Thursday, October 26, 2006

Party Time Approacheth

Sheep Gift #1If you received an invitation to the November 4 Dulaan Knit-In and haven't yet made your RSVP, this a gentle reminder to please do so. It's also not too late to request an invitation.

Those who have responded in the affirmative will be hearing from me soon about particular logistics and such. We're keeping it simple. The main thing will be to come, knit, have a good time and raise awareness for the project.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank our many benefactors in advance. They've been so generous, and I type this in the shadow of a pile of goodies so large and lovely that you're lucky I haven't pocketed the lot and run away.

The lists include what's confirmed as of today.* And they're in no particular order, because honestly there's just a little too much going on in the world right now to get alphabetical.

Prize Donors

Ryan, High Priestess of the Dulaan Project
Assorted adorable Dulaan logo goodies

Sophie’s Toes Sock Yarn
Two skeins of hand-dyed sock yarn

Marlisa Mizerak
Two sets handmade stitch markers

Young at Heart Design Services
Cabled sock pattern–with enough yarn to make two pairs

Natalia Uribe Wilson of the Evil Eye Emporium
Silver necklace

Chris Gerstner of Scotts Mountain Crafts
Two hand-hammered shawl pins

One set hand-made stitch markers
One skein hand-dyed sock yarn in colorway “Mustard Poo”
One skein hand-dyed laceweight yarn

Janel of Chameleon Colorworks
1 lb of hand-dyed luster yarn (70/30 kid mohair/silk, approximately 1,050 yards)

Sheep Gift #2Carol of Black Bunny Fibers
2 skeins hand-dyed sock yarn
1 skein hand-dyed worsted yarn

Darinka D’Alessio
1 copy of Rowan magazine (#40)

The Knit Foundry
8” Ultimate Storage Container with 4-compartment divider
6” Ultimate Storage Container with 6-compartment divider
Purple Highlighter Tape
Medium Zippered-Mesh bag

Leslie Schroeder
10 assorted balls of yarn from Elann’s “Sock It To Me” collection

Doug Brannon (Outer Banks, NC)
1 pair handcrafted hardwood knitting needles

Jackie G.
3 skeins Opal sock yarn
1 copy Stahman's Shawls and Scarves: Lace Faroese-Shaped Shawls from the Neck Down

The Knitting Goddess
2 75g skeins of hand-dyed 4-ply cashmere

Karen B.
10 balls (25g each) Jaeger Cashmina (fuchsia)

Interweave Knits/Shannon Okey
1 copy Spin to Knit which the author absolutely promises to sign for the winner if only she can make it here on time

Michael Zudonyi of Connie Pagano Hair Salon (Deerfield, IL)
Consultation, cut, and blow-dry

Andrew Brown and Michael Zudonyi
2 designer scented candles by Rigaud

And I will be putting a few of my own sketches into the prize mix as well.

Advance Donations of Wool for Use In Dulaan Projects

Penny in LA
Kathy from Cherry Valley, IL

Food and Beverage Donations

Northwestern University Gay and Lesbian Alumni (NUGALA)
3 trays of assorted gourmet cookies and brownies
Selection of canned and bottled beverages

Special Thanks

Bonne-Marie Burns of ChicKnits
Buzz Turner
Mom and Dad
Flagstaff International Relief Effort (F.I.R.E.)
for providing us with a copy of their documentary about Mongolia

Dolores Van Hoofen's Personal Appearance
Underwritten by

Andrew Brown and Kurt MacKenzie of MacKenzie Brown Design (Chicago, IL)

Yarn ThanksI hope you'll consider giving our generous corporate donors the benefit of your custom, or at very least your thanks.

*If you've offered to donate and you're not here, I apologize profusely. I've done my honest best to locate and record all offers via email and in comments, but I fear I may have missed one or two. If you're so inclined, a gentle reminder to d_vanhoofen at franklinhabit daht cahm is perfectly appropriate and very welcome.


  1. "And they're in no particular order, because honestly there's just a little too much going on in the world right now to get alphabetical."

    I swear -- white chocolate mousse cake is now splattered all over my keyboard! The next time Norbert is complaining about my parenting choices, I'm going to reply "Don't make me get alphabetical with you!"

    What a long and exciting list of door prizes. You have so many readers, dear Yonkele. And, Like Sally Field, they like you. They really like you.

  2. Ahem. Dolores has her own email address?

    Franklin, hon, you do know she's not REAL, don't you?

  3. Anonymous3:51 PM

    What Carol said.
    (If Dolores starts ANSWERING the emails, I think a little intervention is in order.)
    Your Dulaan party sounds like a wonder. What a great thing!

  4. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Just when, after weeks of waffling, I decided that $90 in train fare and 12 hours of traveling would be worth the 3 hours I'd get to spend with you, I find out that instead I get to go on a business trip - to New Jersey - to visit all of the prisons. If I didn't know that Delores was already committed, I'd ask to bring her along. She's make it a lot more interesting, I'm sure.

  5. THIS is why you HAD to work all those stupid Homecoming events-it gave you set-up/coordinator practice. You are doing an excellent job.

  6. Jenn -- I have a feeling Dolores has already taken that trip! She might be able to give you a few numbers!

  7. I'm just loving the happy, sheep-bearing-gift pictures. As always, your sketches make me smile!

    (And, I've actually got an email account for my dog, so one for Dolores really doesn't seem like that much of a stretch for me . . . although, really, Chappy rarely uses it. He has trouble typing. Paws, you know.)

  8. Anonymous7:16 PM

    "Mustard Poo". Leave it to Rabbitch!

    Damn it sounds like a good time.

  9. Heh. The sock yarn was originally called Marigold. Mustard Poo is far better.

    And there are 2 skeins of that (460 yards or so) and 2 of the laceweight (about 600 yards in brown and tan with some plum tones in there too).

    I wanna come to your partay!

  10. My old dog Sparky used to get credit card applications in the mail.--he'd probably have an email if he were still with us...

  11. I'm grinding my teeth with envy that I can't be there, but cheering for the lot of you who can be!

  12. What's this I hear that Dolores isn't real? I don't think she would be too happy to hear that:)

    Best Wishes for a Fantastically Succesful Event (FSE)!!

  13. franklin, i tried to send you an email re donations, but it bounced! help!

  14. In a moment of weakness, I did check the fares for next weekend. I would love to go, but Monte would kill me for abandoning him the dogs two weeks after Rhinebeck.

    Hope you have a great time!

  15. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Wow for that swag it might even be worth a jaunt via SWAir! Alas, my service dog (who would REALLY like to meet Dolores and do a little extracurricular herding) and I are too far away and too broke to attend. Happy knitting to all.

  16. What a great non-alphabetic list of prizes! Knitters RAWK!

    I wish my sister still knit, so I could persuade her to attend and I could be there vicariously through her (she lives outside Chi-Town, I live outside DC). But alas, she hung up her needles a while ago and hasn't yet felt the bug to pick 'em up again.

    Have a super fantastic time!

  17. I just tried to e-mail you and it got bounced back....

  18. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I have never wanted to go to Chicago so badly in all of my life. Sigh.

    I do hope those small sheep are planning to find their way into the shop as ornaments.

  19. First Rheinbeck, now Chicago. I am soooooo green with envy.

    I'll be having my own private kint-in while you folks are meeting.


  20. Any hope of getting the "Yarn Thanks" image on cards? Too cute!
