Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Stitches Midwest 2006 Part I: We Gather Together

There's no sensation quite like having three good friends all in the air during a terrorism alert.

I woke up on Thursday to the news that the likelihood of espresso or Pantene exploding in mid-flight was causing travel snarls across the country. I wondered whether Jon, Sean, and Lars would make it to Chicago at all, or whether I'd wind up wandering around the Stitches Market not buying anything all by myself.

In spite of all odds, Sean signaled early in the day that he was on his way. Jon followed him not long after. Poor Lars, however, was only heard from late Thursday night as he waited in Indianapolis for his plane to refuel. It seemed there'd been a diversion due to thunderstorms over Midway. When you get right down to it, Al-Quaeda still has nothing on Mother Nature.

We convened at my apartment in Boystown, and embarked on a walking tour of the 'hood. Lunch at Joy Noodle, the traditional "first date" restaurant for gay men of all ages, and then a walk up Halsted Street including a stop at Beatnix, an equal-opportunity emporium where you can buy drag supplies (they have an entire wig and tiara room) and/or leather gear. Guess which Jon preferred.

Jon at Beatnix

The owners of the shop had apparently anticipated his arrival.

Beatnix Sign

Thence to Rosemont Convention Center, via Chicago's sparkling and elegant public transit system. Sean worked his eye-crossing cabled sweater from a chart as we jolted along Irving Park Road on the x80 bus to the Blue Line.

Sean on the bus

Show off.

To be continued.


  1. That sign totally cracks me up!

  2. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Looks like Sean is a teacher (or has been) 'cause he must have eyes in the back of his head!!!

  3. Jon seems to need someone (that would be you, Franklin) to knit him a feather boa for Christmas. Get really long, fuzzy eyelash and make it a giant I-cord/sock.

    And it needs to be that bright pink color.

    He looks faaaaabulous.

  4. Love the sign.

    How does Sean do that??

  5. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I KNEW we could get there by el.... next year, dang it, we're not driving all the way up. Now that you've confirmed it for me, I'm bailing on the whole drive through Chicago thing in favor of Metra and CTA!

  6. Anonymous9:46 AM

    The sign is funny enough, but the fact that they had to amend it to include other kinds of dancing just kills me.

  7. Franklin, I love your posts, but I always have to take a dep breath before reading to brace myself for the overwhelming jealously that comes from hearing you describe places in dear ole Chicago. My home. I miss it.

    Can't wait to hear more about stitches.

  8. The shots of Jon are simply fabulous! The look on his face while wearing the pimp hat *LOL* What I want to know is what did you pick out?

    Sean must have been on a back side row, feeling the purls and knits with his fingers.

    I'm glad all arrived with few delays. I can't wait for further installments.

  9. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Wow. Even I can't manage such a model of drama in a boa as Jon can...He looks like the picture of triumph after a standing ovation.

  10. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Ha ha, yeah, that's Sean!

  11. I just love that sign. Too funny!

  12. Oh the sign - too funny --and the boa picture just shows that all you need to carry off the boa look is lots of attitude -- lots and lots of attitude :D

  13. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Great pictures! But I'm waiting for one of you *not buying anything*!

  14. Joy Noodles! Ah, memories. We lived on Buckingham a few blocks away for a summer. It's a great neighborhood.


  15. Anonymous2:09 PM

    LOVE Beatnik!

    It was GREAT meeting you and see you NOT purchasing.

  16. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I assume bootyshking is allowed in the Panopticon comments section? I'm not even wearing shoes righ tnow...

  17. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I loved the fine print on the sign:
    "We're watching." Wouldn't that just encourage everyone??

    Great pix, Franklin, and can hardly wait for the next post!

  18. Anonymous7:36 PM

    "I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille", said Jon as he arranged the pink feather boa over his shoulder and assumed a model's pose.

    too sweet!

    nice to also "meet" sean; I have read his blog and it is nice to put name and face together.

    now where oh where is lars, that naughty bear?

    more, please; your fans are waiting patiently.

    anne marie in philly

  19. Would one of the other guys please tell us... Did Franklin hold firm and not buy anything or not?? Please?

  20. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Great picture of Sean.
    No matter what he says.
    I am envious.

  21. Best. Sign. Ever. *vogues*
