1:48 PM

    The trouble with babies is they just keep growing. Face it, you'll never be done knitting for Abigail as she will out grow everything as fast as you knit it. She sure is a cutie.

  13. Anonymous2:10 PM

    What a darling! (wow - the verification letters are "keutn" and she is a cute'n) The nice thing about knitting for babies is that they will grow into anything that is larger, so it's always okay to knit big.

    I love the blue yarns. Are you using a traditional guernsey pattern, a modern design, or or designing your own?

  14. If you lived on her block, that child would need a room added to the house for all her hand knits. But go ahead, she's a doll baby and they need lots of hand knits
    ;-) If everyone had an Uncle Franklin, what a great planet this would finally be.

  15. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Yep, that abby is pretty cute!

    Since January, I've been knitting nothing but bitsy socks on size 3 needles and little infant hats on size 6 for variety. Saturday I started a so-called scarf on size 11 looks HUGE! Like knitting as seen through a magnifying glass :)

  16. Anonymous2:33 PM

    WOW! Wasn't Miss Abby just born a few weeks ago? Where does the time go? Your knits look so great-she is a very lucky girl:)

  17. Okay, first you show us that beautiful blue yarn, the perfect medicine on such a gray, winter day. Then after scrolling down we get to see little Abby in her hand-knit finery! Thanks for the pick-me-up!

  18. It's always easy to recognize a good photographer by the way he can even make yarn and knitwear look better than I already feel about.

    Your color choices are lovely and teasing.

  19. If I had Abigail's address I would probably feel compelled to knit for her as well. That girl can WORK those hand knits.

    I think she has her Uncle Franklin's smile.

  20. Oh how they change! Her hair color is lightening and looks like it's got a bit of red it in. Still adorable!

  21. Anonymous3:15 PM

    But who but a coldhearted fiend could resist the influence of that lovely girl in those charming photos?

  22. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Nothing like seeing a baby in your handknits to make you want to knit more! She's so darn cute; how could anyone resist?

  23. Has Pacalaga already commented that those pics make her uterus hurt? Because, oh! Abigail in that kimono! The sweetness!

  24. Yay! A new sweater for Abigail! We love the handknits! Just so you know--Abby wore her Littlest Democrat Sweater to the caucus. That design is SUPER versatile--it has fit perfectly for the last 4 months even though Abby is growing like crazy. Sadly, we forgot to take the camera, but you can be sure she dazzled the masses (and there were MASSES--HUGE turnout!) with her savvy political fashion sense and general cuteness. She was a perfect charmer for the whole two hours we were there!

  25. Anonymous3:48 PM

    WOW! Great blue for your sweater! Abigail is a charmer!

    Er, a little late, but are you going to create a t-shirt, using your 'hand rolled' cat cartoon?

  26. Anonymous4:16 PM

    It seems that you like blue. I noticed that you're making a lot of blue things.
    Abigail looks so cute! as a friend of mine would say about what I just said, "Si Si" (she's learning Spanish)

  27. Oh she is getting big - and soo cute!
    I don't think that she can have too much from her good uncle.
    I think you are doing very well in the spoiling dept - keep it up!

  28. wow she is really getting big - and oh so cute. Thanks for sharing those pics!
    Keep up the wonderful knitting - Abby will love it all!

  29. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Pity? Completely lamentable! Why, you just don't understand how completely precious this child is! How dare you knit a sweater for yourself while Abby lacks...well, every single age appropriate knitted item in the universe!?! Knit on!
    (Oh, and watch out for Aidan. He's sounding a little cannibalistic to me!) ;)

  30. Anonymous5:41 PM

    I doubt you've fooled many of us. In truth, deep in the mitered corners of your mind, lies the thought as you knit for the most intelligent and charming Abigail..."I really wish I could get away with wearing this."

  31. Oh, those eyes just slay me!

    I LOVE the color of your new sweater! Gawgeous!

  32. I agree with bobbi - you ARE cold (it's below freezing down there) and distant (you're in the Midwest). But I challenge ANYONE to find a warmer, more loving uncle (and if you do, can I have him, please? PLEASE?) What wonderful things Abby has, and you couldn't find a more comely model for that sterling knitting either. What does Tante Dolores have to say about Abigail?

  33. the Cold and Distant Uncle who is completely taking care of that beautiful girlie's very practical *fiber* requirements. Such a rotten uncle, spoiling the baby so. You rock the little knits, Mr. Habit, and by the looks of the blue future-sweater, the big knits, too.

  34. Awwww! She's adorable...and those sweaters are georgeous!!! Quite the pair, Abby in a handmade sweater. Thanks for sharing the pics with us!

  35. Oh no! The Adorable Eyes! Run, Unka Frank! Run before she demands the entire Adrienne Vittadini line in time for her appearance with Barack Obama!

  36. She's totally adorable! And wow, is she growing fast! I keep remembering your reveal of the christening shawl and our stunned awe at it, then there was a tiny baby, and now she's ten months going to be walking soon if she isn't already!!

    At least her "distant and cold" (well, you probably are cold until Chicago finally thaws out) uncle knits quickly!!

  37. Oh Franklin she is just ADORABLE!!! She looks so cute in her knit sweaters.

  38. Abigail is just cute cute cute. She is a lucky lucky little girl to have such a "cold and distant" uncle.

  39. I think perhaps, it is just that - the unmitigated cuteness, that keeps us knitting baby things, even when other exciting projects call our names. You just can't fight the cuteness.

  40. Ohh she's so cute I could eat her up with a spoon! Say hi to Harry for me, ok? I'm wondering if he maybe needs a comic/tote bag of his own...

  41. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Oh, that baby has you wrapped around her finger. Or is that your yarn wrapped around your needles?
    Maybe it's her momma that knows the right strings to pull....

    but I LAUGHED even though I knew what was coming. What a lucky little girl - and a blessed uncle to have her in your life.

    I can't wait until you have photos of the first things she knits!

  42. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I'm using Fisherman right now too, and I luuurve it!

  43. Thank you for the baby pics... she is adorable and more so wearing Uncle Franklin's hand knitted items. I found baby knitting goes so fast and has such great rewards when you see them wearing the hand knits.

  44. 'Tis!

    The nice thing about being the knitting uncle of a baby is that she grows regularly. Thus, said knitting uncle must knit regularly to keep up with her wooly needs. VBG!

  45. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Well, with a spokesmodel like that for you knitting, who could stop?!

    Susan must get such a kick out telling people it's her (cold and distant) uncle who's producing such lovely things for her, when they are admired :)

  46. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Franklin - You continue to warm my heart. Great posting of Abigail. Such a sweetheart. I just found out I'm to be a great-granduncle again, thanks to my relatives in Wichita, KS. I'm not sure what to make for this baby, but the EZ 2 needle sweater is a good one. I made it for a friend's grandaughter and the parents loved it. (Along with the rest of the ensemble.) Lots of joy to you as you knit all your projects. Take care - Joe, in Wyoming

  47. Abby's x-mas sweater is beautiful! My niece is going to be one next month!!

  48. Anonymous2:10 PM

    She's so adorable. Good thing you are so cold and distant or she's have more hand knits than she'd know what to do with!! She's a lucky gal to have such a cold, distant uncle!

  49. Aww; she really is gorgeous. I'm a new aunt (baby A is 3 months old next week), and was instructed "don't get him any clothes. Unless you feel like making something, of course..." This from a brother who rejected every thing I ever made him, and now gets tearful over things I make his kid...

    (Doing the sleeves in the round on that jacket saves any seaming at all...)

  50. lucky lucky niece... to have such a loving uncle... :)

  51. I wish you were my uncle. But I'm not nearly as cute as Abby...

  52. Fabulous!

    Ah, that sweater pattern--I made it for friends' kid. So fun! Enjoy! (I also did the arms in the round because I hate seams.)

  53. Oh my... that sweet face in those gorgeous sweaters!

  54. I love that blue sweater yarn. Coo! Coo!

    cutest girl + kimono = migrain cute

  55. she is a lucky little girl!

    (psst, i'm chlortence on ravelry) :) thanks for being my friend.

  56. Oh lordy, she's CUTE! I'm up to the sleeves of my little on'e jacket with, er, green sheep around the bottom. Need's must when on a yarn diet!

  57. "Cold & distant" only cos you're in Chicago, & she's way elsewhere!

    That girl is lucky to have such a creative uncle.

    & do they do that blue sweater yarn in the UK, please?

  58. Yes, you are such a dreadful uncle!! I've made the Baby Sweater on Two Needles many times as a baby gift (I downsized the gauge to 7 sts/inch) to fit a smaller baby, and made it in sport weight for bigger kids. It's a great knit - quick, interesting and looks great on. I do the sleeves on dpns, though - that way I only have to graft the underarms. Those are lovely pictures of Little Miss!

  59. This link is for Dolores:
    Perhaps she could use these at her victory party in November.

  60. I really do enjoy your blog. I just have to remember not to have tea or coffee or water in my mouth while reading it.

    Abigail is very cute. I want a baby. Well, no, I don't, my hubby would freak . . . and no I don't my daughters to birth anything soon . . . but if one of my nieces would be so kind??? Ahhhh.

  61. Ah, dear, how can you help but be head over heels over that cherub?

  62. Abby's kimono jacket is just too cute, as is Abby. What a lucky little girl. Looks like she knows it.

  63. I have not checked in here for some time since I thought it was getting boring, but the last several posts are good quality so I guess I'll add you back to my everyday bloglist. You deserve it friend :)

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