Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Hey kids,

I've been asked-nay, commanded-to step away from the keyboard for a couple of days and get some profound rest. I expect to be back on Monday, full of piss 'n' vinegar.

In the meantime, talk quietly amongst yourselves.


  1. Feel better, Franklin dear.

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Take care of yourself. Looking forward to your return, and the P&V!

  3. hello to all friends of franklin. tonight i will go to my blog space and put something in it; as we have been asked to talk amongst ourselves.
    franklin (hug*hug) chicken soup if you want it; when i was sick my momma usta give me soda crackers with butter on 'em and Vernor's.

  4. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Well, okay, but I'm not cleaning it up...

    (Sleep well!)

  5. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Franklin, your blog brings me great joy. I envy you Dolores (but we're not equipped for guests here, just in case you get any ideas!). I love your art, your monologues, dialogues, dioramas, etc. But what I will not tolerate is...Wilibald. His first knitted objects!! My left ... er foot! That stuff he produced looks like a masterwork. Now, a blog should be about real things, like dancing sheep and reading groups with yarn balls. But a first knitted project like that (that makes my 40 years of progress look like...well, sheep dip wouldn't be an appropriate comparison) is just too much. Some poetic license is granted, but you have crossed the line!!! Let's get back to reality--more pix of Dolores in a thong. Thanks.

  6. Feel better, love.

  7. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Take care of yourself. It's good to hear that someone can remind you about sleep.

  8. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Feel better soon. Looking forward to a feisty post on Monday. I hope Dolores and her rowdy buddies keep the noise level down for you.

  9. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Hope you feel better sweetie.

  10. Go play. Make sure you take D with you, or you will return to a fiasco.

  11. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Sleep in. Then sleep in some more. Loll about in your robe and sheep slippers. (or were they bunny slippers?) Read, knit, relax the mind. Zen out.

    As for talking quietly amongst ourselves, I dunno about that. I could've sworn I just heard a rather strident sheep's voice raised outside. Several phrases have made it through the walls... something about "taking over", "keeping those rowdy fans of his in order, "someone needs to do it, guess who's the chump?", "anyone seen my whip and chains?", and "Whaddaya mean, no one knows how to make a cosmo?"

    That last was particularly close. I'm scared. Think she'll accept Margaritas instead?

  12. Take care of yourself.

  13. Anonymous12:36 PM

    get well soon, dear franklin.

    the blog world will not be the same without you. :-(

    but then again, if you have what everyone else has, you need peace and quiet.

    perhaps dolores will take the sock yarns away for an extended field trip (hint hint).... ;-)

    PS - my word is "catwaxo" - man, that's gotta hurt!

  14. Opps, I wandered over here just in time for you to go on holiday. Maybe some commentators can help me out:

    I'm visiting Chicago this weekend and am interested in places to hang out and knit that might be populated by other male knitters. I'm familiar with the city (former resident) but not the knitting terrain. All suggestions appreciated.

  15. Franklin
    I'm going to miss you buddy. It's going to be a long wait.
    If you are super sick, here's my great grandmothers special recipe. And yes she did give it to the kids when sick. Honey(2Tbls) Lemon juice(1Tbls) mixed in a small juice glass of Makers Mark Bourbon. Kids dose: 1Tbls. Adult dose: as you like it.
    WARNING LABEL: do not drive!

  16. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Haven't heard anyone use the term "piss and vinegar" except my dad! Have a good rest and I'll look forward to your return!

  17. Rest well and feel better.

  18. Feel better soon! Sleep, drink tea, maybe knit a couple of rows, repeat until well.

  19. Get well soon!
    Perhaps a Lemsip or a Beechams powder might aid recovery 'specially if served by Stephen Fry in his role as Jeeves!

    Have never heard of anyone being full of P&V , but have heard of them being full of something else unpleasant!

    Pleasant dreams.

  20. We sure do miss you!! Please rest and feel better soon!

    And Dolores is more than welcome to come and visit NY if she'd like.

    I have a house full of other feathered and furry creatures that she can get to know -- she and the Grey share the same saucy vocabulary already (although Cisco (my Grey) is a bit more colorful most days) so she _may_ come home with a few new ones to entertain everyone with...but she's more than welcome!

    I will send her back with Chicken Soup for you. That'll fix you right up!


  21. Get plenty of rest, Dear One.

    In an homage to your rest and recouperation, I will watch "Camille" tonight and think of you. And if you aren't well tomorrow, I will watch Baz Luhrmann's "La Boheme".

  22. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Rest, knowing that many people care.

  23. Whew....I was imagining that you, The Harlot, Blue Gal, Threadingwater and akabini were gathering at Madrona, plotting as only knitters aware of social justice could, to take over and right the world amidst fiber, classes and fun. I'm sorry you're ill/exhausted. I wish my fantasy had been true - the world would have such a better chance...

  24. Anonymous7:41 PM

    I hope the flu didn't migrate from Idaho to Chicago... Feel better and enjoy your rest. Maybe the sock horde can help you get truly comfy.

    Anna M

  25. Rest up and take care of yourself, Franklin. Perhaps Dolores would like to go on one of her road trips for a few weeks.

  26. Feel better. Nothing beats a good week's sleep.

  27. Where does that saying come from? I think if you drank a lot of wine and stopped peeing, you'd be full of it. But I don't think you'd feel any better. And I do hope you will feel better soon.

  28. Oh! Rest up, dear sir! And wear the green socks; handknits are good for what ails you.

    Paris--I'm not male, so I don't really know where the elusive male knitter hangs out (they tend to have to hide from all the female of the species, who will develop big crushes on knitters of alpaca) but I know there's a group called Stitches In Britches for boy-knitters downtown, and the City of Chicago is putting on the Winter Delights Stitching Salon right now, which hopefully would have some ment that you could sidle up to and ask. Hopefully Uncle Google could tell you more.

  29. Rest until you are sick of it. Then rest some more and dream some wonderful dreams.

  30. Full of piss and vinegar? Geez, no wonder you feel lousy! Get rid of that crud!

  31. Take care. I'll have to go elsewhere for the amusing, acerbic wit. Until Monday, at least!

  32. Hope you're OK! I miss you when you're not around!

  33. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Please put pics up of Your Knitting when u feel better please!

  34. Franklin,
    now that you're down and defenseless, I can finally tell you that I love you. I know I am a married straight woman. But I cannot get enough of your wit and artistry and sensibility and your throwing foreign words around like there's no tomorrow. Also I am an Aquarius (1/30) and am slowly but surely converting to Buddhism and yes I was born way before you and I didn't even know your blog when the conversion began. Anyway.
    Hey, you're in love with Charlene don't think it works the other way too?
    I better run before my hubby catches me in the act...
    PS I love interiors and photos of them. I grew up speaking German. However I can't draw to save my life. So sadly, there the similarities end.

  35. Happy resting, Franklin.

  36. Thank you for the suggestions Elizabeth!

  37. The Russian lady taking care of my dad recommends 1 oz. vodka with 1 oz. sunflower oil, three times a day. Couldn't hurt. Feel better soon.

    Did they name this after you?

  38. WHAT??? WHAT WAS THAT???

  39. mutter...mutter....shh! he'll hear us....mutter mutter...*giggle*...Nooooo! Really?....shhhhhh!.....mutter mutter....mutter......A canteloupe? Oh you poor dear!!...SShhhuuuush! Poor guy's resting....Yeah yeah likely story....he's gotta guy back there and doesn't want any IN TER RUP TIONS....SHH!! who's in the pool?....gimme five bucks....mutter mutter.....all that hand work, tsk tsk...*giggle snort*.....who's got my cosmo?....shhhh!.....oh stop it!
    (Take care, hon. We miss you.)

  40. Franklin, I hope you feel better. Stay inside and away from this horribly cold weather!!

    I though of you last night. Law and Order used the word Panoptican!

  41. Hi Franklin,

    Hope you feel well soon.


  42. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I notice that you didn't attribute your last comment to its author. She may take you to task come July (snicker).
    Hope you are feeling better. If you have the current respiratory crud, trust me, it takes a while to get back to normal.
    Jane in Michigan (across the room in Marshfield)

  43. Hey-you went to Miami, didn't you???

  44. Ok.. Its Monday. Where arrreee youuuuuuuu???

  45. Franklin,

    That sock pattern is totally worth repeating. I'm one sock into a second pair of garter rib socks.
