Saturday, October 06, 2007

I Can Knit a Rainbow

So I'm getting ready for the Brandon Mably color workshop today, and we've been told to bring along twenty different colors of worsted or DK yarn, excluding white.

I've raided my stash and come up with nineteen odd balls that I'm willing to sacrifice, which we'll call close enough. However, here's the color breakdown:
  • Muted and/or heathery greens: 5
  • Greys and black: 3
  • Brown/beige/taupe: 3
  • Earthy reds: 4
  • Dark blues: 3
  • Orange, burnt: 1
I may need this workshop even more than I thought.


  1. I was pulling my yarn together last night and realized that apparently, the yellow family is the one I am most likely to be willing to sacrifice to a workshop and that purple and deep blue is the most likely to be saved for a specific project or just to not break into the ball.

  2. Anonymous9:33 AM

    so not my problem... I've got every colour in the rainbow in my stash... but you're already getting there: just look at Abigail's cardi!

  3. And your point about the earth tones is..........?? I think having to dig through my stash to that extent would put me right off a workshop, but then I'm Timid and Somewhat Devoid of Skill. (I make up for it with wild enthusiasm and vast quantities of scarves and dishcloths)

  4. Can you mix fibers? My cottons and linens are hot, bright colors. My wools are more muted and wintery, and the funfur and synthetics are all over the place. And then there's my pink silk stash. . .

    Have fun. Take pictures!

  5. Anonymous10:06 AM are SO in need of this workshop! Abigails DIC cardi means you have, at least once, broadened your color palette. Enjoy the workshop!

  6. Wow, I could never do that -- unless it could be 20 different blues! I am so boring when it comes to colors....

    Heard his classes ROCK though, have fun!!

  7. Your stash is so butch!

  8. I just found out from my friday group of knitters that you are coming to Sacramento soon! I can't tell you how happy that makes me! I work on Saturdays so I was wondering if you have plans to be somewhere knitting or shooting on Sunday? I'm sure you will have lots of help from the guild but if I can do anything let me know. We, (my partner and I. OK mostly my partner who lived in the bay) know all the best vegan spots in town and the bay area! :) Do I sound excited? I think I got drool on my keyboard...

  9. Sounds like winter in Chicago, alright...

  10. I wish I was going. If I was, your problem would be solved because when I take a workshop I tend to show up with a huge bag full of zillions of little balls and skeins of all different colors, hoping to do a little destashing by sharing with people like you.

  11. Sounds like a Starmore platte...

  12. You can knit a very muted rainbow. Personally, mine would be a red/pink/purple rainbow.

  13. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Have a great time at the workshop!

  14. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I hope the first thing they do is make everyone pass their stash one person to the left. That'll learn ya!

  15. Hmm, we'll wait for the results of the workshop before passing judgment. ;)

  16. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I seem to recall that Harry rolled into your life in order to show you the range of sock yarn available. But Harry and the gang probably should stay away from knitting workshops.

  17. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Think jewel tones. Deep and rich without being gaudy.

    But we've all got our "signature" colours, too, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's only when you close your mind to any other possibilities that you find yourself in trouble.

    My world is predominantly shades of blue, green, red, purple and gold.

  18. Enjoy it. Sometimes it's good to go outside your usual palette; sometimes you just hate it and with good reason... and I can't imagine an experienced teacher isn't going to have something to throw into the mix... It sounds brilliant...

    When I've taught (not very often) I've found that the people in the class generally share yarn; because we;re knitters, and we do that; and that broadens the palette too!

  19. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Hmm, does Brandon make the person with the least broad palette come to the front of the class to be mocked? Can't quite remember...

    You should be up for it though, after going to (shudder) Catholic school.

    Just remind him of the of the men's Summer Tweed sweater he did all in shades of brown, it was in Rowan 41. I think you could take him.

  20. I love the fact you filed this post under men's issues!

  21. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Heh - you mean they missed the marketing chance of selling boxed sets of 20 differently colored yarns? Tsk. (And what, not even a bit of the lime green sock yarn left??)

  22. Anonymous8:54 PM

    (everybody sing)

    red and yellow and pink and green

    purple and orange and blue

    I can knit a rainbow

    knit a rainbow

    knit a rainbow too

    hope you enjoyed the workshop!

    anne marie in philly

  23. I see nothing wrong with your palette, but i do tend toward neutrals and cool tones myself. And i just ignore the friends who tell me my wardrobe is a bit dull. Philistines.

  24. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Dear Franklin,
    Has Dolores been near Wrigley Field in the last few days? Is she a "baseball Annie", like Susan Sarandon in Bull Durnham? Or do the Cubs just suck? If not, could you ask her to kick that goat's ass?



  25. I don't see anyting wrong with that list of colours, apart from perhaps it being a little gaudy.

    Burnt orange, indeed!

  26. You only have 3 balls of gray/black? That's just wrong....At least 1/2 of my stash are those colors. Hmmmmmm I wonder what's wrong with this picture.

  27. I'm pretty sure that if I went through my yarn right now I would find dark purples (mostly eggplant), a large variety of blues, black and grey.

    Oh, and a bit of red.

    While I will buy nearly any color of yarn, I knit up the pinks and greens and yellows first into scarves for charity with nothing left over.
