Monday, August 06, 2007

1,000 Knitters at Stitches Midwest

It's confirmed, kids! I'll be shooting on Sunday, August 12, 2007 in the Marketplace at Stitches Midwest from 10 am-3 pm. I'd like to thank Laura and the other lovely folks at Jimmy Beans Wool for making it possible by acting as my sponsor, and XRX (the organization that runs Stitches) for approving the shoot.

The usual guidelines for models will apply, so if you're interested in participating please read them carefully. Obviously, the window for shooting is limited and I'm sorry that there may be folks who would like to participate, but will have gone home by Sunday. But worry not - we have a long way to go before it's time to cast off and I will be doing this again.

No need to sign up in advance, but we will be using a numbering system on the day if there's a queue.

I plan to hang out around the market quite a bit, even when I'm not shooting, so I hope to meet a lot of you. (That's why I'll be there: to meet people. I won't be shopping. I am not buying any yarn. Absolutely not.)


  1. Good luck with no buying any yarn.

  2. "I am not buying any yarn." Hah! Famous last words.

  3. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Unfortunately the people you meet will be enablers. Nasty, evil enablers. I hope you can remain strong.

  4. Ah ha! You said nothing about books or aaccessories or gadgets!

  5. If you walk out of the Market without buying something, we'll all be shocked. Wish I could go to MW this year.

  6. So you'll be buying fiber, then?

  7. Anonymous11:53 AM


    Will be in Chicago - end of August - can we do a shoot them?

    Charlene Schurch

    Please email me.

  8. not buying yarn? yeah right! Whis I could be there! kudos on getting CS for your shot!

  9. Heh. Yeah. Good luck with that.

  10. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Think you could knit something nice for my sword, dawg?

  11. I have bought neither yarn nor fibre since December, apart from two skeins for my b-day in Jan (and one was Handmaiden cashmere so it counts as food, not yarn).

    I am strong. So are you. I believe you will not buy anything! You gots the powah!

    Oh, and be sure to show us pix of your purchases when you get back, mmkay?

  12. "not buying any yarn" has been said by me more often in the last year than ever before.

    And my stash has, like, doubled.

    Best of luck. You're a better man than I... not the least because you're male and I'm not.

  13. I was all excited until I read you were taking pictures on Sunday. :( I'm doing Stitches Market & Loopy on Friday. If you're there, you can help me spend my money at the market...almost as good as buying yourself.

  14. Anonymous2:01 PM

    The only way I can successfully "not buy yarn" (or buy only a little) is to leave the credit card, bank card and cash at home/hotel and just bring a $20. Try it!

    Good luck with the shoot.

  15. Good luck with that. I'll be buying lots of yarn, and I hope to stop by and meet you!

  16. Enjoy looking at all the yarn you are not going to buy! And good luck with the photoshoot.

  17. Anonymous3:03 PM

    To be highly unoriginal - hah! Would you like the camel-sized bag for your purchases, or the elephant-sized one? (Camels or elephants to haul bags not included.)

    Have a great success with the shoot! And a CS photo? Ohhh. My. Did I ever thank you for influencing me to buy both her Sensational books? Just in case, thanks!

  18. Have fun! And how about a UK-based shoot?

  19. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Or you could combine a photo shoot with a trip to visit that adorable shiny new neice of yours... Hmmmm???

  20. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Yeah, Right I am not buying any yarn either, in fact I may not even go. Well maybe I will just go and look but still not buying a thing......

    You can see where this is going.

  21. Can one go into a yarn shop without buying something...yarn, needles, a pattern. I've done it, but only because I had a sobbing, fit throwing toddler with me (I can't remember why I was even in a yarn shop at that time, I obviously needed something I didn't get). Be strong...I'm sure you can manage without a sobbing, fit throwing toddler as an excuse.

  22. Let me know how long your resolve lasts - and I'll let you know how mine does...highest number wins? or not..? Good luck!

  23. who are you kidding? not buy yarn? and I was worried before..

  24. Oh, yeah, we bleeeeve you!

    But it's amazing how you get home, and that stuff has just sneaked into your pockets and is looking at you with big pitiful eyes.

  25. Yea, I will believe you won't buy yarn when I hear Delores is entering a monastery ...

  26. Anonymous11:37 PM

    I know -- you won't be buying yarn, you'll be getting Harry some new roommates!

  27. Clearly, some of your loyal readers doubt you will emerge un-skeined.
    I think your faithful readers might oughta have a pool on how much yarn you actually buy...

  28. congratulations!

    i hope it's a success!

  29. Congratulations on getting the shoot approved!

    Why would you want to impose such a cruel sentence upon yourself - "I am not buying any yarn."

    Yarn is medicinal, a few, possibly several, well-chosen skeins have nearly a magical effect on one's psyche...

    Of course, I am one of the "nasty, evil enablers".

  30. Anonymous9:59 AM

    If I were attending Stitches Midwest, I would buy a few skeins of the most beautiful yarn to gift you just for being you and everything you do for us out here in the cyberworld! I would not want you to go home un-skeined!

    Best wishes!

  31. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Are you getting a badge as "Official Photographer" or a letter from XRX to allow your admission with camera? I thought the security people at Stitches were pretty fierce about confiscating cameras, and somehow I doubt they'd accept "But I'm with an exhibitor..." to let you in.

  32. wow that sounds great for you. and an excellent opportunity to meet nice nice people i am sure. i would almost sponsor copenhagen but the only knitter i know here is me!!!! and i am sure you will not buy anything because you will be oh so busy.

  33. Enablers will be hidden all around strong.....

  34. Dearest Franklin, you just THINK you won't be buying any yarn!

  35. (Hmm, interesting, Blogger must be on Eastern Time. I see it says I left my comment at 5:53 p.m., rather than the 4:53 p.m. it is here in Central Time.)

  36. Here's hoping Jimmy Bean's will see fit to sponsor you on their home turf. I have been looking for an excuse to drive up there....

  37. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Well, at the Estes Park Wool Market I only bought one skein of yarn for socks for me ... the other six skeins (four at 400 yds and two at 800 yds each) were for sweaters for the kids and my husband, so they were "clothing," not "yarn."

    So I therefore stuck to my promise to myself that I would only buy one thing for me.


  38. YES!!!!! I'll see you Sunday between 10 and 3. . .so! excited!

  39. Hey Franklin! This is Sarah from the Arcadia shoot! Your project sounds like it's coming along nicely. Well done. Let me know if you need any assistance with any part of the project.
    Shoot me an email:

  40. What is that roving, it looks like a cross between a wool and cotton from the photos, so I couldn't make it out...looks interesting ..and very generous.

  41. It was a pleasure to meet you today! Were you able to maintain your resolve in the face of Webs and the lovely booth that you were across from?

    How many models sat for you on Sunday?

  42. It was terrific meeting and talking with you today. Let me know when you're coming to the opera this season:


  43. I like what you guys are up also. Such clever work and reporting! Keep up the superb works guys
