Wednesday, May 16, 2007

God Is a Woman

How do I know?

Yesterday when it was sunny and in the seventies, I made a joke about going to the beach instead of motoring ahead on the christening shawl.

This morning, it's in the mid-forties in Chicago and raining.

Alright already, I'm knitting.


  1. god's gonna getcha, huh?

  2. I had an uneasy feeling that wasn't a good thing to joke about.

    Bonne chance! I'm sure you'll see the sun again soon.

  3. Anonymous8:44 AM

    "Mother Earth" dude.
    What were you thinking?

  4. Anonymous8:49 AM

    beach...yeah..thanks for that one. Off to find the handknit socks I put into summer storage yesterday.

  5. just keep knitting... just keep knitting... just keep knitting....

  6. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Ha! Yeah, she'll get you every time.

  7. Franklin, can you give me a link to the charity knitting Dulon project you mentioned. Suspect I can't find it because I'm not spelling it properly. Many thanks,

  8. Anonymous9:44 AM

    And her name is Murphy.

    Murphy has many, many laws, and dude, you done broke one of them. They're predicting snow for tomorrow night.

    Okay, the snow is probably not your fault.

  9. Anonymous9:50 AM

    That's right, Franklin, it's not nice to fool Mother Nature!

  10. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Damn right.

  11. But did you go to the beach yesterday before they start shutting them down due to bacteria. I always love that yearly drama. Oy!

  12. She just knew how much nicer it is to sit inside on a day like that and knit, so She was "helping".
    You can always come visit Tucson again if you need sun and beach. We gots no ocean, but we gots lotsa beach.

  13. I'll bet your sister put in a word.

  14. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Beach, schmeach. Sand inevitably gets into your book, knitting is an absolute no-go. All that tanning will make you wrinkly before your time. Really, Franklin, knitting is soooo much better for you.
    Mother Nature

    PS now get to work!

  15. What does the weather have to do with proving that God is a woman? I think your arguement proves that God has a sense of humor or that He wants you to work on Christening shawls.

  16. In my house, cold and rainy (or freezing and snowy) is called "knitting weather".

  17. oh Franklin.....

    If only birthing a baby was predictable. I'm sure that you will prevail, even if the baby decides to make an entrance sooner than expected (albeit later than the due date already).

    Mother Nature made sure that God was a Woman before she accepted the job....allies and know how that is....

  18. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Same thing here. Warm enough to want to just sit in a kiddie pool yesterday, and today it looks threatening and no sun. I might even have to turn the heater back on.

  19. Please keep knitting. I'm cold. Last night the air was on and now it's 60!! Please keep knitting!

  20. Considered the possibility your sister's pregnant with God? Hey, it's rumored to have happened to nice Jewish girls before this. Knit, man, knit!

  21. The weather has been affected as far as West Coast Canada! It went from 26 yesterday to 16 and quite windy today.

  22. In actuality, your sister is God.

  23. You are fantastic! Fantastic. Incredible. Wonderful. Talented. Period. :D
    - Jenn

  24. Rain ? It is your Sister who is giving birth - God is definitely a MAN (lol).

  25. Ummmmm... yeah. But- it's not like your were gonna run away for ever--- and your COULD knit at the beach...

    FYI- I'm in Michigan-made no tempting jokes and it's crappy here- today too;)

    Keep knitting- it's turning out beautiful.

  26. Anonymous6:11 PM

    It was suggested that the 88-degree weather here Monday was *someone* stoking up the fires of Hell in preparation for a certain someone who died yesterday - he got there last night and the weather went back to normal.

  27. We experienced the same type of weather shift; however, I'll take 56 over 86 anytime. Your niecephew will appreciate the sacrifice.

  28. I'm thinking maybe God could be a knitter . . .

  29. Ha ha! You thought it's spring! Fooled ya! Neener neener! Now get to work, slacker, or I'll sic a flurry your way.

  30. Anonymous2:38 PM

    With your intersecting interests in knitting and history and academic life, I thought you might like to see this:

  31. And, I would like to point out, it is now raining here, and supposed to continue doing so for a while. Watch what you say.

  32. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Still no baby?

  33. Anonymous10:46 PM

    A couple of days ago I was wearing shorts and sandals. Now we've got a frost advisory. Well, at least I know whose fault it is.

  34. *laugh* Looks like she gotcha! :)

  35. Anonymous12:15 PM

    hey i'm down in florida and even i would not joke about that!!!! we get hurricanes here when mama gets pissed!!!

  36. Tell Sister Sue to hang a new curtain. I thought my Polish grandmother was whacked on this one, but I hung a curtain in our family room and 24 hrs later...James.


  37. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Greetings from South Africa - just want to know how your sister, Susan is doing? No baby yet? Best wishes, Alida
    PS Dolores rocks!

  38. Or join with Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens. There isn't a God... it's "just" physics. (Makes all the stupid things religions have said about sex, women, gays evaporate, by the way.) Happy knitting, just the same.
