Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Details, Details

I'm going slightly wiggy trying to make sure everything comes together, but still I'm delighted beyond words at the response to the Chicagoland Dulaan Knit-In Potluck on November 4.

If you're coming, please take a minute or two to read through this entry.

If you're not coming, I'm so sorry. Regular knitting content resumes next week. There's lots of it.

No matter where you are, if you want to sign up for Ryan's Dulaan Brigade (folks who are promising to knit at least five items) today's the last day so get on over there and sign up.

What time should I arrive? How long will the event last?
The doors will open at noon.

Should you arrive before noon, the set-up crew will ignore your feeble cries for help and watch with glee as the squirrels mug you to get at your casserole.

We need to shut down promptly at 6 p.m., which should give us lots of time to knit and talk and talk and knit and eat and knit and talk and eat and knit. The format is open house: arrive when you can, leave when you wish.

We’ll be drawing for prizes throughout the day.

I have sufficient volunteers for morning set-up and transport (thanks to all who offered), and would like to just wing it and see who’s around at 6 p.m. to help with clean-up.
How do I get there?
The venue is Northwestern Unversity's John Evans Alumni Center, 1800 Sheridan Road, Evanston. The entrance is on Clark Street, which Chicagoans should note is not the same as Clark Street in Chicago.

There are detailed directions here.

There’s quite a bit of free parking on the adjacent streets and in the parking lot–just please do not park in reserved or numbered spaces.

I know of at least one knitter, Karen B. (a prize donor, no less), who is in need of a ride to the event. Karen's a hoot and you'll enjoy meeting her. If you’re in a position to offer a lift to her or to other knitters, or would like a ride yourself, please feel free to use the comments for this entry to arrange it amongst yourselves.
What should I bring?
  1. Your Dulaan knitting, in whatever state it may be.
  2. Your contribution, if any, to the food and drinks. This is not required for admission. Those who can contribute, please do. Those who cannot, you are welcome nonetheless.
  3. A name tag, if you want to wear one. It's not required. I'm not wearing one. I'm going to assume if you read this blog and are coming, you know what I look like and won't confuse me with all the other short, bald men in the crowd.
Can I bring my cat?
Only if it's an ingredient in your casserole.
Are children welcome?
Depends on the child. Children who are knitting for Dulaan 2007 are, of course, welcome. Children who are small enough to spend the day happily cooing in a baby carrier are also welcome. Troublesome children will be sent into the kitchen, where Dolores will teach them to roll their own cigarettes, and read aloud to them from The Joy of Gay Sex.
Will you be collecting money for Dulaan?
No, because Dolores wanted to set up a Kissing Booth for that purpose and I decided it's best that all donations go directly to the people in charge. If you want to contribute monetarily to Flagstaff International Relief Effort (F.I.R.E.) there’s information on how to do so here.
Will you be collecting finished items to send to Dulaan?
No. All knitters will be responsible for sending their own finished work to F.I.R.E. by July 1, 2007. You can find specifics on how and where to ship via Ryan’s blog.
What should I wear?
Not this. Or this.
Can I still request an invitation?
Yes, through Friday morning. Write to d_vanhoofen at franklinhabit daht com.
When I get the e-mail with the link to the Evite invitation does that mean I’m on the attendee list?
No. Please respond (including regrets) via the invitation page. If you’ll be bringing guests, please note how many using the guest feature, not the comment box. Having a reasonably accurate head-count is important to the people who run the building–who also happen to be my bosses. So I thank you for your cooperation.
What if on Saturday morning my friend Ermengarde hears I'm going and she totally wants to go but she lives in a cave and so didn't hear about this in advance and so she's not on the list but she's afraid if she doesn't get to go she'll stop breathing and die? Should I bring her or not?
Come on over. Honestly, a few knitters more or less is not going to be an issue. One exception: Morgan Fairchild. Dolores and Morgan Fairchild don't get along, so no matter how she may beg, do not under any circumstances bring her with you. We don't need a repeat of what happened at the notorious Celebrity Tupperware Party of 1979.


  1. How I wish I could be there. The planning alone has been a pleasure to read!

    I'm also warmer in the heart thanks to your lovely wedding post (and link)--it's nice to know that some families Get It!

  2. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Oh crap - that was the ONLY outfit I have to wear on Saturday...

  3. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I SO wish I could be there! So far, I'm finding that I may not have to work on Saturday (we're closing the Helliday Issue at The Times), but I'm not finding a cheap fare to Chicago either. Darn!

    And I had the missing parts of Bai Ling's outfit to wear!

  4. What's the problem bewteen Morgan Fairchild and Dolores? Is "Fashion House" a fictionalized version of Dolores life? Does Bo play the Dolores part and Morgan play herself?

  5. "Only if it's an ingredient in your casserole." He-hee!

    Thanks for putting the word out about the ride share. You're an angel for doing this!

  6. Yeah, yeah, you know what I'm gonna say: Have I told you lately how very much I love you?

    Let me know when you get the box.

  7. Well, I suppose it's just as well I'm not going to be able to make it, 'cause I was really thinking about wearing this.

  8. i'm proud of ya. that's a nice party to host.

  9. Thanks for the clarification on Clark Sts... it always makes me a little dizzy when the 'burbs use the Chicago street names out of order.
    I'll be there late (thus no ride offers) but I can help with tear-down.

  10. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Oh, to be there. I'm hosting a small knit-in in December here in Guysville, OH and I'll have to put out the same casserole reminder...with respect to possum(a joke) and squirrel (for real).

  11. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Please don't include clothing links like that again. I have just wasted a considerable part of my morning investigating the Jessica and Ashlee Simpson section, and my colleagues think I am a hyena!

  12. I'm assuming that the Little Princess is comming if you're worried about Ermengarde. Nice reference!

  13. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Almost worth plane fare from Philadelphia to attend such an event, and with fashion tips potentially available too! I only wish common sense and family didn't prevent me from showing up. I'm sure you will have a wonderful time and will post all about it. Sigh.

  14. well, hell's bells, I was going to wear my red fug and bring my cat and bratty children . . . but Morgan Fairchild just called to let me know that she was stopping over for high tea. Drat!

  15. Well, I wasn't going to bring my children, but now I'm tempted. That's some education you have lined up in the kitchen!

  16. Sounds like a great event, but the 13-hour train ride each way just doesn't look possible right now. I'll be with you in spirit, knitting for Dulaan at home.

  17. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Oh, land o'goshen! I actually have a friend, Irmengarde, who spelunks. The convergence is enough to make me cease lurking.

  18. Am I the only one who does not know what happened at "Notorious Celebrity Tupperware Party of 19--"? Please, please Franklin, explain, or better yet, ask Dolores to explain...puhleeze. BTW, if I could attend the Dulaan affair I would, but I can't, so yada, yada. Good knitting to all.

  19. Franklin,
    How would Dolores feel about flying over to Australian to baby-sit my partner's nephews & nieces next time they come to visit?

  20. Ohhh I would really love to come back to Chicago Saturday we were just there yesterday for my Birthday. Chicago is such a lovely town. We wound up at North End for drinks and Nookies Tree for dinner before the parade. Let me see if I can talk beloved into coming back out Saturday it is just a 4 hour drive. lol

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