Saturday, September 15, 2007

A Queen with a Full House

I was jolted out of a sound sleep last night by the sound of the key in the front door. There are only two copies of that key around.

There was a groan as the door opened. Sounds of scampering and dragging, then a loud bang and a crash followed by a familiar voice letting forth a stream of groggy but pointed invective.

"Sorry, Dolores," said Harry. "One of the guys lost his grip on the microphone stand."

I considered getting out of bed to say welcome home.

"If that stand is broken," grunted Dolores, "I'm holding you responsible for the damages. And if this leaves a scar, I'm going hold you under water until you felt."

"I'll get you an ice pack," said Harry. "Hey Stan, go get some paper towels and try to get the blood out of the rug, okay?"

I decided to stay in bed.

This was the scene this morning.


Half of me wants to hear how the tour went. The other half wants to pack a suitcase and move out before they wake up.

Baby Knitting

I finished the collar on the Debbie Bliss baby kimono. I finagled with the needles a bit to tease out the points on the ends. I think it adds to the "They call me Shanghai Lily" appeal of the garment. All I have to do now is sew in the sleeves and I can start embroidering. Yum.

Kimono Collar Complete


I'm so impressed. They really are doing a splendid job of creating a Web space that meets the needs (and wants) of knitters. Even in beta form, it's easy to use and the bugs I've encountered have been minor. I got a warm welcome from the Dolores Devotees group and have spent some time loading in projects.

My favorite feature so far? The ability to see what others have done with particular patterns and yarns. Therein, for me, lies the potential for hours (hours, hell–days) of lost time. Some of the forums are interesting, too, but I can promise you this blog will still be the place I mouth off the most.

If you want to say hey, my user name is franklin. I considered calling myself StitchStallionChicago, but it seemed potentially misleading. I don't own a horse.


  1. Welcome to Ravelry!

  2. The kimono is lovely. You haved such a way with the needles.

    So sorry that you peace has been shattered with the return of the road show. Hopefully the stories will be worth it all.

    And, I like the alternate Raverly name choice. Who sayid you have to own a horse to use the word stallion?

  3. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Woo hoo! D and company made it home... I'll bet she'll have tons of stories; can't wait! And what a gorgeous kimono! The embroidery will most certainly set off the style of the article. That is most definitely heirloom work dear!!

  4. Was happy to see you on Ravelry. I am the Dolores group. Glad, also, to see you stuck with name Franklin so could find you easy. Love the baby Kimono.

  5. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Lucky, lucky Abigail!

  6. I've had thoughts like that when there were still teenaged sons around here (they bore an almost terrifying similarity to Dolores...) I think the best thing to do is to stay in bed. It all comes out in the wash (sometimes fulled). May I recommend brewing a whole pot of Celestial Seasoning's new "Fast Lane" tea? Tea seems so respectable, but it's just under espresso in caffeine jolt...

  7. Love the new blog look!

    Kimono looks super.

  8. Hey, did you do a cartoon where Dolores hangs out at a place called The Coffee Faucet? Or is that a false memory...

  9. Harry is a martyr, poor thing. I'd love to be there for the uprising when it finally comes. It's the quiet ones, you know. Still waters and all.

    I like the "Shanghai Lilly" touch. Always thinkin', aren't you?

  10. I didn't think "stallion" had anything to do with ownership of livestock.

  11. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Aawww, does Harry have a teddy? Actually, it looks like Roo (from Ernest Shepherd's illustrations).

    The mascot at my daughter's high school was a stallion. The girls' teams were called, I kid you not, the Lady Stallions.

  12. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I love the alternate ravelry id.... all I can say is "OOO baby!"... I always thought I should use the name "thin ice" because that is what I skate on.

  13. Those Shanghai Lily points will serve as convenient latching-on points when she wants to get the collar into her mouth, too. Which is to say, she'll absolutely love it. :-)

  14. Perhaps we should start a 'we love Franklin' group on ralvelry and call it the

    SittchStallionChicagoStalkers! tee-hee!

    Love the kimono! and trying not to be a stitchstallionstalker ;)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. "StitchStallionChicago" I think would have been a PERFECT fit -- even though you don't own a horse.

    I'm just sayin'.....

    I think if you can't fill in the blanks -- you better email. I don't know how graphic you're comfortable with women types getting here :)

    The Kimono is looking lovely, can't wait to see the whole thing! And welcome to Ravelry! I know you're going to love it there!

  17. I hoped you'd go for "The Studmuffin".

  18. I can spend days looking at what others have done with a particular yarn. Or what yarns others have used on a project I have in mind.

    Tell Dolores and Harry I said welcome home! Of course, there goes your peace and quiet. :)

  19. PS - the kimono is so cute. Your niece is going to be so she should be. :)

  20. Anonymous9:40 PM

    I recently found your blog and love it. I have to agree with the potential hours spent on Ravelry. I love the queue feature - so much to knit.

  21. Welcome to Ravelry! Is Dolores getting her own account, or would that cause the world as we know it to impode? ;)

  22. Yes Ravelry puts you in a time warp. I can wheedle away hours before I look up. But still, I love it! Your kimono is beautiful! Abigail is a lucky baby. Studmuffin...I like it too.

  23. I *love* this cartoon! :)

  24. It's dang hard to break a mike stand (easier to break anything else in the vicinity), but if anyone could do it I'd bet on Dolores and crew.

  25. Anonymous1:53 AM

    Awwww, Harry looks so innocent! Wait...Harry is the innocent one. Well. Maybe not after the night in jail. And Joliet. And-- Um. Nevermind.

    Can hardly wait to see the kimono embroidery! Ravelry - congrats, and ditto re waiting to get on myself so I, too, can stalk you.

    PS - my Virgin Wool Tour shirt arrived Saturday; magnificent! Perfect wear for the Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival!

  26. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Beautiful kimono and I think it will be even more beautiful when it will be embroided by her loving uncle.
    Might meet you on Ravelry but that might take some time...

  27. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Only 5062 more knitters until my turn to get into Ravelry.

    Perhaps I should star photogtaphing now.

  28. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Save a horse. Ride a cowboy.

  29. that's my real favorite part too, seeing what other people have done with a particular pattern or yarn. my next favorite part is being able to easily find people to help figure something out. :)

  30. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Harry is learning to deal with Dolores. Is he, perhaps, getting ballsy at last?

  31. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Harry has a teddy bear? Adorable!

  32. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Franklin, I added you as a friend and wanted to let you know that I have a pattern page attributed to you for the Baby Democrat Sweater (Chart) with proper sweater shaping given credit in the notes :)

  33. Anonymous3:02 PM

    I'm with you, redhead.

    Harry's "stuffie" (what my kids called stuffed animals) is just TOO Franklin for words. Of COURSE he has a stuffie!

    Lady Stallions. (snort)

    Our women's hockey team is mostly made up of moms of hockey kids who wanted to strap 'em on and see what all the fun was about. (Ice skates, lovies...)

    We're called "The MotherPuckers". ;-)

    Unfortunately, the newspaper won't print our name so we have to be known as "The (township) Ladies". Pah. Talk about misnomers!

  34. Will ship ancestral hangover remedy. One bottle or two?

  35. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I'm loving the color combo on the kimono; very modern! I'm about pasteled out. Any booties soon?

  36. Welcome to Ravelry!

    I just presumptuously sent you an invitation to the Opera Lovers group, which needs some spicing up.

    (Who are Dolores's favorite sopranos, anyway?)

  37. Aw, Harry's looking a little frayed. With his loose end and all.

    And I love his teddy.

    Love the kimono, too. I can't wait to see it with the embroidery. And on Abigail. I swear, sometimes I think I just read knitting blogs to see all the cute kids. (Wait, that sounds suspicious.)

  38. Anonymous2:34 AM

    Thanks for your kind words about our little website. We are getting there!

    Casey would change your username if you desire. ;)
