Saturday, June 16, 2007


Yesterday was my last day at the old job. Monday is my first day at the new.

The old job was an adventure, to be sure. On the one hand, they usually sent me to Europe for two weeks every year, gratis.

On the other hand, the other fifty weeks of the year were an endless cavalcade of annoyance, humiliation and overwork.

We once benchmarked our Web programs against those at peer institutions, and found that in all cases, even those at which there was less to do, my job was performed by a minimum of six full-time employees. I asked whether I might be allowed to have a student aide, at a rate of $7.50 an hour, for five hours a week. They said no.
I should have seen it coming. My second round of interviews took place on September 12, 2001. I called the office on September 11, just after the World Trade Center collapsed, and asked what I should do. "Oh," the HR rep chirped, "It's business as usual around here. We aren't even letting people go home unless they take vacation. Chicago didn't get hit."

But I needed a steady income to escape from Mr. Ex, so I grit my teeth and signed on.

The new job is at the same university, but in a different division. To my unbridled joy, it isn't a Web design position. I'll be writing, I'll be editing, I'll be art directing and playing with photographs. In the university hierarchy, it's a lateral move, not a promotion. I don't care. It's exactly what I wanted: a step towards my ultimate goal of being a person to whom the sentence, "The database is down" means nothing.

And you helped. When they asked about my writing abilities, I pointed them here. I do believe the fact that 2,000 of you stop in once a day to see if I've written anything helped to convince them I could produce snappy copy for the magazine. Thank you.

My final duty last night was to photograph the fiftieth reunion alumni being robed and capped for commencement. It was a sweet way to end things. They were all wonderful people, in high spirits, genuinely happy to be back and to see each other. When they lined up to join the procession into the stadium, I handed off to another photographer who was assigned to shoot the ceremony, then said goodbye to my colleagues–who were suddenly my former colleagues.

And as I walked away, alone, the university band began to play "Pomp and Circumstance."

I laughed all the way home.


  1. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Congratulations! I have enjoyed your writing tremendously and hope your new job is a perfect fit. Also....that darling little baby is a keeper.

  2. Anonymous8:51 AM

    that's one magical single step along the journey. joy!

  3. I am really pleased for you. I'm sure that you wil be appreciated much more in your new job, and you will be able to use a wier range of your talents. Best of all, you won't have to deal with arsehole alumni and parents who treat you like the hired help.

  4. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Best wishes and congrats on the new job! As for the thanks for stopping in--Franklin, if you didn't write such good stuff that it is absolutely **compelling**, we won't be checking in. Take a moment and thank yourself for the effort you've put in. Blogging for good writers must be like practice for the musicians. Really glad you got the gig.

    As for that baby-whoa, now that's cute.

    Gerrie in St Paul

  5. Congratulations!

  6. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Hallefuckinglujah! You totally deserve this. May you have great success, enjoyment, and proper recognition in your new job.

    Virtual champagne. Buckets of it. Better yet, a decadent Roman bath full of it, and - let's make it six, just for symmetry or something - gorgeous young things to celebrate with. Or gorgeous older guys. Or a combo. All of them knitters. Whatever, celebrate!

  7. congratulations! You found the perfect job! Thousands of us have loved your writing all along. Nowyou can put this up on your desk in a crocheted frame. It's a quote by Moliere: Writing is like prostitution. First you do it for love, then you do it for a few friends, then you do it for the money. :)

  8. CONGRATS!!!! And who knows what opportunities are ahead for you?

  9. Anonymous9:33 AM

    What a huge sense of relief and joy you must be feeling!!!


  10. What a fabulous way to end a job. Congrats on the move!

  11. Congratulations! How wonderful. It's great to see someone get out of a bad thing and into a good.

  12. Anonymous9:45 AM

    That is just wonderful! I am happy for you and know that you would be an asset anywhere you work.

  13. Anonymous9:48 AM

    How wonderful! Congratulations! And Abigail is just the most darling baby. So beautiful!! Thank you for sharing her with us.

    I wouldn't miss your blog. It's one of the very best. I'm glad the Harlot pointed you out or I would really be missing something special!

  14. All the best in the new position!

  15. You're welcome! Have a fiberlicious weekend of celebration!

  16. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Oh Franklin, that's AWESOME!!! I love how the planets aligned to play pomp and circumstance to send you on your way! A fitting end. Congratulations, Graduate!

  17. New Jersey Laura (and Moliere) you're one of my new heroes. I'm going to have that quote tattooed on my....oh,, I'll just write it down. Franklin, HUZZAH! I loved working for University, but a *good* position as better than any other kind. Do they realize how lucky they are to get you?? Have 'em ask ME, I'll set 'em straight.

  18. Hurray!! Best of luck in your new position - sounds like so much more fun.

  19. Congratulations and good luck.

    I've heard many horror stories about people getting fired (or not hired in the first place) because of their blogs. It's nice to hear a tale of someone getting HIRED in part because of one. Very good to hear.

    Of course, this just means you had the good sense and talent to write kind, funny things. So congratulations again. Though I bet they think Dolores is fictional, so you better have a care with that whole situation.

  20. It's exactly what I wanted: a step towards my ultimate goal of being a person to whom the sentence, "The database is down" means nothing.

    This had me laughing so hard I cried...because I know exactly why someone would never want to hear that again! Perhaps my job search will work out well too!

    Congrats on your new job!

  21. I worked for an insurance company on 9/11. In Charlotte, NC. We are the second largest banking city in the country after NYC. They evac'd parts of downtown (mainly the big bank towers) but we worked. All day. Yeah. I don't think a lot of employers cared what happened - as long as they weren't affected by it.

    Congrats on the new job. And speaking for HR folks everywhere - we don't usually make those decisions. We just have the policies and such. I have had all sorts of crap go down that we have told employees they just have to take vacation for. Yeah. Sucks. And as usual we the HR people take the blame. Not that I think you are - just saying. We do our best :)

    and that is enough of that right now. must go shop for more yarn.

  22. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Congratulations! Good things happen to good people. Best wishes for much happiness!

  23. Congratulations! And good luck in the new job!

  24. Yeaaaa!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! I had suffered unbearably in my early life of jobs with humiliating bosses and no respect and I applaud you for moving into a future that you enjoy. Congratulaions.

    Your blog gives me laughs continually and a delightful view of life from the wild side, which includes public knitting. Thank you.

  25. Anonymous10:41 AM

    That's wonderful! Congrats and best of luck!

  26. Congrats on the new job! I am going to Chicago first weekend in August, I hope to see you then, even for a few seconds from outside of the red carpet. Will you give me your autograph with a sharpie on my knitting needle size 7?

  27. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Franklin, I wanted to say congratulations on the new job! I am so glad to hear you have found a job that will be a much better fit for your talents and interests, where you can contribute to your own well-being as well as that of your employer. Again, my best wishes for happiness and success in your new career.

  28. Anonymous10:56 AM

    sounds like a great jump. congratulations!

  29. Congratulations! It's wonderful to get a job doing something you enjoy doing. I hope this one hits that balance.

  30. May your new job bring you great satisfaction. Good luck!

  31. It has been so high time for this for so very long. I'm pleased as punch for you and hope that the folks at the new job realize what a gem you are.

  32. So Fitting!!!!! that you capture the sweet irony of the moment. Congrats on leaving one job, and starting another. Enjoy the transition, the position, and your new artistiv expression!!!

  33. The new job sounds great, Franklin! I'm glad all your loyal fans could be of assistance. One other thing all 2000 of us would like to do -- toss that woman who kept calling you "Manuel" into the lake. Could you post her address?

  34. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Congratulations to your new bosses on their recent acquisition. What a coup!

    Now. Howzabout that book?!?

  35. The new job is getting an excellent writer, and I wish you happy new employment.

  36. Hurrah! Congratulations. Your career path is in completely the opposite direction to mine...for some odd reason, the words 'the database is down' are, actually, kinda like some sort of geeky challenge to me.


  37. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I'm just surprised that there are only 2000 of us. Congratulations. Good things come to those who stick it out.

    'Tough times don't last. Tough people do.'
    ~ A. C. Green

  38. Congratulations!! I'm really happy for you :)

  39. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Congrats! I almost wish I'd finished a degree there just so I could get the magazine. Except not... You know, that whole "it didn't happen HERE" thing sucked as a student of non-means as well.

    Our Web team at my office has the same problem. It's an evil trap, doing a job too well.

    Best wishes on the new adventure!

  40. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Congratulations, Franklin! I know firsthand what you're feeling. It is quite a "woo-hoo!" moment!

  41. YAY! No more will you be trapped in the attic.

    I'm so happy for you. Working someplace you hate and being unappreciated is HELL!

    What a great way to start a beautiful summer.

    Love and Laughter,

  42. Anonymous2:04 PM

    We do what we need to to escape unbearable situations. Sometimes the new situation later becomes unbearable as well. Congratulations on escaping again.

    It sounds like your new employers really appreciate your talents. That's great. I wish you all the happiness you deserve.

  43. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Oh how wonderful, Franklin! I have spent the last decade or so moving my professional life closer and closer to the heart of what I love to do, and though I am still not quite there, I can tell you that every leap in the right direction feels like it's removing one of those Bugs Bunny 10-ton weights from over my head.

    I can also tell you that you are a rare and fine writer and photographer, and that they'll be delighted with your work.

  44. Congratulations! And how wonderful that blogging paid off for you!

  45. Congratulations on your new job. And we should be thanking you for writing such a wonderful blog (if mine could be only half as interesting and fun I would be thrilled). Best of luck.

    And Thank you.

  46. Mazel tov and felicitations! I admire people who set a goal for themselves and then reach for it, no matter how big the stretch. It's part of why I love your blog - all the knitting challenges you tackle. Best of luck in the new position (but why didn't you give yourself a break between jobs? At least a few days?). Good luck.

  47. Wow. Sounds like a great new opportunity.

    Love that music playing as you ride off into the sunset. :)

    I am glad our readership has provided a service to you. Makes all of us weirdo online knitbloggers seem a little less freakishly frivolous.

  48. I am happy to be one of the 2,000.

    Congratulations and best of luck!

  49. Wow, and I thought it was bad when I left my former university job and they hired three people to replace me! Congratulations!

  50. Congrats on the new journey!

  51. I'm coming out of lurkdome here to say many congratulations on your new job!! Lateral is all relative, if it makes you happier, then it's a promotion!!

  52. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Congrats on the new job!

  53. Congratulations on your new job! It's so important to be happy and satisfied with your work and work environment.

  54. Congratulations! Glad they had the good sense to hire you after your writing here, and hope the new job turns out wonderfully...

  55. Congratulations, Will you be using the "Royal We" (Pomp and Circumstance was played at the Queens Coronation!)
    Well as we say in Glasgow "gaun yersel, son!" or best wishes for the new job, in English!

  56. Congrats!

    I long for the day I don't have to worry about databases anymore too. I hope the new job is just as wonderful as you're hoping!

  57. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Mazel Tov!

  58. Awww, congratulations! I'm so excited for you! Fabulous new job, adorable new niece, killer lace project about to be filed under "done." That's awesome, man. If I were my old Greek aunt I would spit on you three times to assure that the blessings and good luck keep coming. (Be glad I'm just a young Greek aunt!)


  59. Best Wishes in your new job.

    It sounds like you ended the old one with a special bit of flair and i'm sure you'll take that flair and put it to even better use in your new job.

    Way to go!

  60. Yippeee! and we toss our caps in the air!

  61. there's not necessarily happiness in moving up. i'm a big encourager of not beliving that lie. you should do what makes you happy, not what's most prestigeous- unless of course, being at the top is what makes you happy, or you really need extra cash to fund that yarn stash...

  62. Franklin, I am so happy for you; you deserve good things. I'm glad that as one of your regular readers I could play a tiny part in helping you along your chosen path.

  63. Congratulations!! on your new position. I hope it leaves you more Franklin-time.

  64. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Congratulations on your new job that you so obviously deserve. Your many talents have been clear to us for so long.

    May I add, belatedly, how much I enjoyed "Secret Life - Advice from a Poncho" on the Cast On podcast. It rang so true as I recalled the women who taught me to knit, crochet, embroider and sew. Just beautiful.

  65. Congratulations! Best of luck to you new job! I hope you enjoy it, as it sounds like you are well suited to it!! I hope it takes you farther than you imagined!

  66. Congratulations, graduate!

  67. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Frank, I am so happy for you and relieved to know that a huge burden is off of your shouders.
    Congratulation! A little bit of heaven for you tonight:

    "When you are inspired by some great purpose,some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds;Your mind transcends limitations,your consciousness expands in every direction,and you find yourself in new, great and wonderful world.
    Dormant forces,facultes and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be."

    - Patanjali

  68. Anonymous8:44 PM

    mazel tov!

  69. Fantastic wrap-up Franklin
    I'm so happy for you.
    How wonderful that this blog helped you land the new gig too!

    OH what a sweet relief that must feel like.

  70. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Franklin, I am so glad you left that horrible job which disheartened you so much. Wonderful news.

  71. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Hurrah, Franklin!

  72. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Congratulations, Franklin --

    What a perfect scenario for you! Having worked with you and sharing an office from the very beginning, I want to tell you how proud I am of you and how excited I am about your new opportunity. Your talents, humor, compassion and encouragement have enriched me (and daughter Violet) in many ways and I will always be grateful for that. I will always treasure the memory of that afternoon when each of us was working at our computers and quietly singing to Kirsty MacColl (In These Shoes?) from your iTunes and laughing in surprise that we both got into it so much! I am playing it now in tribute -- feel free to sing along -- es un escandalo!



  73. Cheers! To new beginnings!

  74. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Mary-Helen insists that we all come here and congratulate you. And since I am afraid to cross The Godmother, I thought I'd better do as I am told.

    Fantastic news - a job with creative input is worth two without. I wish you all the best.

  75. Good luck Franklin and I'm glad you were able to do what you needed to do when you needed to do it. both then and now. enjoying moving divisions. i know in my uni things are so fragmented they often fedex packages to each other because it's faster than interoffice mail. enjoy the new gig.. i do (sometimes) wish i could not care about the db (or mail server) being down.

  76. Indeed, your way with words is as unusual (and heart-healing) as you are. I still wish I could have been an observer on the bus with those three who assumed you learned to knit in prison. So far as I can tell you have integrity that is rock solid, a sharp mind, and a style that always has (at least) one more surprise.
    Congratulations on your new position (a word I use advisedly). I hope you join the famous blogging, knitting, published folks like the Harlot and Crazy Aunt Purl. All the best.

  77. Yay!

    Well done you. We applaud your happy crab-like sideways sidle to a more pleasant spot on the beach.

    Tell us all about it as soon as you get a chance

  78. Anonymous1:58 AM

    I am now truly astounded at the small size of the world. Amazing enough to find that a the author of the hilarious, thought-provoking blog I stumbled upon some time ago hails from my very own Chicago, but you're even employed by the slightly frustrating institution at which I begin my summer job on Monday. Congratulations on escaping from your previous department--I've heard some fairly impassioned rants about it and the groups they cater to--and on being recognized for what you enjoy doing and are so good at.
    (By the way, I interned with the IT department last summer as a web/print design monkey. If you've seen the Single Sign-On page in all its purple and orange glory, you've seen the small mark my CSS has made on the world.)

  79. Anonymous2:10 AM


  80. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Fan-friggin'-tastic! Congratulations on your latest step in the right direction!

    What does Dolores have to say about it?

  81. Anonymous5:24 AM


    life is coming together quite nicely for you.

    not that you don't deserve it, of course.

    now if you could only find the cowboy of your dreams...

    good karma being sent your way.

    anne marie in philly

  82. Yay you!! So wonderful to hear that you're escaping the drudgery! And also wonderful to hear that while it may not provide more money, it sounds like it will provide more of all the other stuff one hopes for in a job. Congrats!!

  83. Congratulations on your new job. Sometimes the joy of a lateral job change is that it is a few steps further from the fire. I enjoy your writing so much, and I am always pleased when you have a new entry. Thanks for all the laughs. Best wishes and be well!

  84. Felicitations on the new gig, Franklin! Keeping your benefits seniority and not having to roll over the 401k are real plusses. Being at a place where you will be treated with the respect you deserve will be a wonderful and overdue change for you. Long tenure and happiness!

  85. Congratulations!! There is no feeling more wonderful than walking away from a job you hate! Good luck in the new job and I hope they appreciate you!

  86. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Congratulations and good luck. You got this job because you are good at it. I am honored to be one of the many who may have been of help.

  87. Congratulations on the new job! Sounds like it should be great :)

  88. Fabulous! Congratulations and I hope this new job is everything you want!

  89. Yeah! Yeah!

    You have worked hard. You are talented. They are lucky to have you.

  90. Congratulations!

    Just the other day I was explaining the Yarn Harlot to a non-knitter. How she started, the success she's had, etc, as an example of someone who used a hobby, the Internet, and considerable skill to change her life.

    Now there are two. We are so proud.

  91. Anonymous1:08 PM

    very strange, this reading of blogs...I am so utterly pleased and happy for you!...yet we have never met and I strongly doubt we ever will...weird. Anyhoo, Congratulations, you deserve happiness!

  92. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Congratulations, bubbie!

  93. Congratulations on your new job! And on being nominated for "Best Hobby Blog" on the Blogger's Choice Awards!

    Vote for Franklin,
    He's our man,
    If he can't knit it,
    No one can!

    Errr, I guess it's obvious why I never made the cheerleading squad.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. Good luck in your new job! I hope it brings you peace and joy! (and Appreciation!). Meanwhile, all of us who read you daily - and get great pleasure here - hope you will still have time to share yourself with us. We feel like we know you .....

  96. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Fantastic news - a job that matches your talents!

  97. Congratulations! May you be blessed with a "dream" job.

  98. Anonymous4:44 PM

    The word "promote" literally means "to move forward," and to move away from abuse and closer to one's Self is always forward.


  99. Congratulations! I'm sure you will be much happier in your new position. :)

  100. Congratulations!!

    Good luck at the new job!!

  101. Congratulations. Best wishes in your new job. One of life's great pleasures is leaving a job that sucks.

  102. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Good Luck in the new job! ! ! ! Hope it's GREAT!


  103. Anonymous10:14 PM

    "It's exactly what I wanted..."

    Seems like it is also exactly what you needed!

    Congrats! May the rest be the best...

    Your blog is the first site I visit after logging on to this wonderful virtual world in which we live! Thank you for being you!

  104. Might I add another virtual tankard to those being hoisted to your name; and say that the only thing better is retirement when one is ready for it. All Hail!

  105. Good luck with your first day of 'school' tomorrow!

  106. O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

    Congratulations on finding a more satisfying and better-fitting job!

    I'm also selfishly glad that you'll still be in Chicago. Hope to run into you one of these days (once I move).


  107. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Congratulations. Will you still be as funny if you are happy in your new job?

  108. Congrats on the new job, and good luck. I could say "Good things come to those who wait." But having done web development, all I really can say is "Thank the gods you escaped with your sanity."

  109. Hi Franklin,

    My comment will echo the well wishes already sent your way. I didn't want to miss adding my C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S on the new job! Good luck and I wish you all the best.

    Of course, your niece is adorable. What a great photo you took of her.


  110. Yay! Fun in higher ed!

    I work at a Major East Coast University, which sounds a lot like where you work. Chronically understaffed and underfunded, but boy do those six brand-spankin'-new buildings look pretty.

  111. No thanks are necessary m'dere. You put in the hard work and it paid off at last. Congratulations and many blessings on your new job. What a lovely way to move on.

  112. If, by dropping in daily to get a dose of Franklin (in a good way), has in any small way helped you to a happier place, then, you're welcome.
    But raslly, I should be thanking you fr providing a chuckle if not an outright laugh each time I read.

  113. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Lateral move, promotion, blah blah blah. You're happier? You get to do more of what you like and less of what you hate? You get to keep your benes? Hey, sounds like a deal to me.

    As so many others have said, we wouldn't keep coming back to read your blog if you weren't writing terrific stuff. I'm glad I may have helped in some small way, but it's all you, m'dear.

    I am ridiculously pleased. Congratulations!

  114. Congratulations on your move, um, over. I hope you find it a better fit.

    Just listened to your piece on Cast-On and wanted to let you know how wonderful it was. I got misty at the end. Thank you for writing that. I can only hope that my kids and their kids (in the far future, please!) will find traces of me in the knitted items I have made for them over their lifetimes.

  115. Congrats! That anyone could chirp after 8:47 am EDT on 9/11 just blows me away. (I know, it sucks to be an HR person constantly delivering bad news, but chirping is not required.)

  116. Congrats! I suspect that it was at least in part the blog - and your delightful writing style!
    Just don't disappear from the blog, okay???

  117. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Re: And you helped. When they asked about my writing abilities, I pointed them here. I do believe the fact that 2,000 of you stop in once a day to see if I've written anything helped to convince them I could produce snappy copy for the magazine. Thank you

    I feel so used!

  118. A most hearty congratulations, Franklin! Nothing like being to escape tedium into something the heart feels at home in.

  119. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Congratulations! New baby - new job - finished the shawl. Life is good. Enjoy!

  120. Best wishes in your new endeavor, and congrats on getting out from under the old one! You deserve all good things.

  121. Oh, a new job is exciting when it is moving in the direction you love and away from the one you do not. I wish you the best in your new writing endeavors!

  122. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Congratulations on your new job. I hope your first day was spectacular. Working at a University can be very trying - things don't seem to work there the same as in the 'real' world. And the politics...

  123. Congratulations, Franklin. I, too, will soon (if 6 months is soon) be leaving my job. Some similar issues--I am doing a job normally done by several departments. It simply wore me down. I hope the new position makes you happier and more fulfilled.

  124. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Not only did you laugh all the way home, but I suspect you were skipping down Irving Park! Very good news and a great way to start summer. I'm also thrilled and not at all surprised at how wee Abigail has you wrapped around her little finger. She's gorgeous and the best dressed kid in the northeast.

    Your el buddy, Judy

  125. Yippeee! I'm a long time fan who couldn't resist de-lurking to congratulate you on the NEW JOB!! I can't think of anyone who deserves success and happiness more than you. I am awed and inspired not just by your knitting, but also your writing and photography.

    Thanks not only for being you, but for sharing yourself with us. Congratulations Franklin!

  126. I work at a University, also. Like anywhere else, it can be awful or it can be great depending on whom you work for. Your writing is wonderful and thoughtful and fun, alternately and at the same time. Glad you got the job. And we'll keep reading.

  127. One thing I've learned personally is that there is really nothing sweeter than leaving a job you hate. (Except maybe mooning the ex-boss on the way out, but I never have the nerve for that.) Congrats and I hope the new job is wonderful!

  128. Woo hoo!!! About time!!! I'm sooo happy for you, and I know you'll be amazing at your new job.

  129. Wonderful. Congratulations.

  130. Congratulations, Franklin! You deserve to be doing work you enjoy for people who appreciate what you have to offer.

    Now, it occurred to me that the people who looked at your blog and agreed that you have writing talent just might also have a sense of humor. Maybe. You'll find out soon enough. But that would be an excellent bonus, I think.

    Consider yourself enthusiastically bear-hugged.

  131. And I hope there was a celebratory brewski when you got there. Congrats on such a nice wind-up to the old. Not always so easy to achieve. Good luck with the new job - I hope there was champagne and a feeling of opening horizens after Monday's start.

  132. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Congratulations to you! I haven't stopped by in a bit (lack of time) and am wondering now why the hell I didn't make time. Congrats to you on the new job! Can't wait to get caught up on all I've missed.

  133. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Congratulations on the new job. It sounds much more creative, and more in line with who you are as a person.
    Best of luck!

  134. Anonymous2:11 AM


    I really enjoy reading your blog. Lately some of my regular reads seem to have a snappish wild kingdom tone.

    Thanks for sharing the good stuff.

  135. Congratulations! Sounds like a commencement to me. Best wishes!

  136. Hey, that's excellent news! I've been deep in the Baby Fog and have just now come out of hiding to catch up on all the good blogs... I'm sorry I missed the good news of the new job for so long! But congratulations to you, and I'm sure, if said new job involves writing, that you will make them all swoon. Hope you're still as pleased with the post as the day you took it.
