Friday, July 27, 2007

The Subject Was Movies

So listen, if you're interested in hearing me shoot off my mouth about a topic I don't normally dwell on in here, check out my interview over at the Film Experience blog. Far better than my responses, if you ask me, are Nathaniel's graphics to accompany them.

Such a clever man. It makes you wonder why he doesn't knit.

Coffee In, Coffee Out

If you're a long-time reader you may remember this cartoon (now re-drawn).

Side by Side

I hesitated to even post it, but when I did a bunch of you asked for it on a coffee mug. Here it is.

I don't know why Cafepress makes the close-ups of mug designs look so dreadful on screen, by the way. All I can tell you is the artwork shouldn't be pixelated on the finished product even though it appears so on the screen.

I also don't know whey they changed the template for tote bags and never bothered to tell me, especially considered the flood of spam messages I get from them on other topics of no import. I've got to go and re-do all the bags. Ah, the life of the bourgeois shopkeeper.

Happy weekend, y'all.


  1. Great interview, Frank. ?? :D

  2. That was a great interview.

    I have to agree with you on the droll Hollywood blockbusters and lackluster gay cinema.

    And I thought I was the only one who saw the Parrots of Telegraph Hill! I loved it.

  3. Vin Diesel knitting lace...mmmmmmmmmmmmm (with nuts)

  4. I'm so with you on Titanic, I'd buy that DVD too. Do you ever watch Mystery Science Theater 3000? There ought to be more commentaries like that.

    But I'm with Dolores over the costumes; for me it's Adrian every time.

    I've never watched Angels and Insects because Patsy Kensit annoys me, but I like the book so your recommendation has persuaded me to add it to my rental list, along with the parrots. What a week it's been, Aunt Purl asking for movie recommendations and you giving them. Have a fab weekend.

  5. 'Rip both arms off my seat" you are a scream...great interview, and I too love the parrots of telegraph hill...I like the movies everyone else thinks are too slow, they are so unamerican....Bagdad Cafe being one of my favourite and dinner with Andre

  6. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Great interview! When "Follow the Fleece" debuts, I'll camp out overnight for tix. But frankly, I think Yul is a little long in the tooth to play you, but Vin Diesel--he'd be close. Tom Cruise's head is the wrong shape ... Bob Hoskins might be a fit.

  7. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Franklin, your interview was fab!

    To be honest, I think Joseph Fiennes should only wear period clothing, circa 17 to 18th century.

    Call the boys at Fabulous Fannie's in New York, for the pearl opera glasses. I just picked up a pair of racing googles from the 20's at their shop for an amazing price!

    As for "Follow the Fleece"––darn, I wish Julia Roberts knitting movie wasn't coming out so soon, but maybe you still have time––'git crackin'!

  8. Anonymous1:10 PM

    hmmmm . . . sheep ws. an idea is forming . . .

    grrr woof

  9. great interview! I vote for Vin Diesel... the musical breaks briefly for an intense action scene of General Dolores and the Knitting Army taking on the Crafters.

    unrelated: my word verification is "rlynolj," to which I can only say, "ya rly i use blogger."

  10. Anonymous1:39 PM

    You niece is adorable!

    I theorized that Harry and Voldemort would call it a day and open a casino together in Vegas. I was wrong. alas. Have fun reading the book!

  11. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Topless on the beach at Cannes, oh dear. ::snerk:: Wonderful interview; hilarious! (And reminds me I need to rent some Mifune movies again soon... Although yeah, I could go for Vin Diesel knitting.)

  12. Anonymous2:05 PM

    hehehe, NOW i know what to get my son for christmas, oh hell, like i could really wait that long to give him that mug. LOL

  13. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Franklin! While you're tossing mugs up onto CafePress...I'm still hoping you'll do one for the Barbara Walker spider.

    Love that cobweb lace...

  14. Oh, I LOVE "Angels & Insects"! I describe it to people and they think I'm nuts, but thanks to Netflix I can prove I didn't make it up.

    "Cold Comfort Farm"... I think that's a fave of Brenda's, right?

    And of course we can't forget Sly Stallone slippin' those stitches in "Demolition Man," one of the only action films I've ever seen. Can't say I really enjoyed it, but that development certainly improved the viewing experience.

    Now if they'd only make the peanut M&Ms in dark chocolate...

  15. But dear, we want to see you topless at Cannes, complete with leather pants and a boy toy on your arm. That'll teach your ex.

    Yep. Helena knows how to work fifty pounds of fabric.

  16. Anonymous11:15 PM

    I've got to admit that Ben a few years ago would have played you well... but Yul.... sigh
    great choices!
    I'm with you re Feinnes too... he should stay in period costume.
    Come to think of it, much of the world should live in period costume. I still have days when I wish I could.
    Except for the corsets of course. I do like to breathe

  17. Anonymous8:06 AM

    btw, your movie tawk made me want to ask you what you think of the clothing on :deadwood: ?

  18. Anonymous12:49 AM

    I've only just caught up with my blog reading - your shawl is the most wondrous thing I have ever seen - the thought and planning and wishes for her, let alone the knitting, are the ultimate expression of love for your tiny, beautiful niece, Abigail. I hope you get your wish to see Abigail's children wrapped in the love of your shawl.
    Grandma Flea
