Monday, January 28, 2008

What Do You Call a Gathering of Michigan Knitters?

After Saturday's 1,000 Knitters shoot at Threadbear, the word that springs to mind is "avalanche." Ladies and gentlemen, we broke the record: 111 knitters in the course of a single day of shooting. I've been downloading and sorting frames for three hours and I'm still not finished.

I'm up against an article deadline, so a full write-up will have to wait a bit; but I couldn't wait to thank everybody, especially owners Matt and Rob and their incredible staff. For me, the day was equal parts fiber festival, birthday party, Maypole dance and tent revival.

Full details to come, but first I must share a delicious snippet of conversation overheard on the Amtrak ride home.
He: What's that, like, mark by your ear?

She: Oh, yeah. I fell asleep on my friend's couch for, like, twenty minutes, and when I woke up this drunk guy was sucking on my neck.

He: Solid. I mean, gross.
Oh, dearest Amtrak. You're rickety, you smell, and you're unreliable; yet you never disappoint.


  1. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Happy birthday. I was thinking of you.

  2. Anonymous1:19 PM

    If a person from Michigan is a Michigander, a group of them must be a Michigaggle.

    -Jean K.

  3. If a male from Michigan is a Michigander then is a female a Michigoose?

    Couldn't stop myself!

  4. I have always thought that a gathering of knitters was a "stash."

    Are you coming to the DC area? Not that I have the wherewithall to arrange it or anything.


  5. I, myself, had a delightful time. While anyone can be delightful for 5 minutes, it is a rare soul indeed who can be so lovely for *111* five minute segments!

  6. Ahh, Amtrak. Such sphere of superior social circles. How I miss it.

    P.S. I’m sure I’m the eleventy-billionth person to do so, but I’ve given you a “you make my day” award on my little ‘ol blog ( Just thought you’d want to know.

  7. Ewwwww.

    I think if I were writing a novel, riding public transit around would be good fodder.

    Congrats on a successful shoot.

  8. They say that Nabokov mastered the vernacular of preteen girls by riding on the Ithaca school buses eavesdropping...

  9. Anonymous1:49 PM

    It would have been 112 but I'm phobic about driving in snow--3 hours round trip just couldn't happen. I was so disappointed.

  10. Anonymous1:51 PM

    I was thrilled to meet you even if I feel like I babbled like an idiot. (I'm blaming that on the pain meds that I was taking - hey, I'm blaming most of last week on the pain meds. Or at least trying to....*grin*)

    Ginger #??? knitter

  11. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Franklin, thank you. You were wonderful at putting me at ease and making me not think about that camera clicking away. And you gave all of us in Lansing an excuse to sneak away from any responsibilities and have a wonderful knitting day. I am proud to be one in a thousand.

    I'm also proud to be a Michigander Michigoose. Honks to everyone.

  12. Thanks for braving our psycho weather and public transportation.

    Good old Amtrak -- the time before last when we Amtrakked to Chicago, we were next to American Girl Doll Woman, who gave a minute-by-minute account of her adventures in the American Girl Doll store.

    After 10 minutes, we were getting restless. After 20 minutes we all picked up and tippy-toed out of her voice range.

    When we walked by an hour later to hit the snack car, she was still running. Wow.

  13. Oh eww. The things you hear on trains. Do you think people realize how loud they are? Like the woman on the cell phone talking about her gyn appointment.

  14. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Such a wonderful project you are creating. Knitters everywhere thank you.

    I named you as one of the 10 bloggers who make my day, too. Thanks for all the smiles. (Thanks to Dolores, too.)

  15. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Hey, Franklin, it was great to see you in person! I hoep you managed to drag Dolores out of the Spiral in time for the trip home . . .

  16. Wow, and that wasn't even the Empire Builder line, which I've seen listed as the worst Amtrak line in a few places (and I have personal experience with it).

  17. Anonymous5:31 PM

    It was great to meet you - anytime you need a taste of Bronners/Frankenmuth - give me a holla!

  18. Anonymous5:54 PM

    on saturday we were a michigiggle. hugs from dirty sue.

  19. That Sue is such a flirt.

    It was a treat to meet you. You're a class act.

    I prefer Mittenians, but the Yoopers consider it peninsularly exclusvie.

  20. Anonymous8:59 PM

    It was truly a red letter day for me! Franklin AND Dirty Sue!

    I am glad I made the trek over from Holland to knit for a bit!

  21. Anonymous10:12 PM

    We couldn't have been happier to have you Franklin. You were a delight, and we look forward to your next visit!

  22. I so wish I could have been there!!

  23. Anonymous7:51 AM

    We are, officially "Michiganians", but we consider Michiganders (much older terminology) non-sexest, much in the way that all Mid-Westerners consider the term "guys" to be non-sexist.

    Anyway. I had a great time (glad I got my pic in before the cold kicked in full force and nose got redder), saw people I hadn't seen in months and actually got some knitting done while hanging around with the crowd.

    Come again when you can sit and knit with us!

  24. What a great time! Franklin, thank you for making all of us feel so comfortable. And I loved the photo release -- I want to "borrow" it for my photographers to use.

    I'm just sorry we didn't get to meet Dolores, but I figured she was avoiding the dogs.

  25. oooh, and Michigan s so CLOSE - sort of, you know - geographically-speaking and all. I believe there IS a plot afoot to lure you here, but so far I'm not sure who's in on it, suffice it to say you'll be the second to knowl. (We'd have to clear everything with Dolores, we know that). I've always carried a little notebook with me for just such occasions as your Amtrack one. It's those snippets from which great stories spring,for sure.

  26. Anonymous2:12 PM

    If you're not familiar with, I think you might want to pursue the acquaintance. It's full-to-burstin' with odd/funny overheard snippets.

  27. Anonymous2:53 PM

    A "skein of knitters"-- Hmmm...

  28. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Hmm.. maybe a BITCH of knitters??

  29. If you want the full spectrum of squick, try Greyhound sometime. Then again, don't.

  30. Dear Franklin:

    save some spots for Toronto! You so need to come up here.

    I'm badgering my guild with emails. Soon, they will cave in. Soon. Really.

  31. Snorting with laughter over here! Amtrak and the Melbourne Met have much in common, it appears. HB for a few days ago (posting this on the 6 Feb) and I'm glad that the Michigan trip gave you a nice full-glass-day.

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