Friday, November 30, 2007

Whoosh! Zoom!

So listen, this is going to be brief. I'm taking an impromptu jaunt to San Francisco, leaving this afternoon, and there are piles of things to deal with before I go.

This will be an actual vacation-type trip, not a 1,000 Knitters trip, though maybe I'll be able to chat up a yarn shop owner while I'm there about a return visit. I remember San Francisco fondly from time I spent there during a two-month gig working on a rather unfortunate production of Gounod's Faust with a regional opera company in the late nineties. Any excuse to go back is fine by me.

I definitely plan on visiting Lacis to breathe in some lace. Any other suggestions are, of course, welcome.

Before I head for the airport, a couple of things to mention, in no particular order.
  1. Contestant photographs for "America's Next Top Romney" (aka the Dolores Look-Alike Contest) have been sent to our panel of celebrity judges for commentary and ranking. We had more than two dozen entries, and may I say I was amused, touched, and occasionally horrified by what you folks came up with.

  2. My buddy Tom has an eBay auction going on that may be of interest to those of you who collect vintage needlework. It's a set of crocheted placemats (with matching centerpiece) made as part of a wedding gift for his parents back in the forties. Nicely worked, I've seen them in person. If you're interested, here's the link. The auction ends pretty soon.

  3. The thousands of us who have missed Brenda Dayne's Cast On: A Podcast for Knitters during her hiatus (she was dealing with her son's wedding, in Italy, for which she sewed the bride's beautiful gown) are about to get our fix at last. The new episode is slated to appear today, and I do believe I'll have an essay in it.

  4. I gather from the comments that some of you like Abigail's snowman hat and would be interested in getting a pattern. Well, happy to oblige. I made it up as I went along, but I'll work on writing it down and even try my hand at re-sizing for baby/child/adult. Thank you for all the compliments–it was a heck of a lot of fun to make, and I can't wait to put it on her head.

  5. I have some news! But...oh gosh...look at the time. Gotta jet. Byeeeeeee.


  1. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Have a wonderful trip. I used to work downtown and loved Britex for fabric. And oh the food!!!ENJOY

  2. Have fun in San Fran, and thank you for our early X-Mas present. I can't wait to knit that hat!!!

  3. you are just a wee bit evil. :)

    have a great time!!!

  4. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Have a wonderful trip to SF. I've only been there once, but have wanted to return ever since.

    Yeah! Brenda's back and with a Franklin essay to boot...Talk about icing on the cake!

    I'll add my voice to those clamoring for the hat pattern. I didn't comment on that post, but it was amazing!

  5. If you end up downtown in SF, look up Art Fibers. It is just off the main shopping drag, and OMG, yarn.

  6. Artfibers, natch.

  7. Have you been to Artfibers? If not, you must add it to your itinerary - such a unique store.

  8. Have fun! Dont forget to bring some warm clothes - it may not be mid west cold, but it is chilly out here!

    The snowman hat is beyond adorable!

  9. I would definitely purchase that pattern.

    Let me guess your big news: you're pregnant?

  10. Stash is a small-ish but very cute yarn shop not far at all from Lacis -- it's on Solano Avenue in Berkeley.

  11. You suck

    (kidding knitters, please don't attack!)

  12. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Have a wonderful trip. I love SF , and I envy you.

  13. Anonymous12:20 PM

    No wonder you don't have a boyfriend--you're SUCH a tease!!!


  14. Have FUN! I haven't been to Art Fibers but I hear it's wonderful. And also Carolina Homespun for spinning stuff - Morgaine (sp?) is SO cool and just wonderfully helpful.

  15. Oh yeah - Article Pract in Oakland is pretty damn fine too!

  16. You must visit Imagiknit and Artfibers. I hope you come back for a 1,000 knitters!!

  17. Have a wonderful and safe trip. Thanks for the Cast-on update -- I look forward to hearing your essay. And I didn't comment on the hat post, but it is adorable, and count me in as another who'd love a pattern.

  18. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Check out the Textile Library in the new De Young museum. Drawer after drawer of beautiful fabric and needlework. It is upstairs near the freight elevators.

  19. Oh, such a sock tease, you are! And we have our suspicions about impromptu California trips, don't we?

    You're probably not going to be headed up that way, but if you happen to be zipping up I-80 towards Sacramento, you might wanna stop by UC Davis and check out their textile arts programs and design museum... even just wandering the halls and seeing the dye projects and students at work is a lot of fun. If you run into Dolph Gotelli (, I can guarantee you'll have a FAAAbulous time, if you know what I mean and I think you do.

    And YAY for new Cast On!

  20. I know that SF=/Oakland, but if you happen to get to Oakland (as I did on a biz trip recently), you must go to Article Pract on Telegraph Ave. Beautiful new knitting store, great staff, fantastic selection (especially of sock yarn) plus a back room full of sale goodness.

  21. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Yay! San Francisco!!! If I see you around town and recognize you, can I introduce myself as a fan, or would that be creepy?
    As for recommendations: Noe Knits is another nice little shop, and I can second (third? fourth?) Artfibers and Imaginknit. If you make it to Imagiknit, take a stroll down 18th Street to Dolores Ave. and get yourself some ice cream at Bi-Rite Creamery (and there's loads of other fantastic foods in that area). Have fun!

  22. I love SF. Have dinner at the Stinking Rose one long as you like garlic. You can smell the joint three blocks away. Isn't Carolina Homespun based there?

  23. Enjoy the trip! Of course we're all speculating about the impromptu trip to San Fran, along with the news you don't have time to share. My oblique way of asking the question is to ask: Might there be a trip to Massachusetts planned sometime soon? When someone says "I have news," I often assume they are pregnant, or engaged -- and I know you're not pregnant . . .

  24. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Hey, bud. I have news, too. We should catch up some time.

  25. Anonymous1:57 PM

    What a damned tease you've become!


  26. Pattern coming up... thank's for that great news! :)

  27. Anonymous2:17 PM

    I think you should have your own podcast, Franklin!! And thanks for working out the snowman pattern, that rocks!!

  28. Anonymous2:28 PM

    my, my aren't we the little tease!!!!

  29. Anonymous2:38 PM

    don't forget to eat (!) - North Beach has some amazing little places. Great place to sit and knit while getting Napoleon crumbs everywhere is Cafe Brioche on Columbus near Jackson; around 5 mins'walk over from Artfibers. Just up up the block on Columbus is Caffe Macaroni 2, which has wonderful entrees plus the best profiteroles in the world.

  30. I'm totally envious! I lived in the bay area for 3plus years. Artfibers immediately came to mind as a "must do" while in SF. I go there every time I get to go back to SF. Have fun!

  31. "I have some news! But...oh gosh...look at the time. Gotta jet."

    You, my friend, are what we call a pussbag.

  32. Oh, have fun. Don't let Dolores know or we will be having to raise bail money for you both.

  33. Have a fabulous trip!

  34. Let me guess: you're writing a book...

  35. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Imagiknits is a most see on your list. Allison has done such a great job with the shop. It's at 18th and Sanchez, in the Castro.
    Have a good trip. Heidi

  36. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Go to Imaginknit in Castro. I LOVED IT! ~Chandra

  37. ooh and Abigal snowperson hat for a BIG person. . .I'm so all over that! I look goofy with hats on anyway, why the hell not! Tee!

  38. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Ohmigawd, yes, Carolina Homespun - especially for the silk and silk-blend top by Chasing Rainbows Dyeworks! ::thud:: I got my new top-whorl spindle at the Carolina Homespun booth at the Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival in September. I swear, if I hadn't had firm plans for my limited disposable income, I would've been grabbing silk top at the speed of light. Mouthwatering and unbelievably rich colorways. Truly.

    Have fun, whatever places you get to!

    (P.S. Oh lordy, WWDD while you're gone????! Eep!)

  39. Oh you TEASE! "I have some news..." Harumph!

  40. OH MAN! That is just not can you leave us hanging like that?

    Hopefully, you'll blog on vacation (pretty please!?!?) and not leave us hanging the whole time you're gone!

    Have a great time -- in a GREAT city!!

  41. Definitely check out Art Fibers Lots of very cool yarn that you can't get any where else.

  42. one more thing, Delessio Market and Bakery at Market and Gough is fantastic. great take out or eat in, simple delicious food. no yarn.

  43. Anonymous8:51 PM

    I would love to knit that hat so thank you in advance if that pattern gets written! As for Lacis, I love it, you will love it and you will want everything in the shop! Take a look at the electronic needle gage and the US 0000 0000 needles :-)

  44. Anonymous11:21 PM

    I love to visit San Francisco and we have some friends that live practically across the street from pier 39. I've never managed to find a yarn store on our time crunched visits there. Have fun! the big news that you're pregnant? (hahaha)

  45. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Well, (insert huffy noise) if you're not going to tell me your news, I'm not going to look up the yarn store I had more fun at than there. Ok, ok, I think it was in the Castro district.

    Let's getting a pool going. Who thinks Franklin got a book offer?

    Gerrie in MN

  46. There once was a blogger named Habit
    Who fled to San Fran like a rabbit.
    A news flash he dangled:
    A book deal he’s wrangled?
    If it’s true, we all promise to nab it!

  47. Anonymous3:31 AM

    I've seen a couple of friends' hauls from Artfibers and things were even more gorgeous than on the web site so that's where I'd head

    Britex Fabric is still there, as is Gump's, and all three are within easy walking distance. Britex is worth a stop if only to boggle your brain with so much amazing fabric in a tall, skinny footprint.

    And back to yesterday's post, I have a skein of that orange LP. I bought it on clearance for very little when it was DCed, to be used for provisional cast-ons, etc.

  48. Anonymous5:57 AM

    If you go to Lacis you should get some of those hooked Portugese knitting needles, they are wonderful for purling and for socks, or even just for picking up the &^&*^* heel flap stitches. Sue F

  49. I hope you have a wonderful time in SF, even if you are a tease!

    I am so delighted that you are going to write down the pattern for the hat. Thank you so much!

  50. If you'll only be in SF-- ArtFibers is the one no-miss stop. is my favorite LYS (Oakland, bordering Berkeley)... and they're having a sock yarn tasting on Sunday at 4! :)

    Have a great trip :)

  51. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Nice job on the Cast-On essay. I just started reading your blog about the time you were finishing the christening shawl. Amazing heirloom indeed!

    Hope your trip was terrific!

  52. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Artfibers, 124 Sutter Street, SF. Hurry!

  53. Three things,
    1) Have a great trip, come back son.
    2) It is cold, snowy, windy and icy in Chicago. You are missing NOTHING.
    3) Is it a pattern yet? Do we have to rely of Dolores (a foolhardy thought) to figure it out?

  54. Oops,
    By "son", I meant soon.

  55. Loved your essay on Cast-on. Love Cast-on! Love knitting essays. I will have to go back and look for the Christening Shawl.

  56. Anonymous7:11 PM

    "America's Next Top Romney"? I would have guessed Dolores for a bottom. I can hear her voice, mellowed by years of fine tobacco and single malt, "Honey, the view is better from this angle. Trust me."

    The last four letters of my verification word are Ph. B(&)D. The mind reels, then falls down.

  57. huh? what? wait a minute ...

  58. De-lurking to second those who've recommended Imagiknit! It is amazing, if a bit overwhelming. Two large rooms lined floor-to-ceiling with *yarn!* And comfy couches to sit on and knit. I go there every time I'm in the City.

  59. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Oh it would be awesome if you could add SF as a stop for your 1,000 knitters campaign! There are so many different types of people here who are knitters.

  60. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Make sure you get to Art Fibers while you're here in SF if you like one-of-a-kind lace. It's heaven! is

  61. Thanks for your essay on Cast On last week. I rarely laugh out loud at podcasts but did this time. Please do some more soon.

  62. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I used to think you were the nicest man on the interwebs and had this dream of maybe adopting you. Now I might change my mind...keeping us waiting since Friday for news... (Harumph!!!) This better be good.


  63. I think most people would do the same when they are headed with the situation. Woosh

  64. Henry9:13 PM

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  65. Anonymous3:54 PM

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