Monday, November 05, 2007

She Who Puts the Chic in Chicago

Here I sit, back at the home office after flitting to Sacramento and back again in three short days. The frames from the Saturday shoot are downloading. I am trying not to think about the seventy-eight sunny degrees I left in California because I'm afraid my abundant tears will short-circuit the keyboard.

Thanks to your support, 1,000 Knitters is taking off. October was so busy that two past public shoots are waiting to be written up (that'll happen over the next two days) and there are a few more in the pipeline–details forthcoming. I will tell you that while in Sacramento (sniffle) the project hit the one-quarter mark.

Other work beckons right now, however, so this entry will be brief. I wanted to let y'all know that Chicago knitwear designer Bonne Marie Burns will preside over a fashion show of pieces from her line, Chic Knits, at Loopy Yarns on November 9 from 6–9 p.m.

Chic Knits at Loopy

Full disclosure: Bonne Marie is a friend and occasional employer,* a warm human being, and a helluvalotta fun. However, she's such a talented woman that even if she were a rampaging, cat-kicking bitch on wheels spit straight outta Satan's mouth I would probably still plug her show.

*The front page photo of Twist on her Web site is mine, as is the shot in the show announcement. Mommy and Daddy are proud.


  1. It's getting colder here as well.


    Congrats on the 1/4 mark! Very exciting.

  2. We're ALL proud for you!

  3. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I would pay to see you and Bonne Marie star in a buddy road trip movie. Maybe that can be your next project after Hollywood options 1000 Knitters? ;-)

  4. Why-o why-o why-o did I ever leave....Chicago? Sigh. Wish I could be there.

  5. Thank you so much for coming to Sacramento! The shoot was a blast, even if I was shaking from excitement and WAY to much coffee.

  6. Come East, young man. Come East.

    (pretty please? quite specifically, New England? Southern New England, if that's not pushing it too much?)

  7. Anonymous5:14 PM

    It was SUCH a pleasure to meet you! Just so you know- the Minions love you!

  8. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Bonnie Marie designs some great patterns but her sizing range is too small which is a shame as many of her designs would be flattering on those of us with a large bust measurement.

  9. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Whooooooooo - congrats all around, Franklin! Great, wunderbar, and even yippee ki ay! Yep. Proud, you damn betcha.

    I guess we can take it the nerves wore off in the sunshine, eh? Oops...sorry, didn't mean to remind you. Here, have a Kleenex...think of fame and fortune and successful freelancing after the book comes out. (Gawd, I'd better start saving up.)

  10. I think that while it wasn't actually stated out loud, the Minions would have been happy to kidnap you and bring you back to San Jose with us (where is was 70's and gorgeously sunny today too). And there was even an extra seat in the van. Damn. Shoulda done it.

  11. Please come to Texas! I hear you already have an offer for a place to shoot in Austin.

  12. Anonymous10:55 AM

    St. Louis is but a leisurely 4-hour Amtrak ride away... We have a fabulous new shop in need of publicity, lotsa knitters, marvelous food. Oh, and did I mention that the art museum is free? Really. No admission fee.

    And, no jet lag.

  13. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Woo hoo look at you! the 1/4 mark already!!!! And you're having scads of fun too!!! I second Monicapdx's comment, i'd better start saving up for that sweetheart-honey-cadillac of a coffee table book that we're all waiting for. And here's something funny, I'd gone to Chic Knits over lunch a few days ago, and was ogling the photos of twist and that lovely blue cardi, thinking "these photos rock! they really set off those sweaters" heh, figures, that was due to your most excellent ability with a camera!!!

  14. Anonymous4:14 PM

    monica wished she were closer and she would have met up with you. congratulations on the 1/4 mark. it was great to see you again, and thanks for giving a shout-out to BM's trunk show.
