Monday, August 21, 2006

The Sequel?

Plane Cartoon

[Addendum: Your wish is my command. I've added a slightly more colorful version to the shop on shirts and a bag.]


  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    i love, love your blog and the cartoons. they are snort-coffee-thru-your-nose funny!

  2. That made Monday morning 100% better. Thank you!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Anonymous10:25 AM

    ROFLMAOWTIME!! This was something to see 15 minutes or so after waking up. I think I need a new monitor...

  5. I absolutely hope this will be available on a tshirt (even if I have to squeeze the girls into a stupid XL to wear it) in your wee shop!

  6. Bwahahahaha!

    That is fabulous. Thanks for the much needed MOnday giggle.

  7. Anonymous10:48 AM

    If you put this on a t-shirt, I will buy it. :)

  8. Oh God, that is too funny. You know, more people will probably view this cartoon than actually see the original with the snakes. My only question is: where's the sheep downing the mini bottles?

  9. I love your blog and never comment, but I had to tell you that I just spit coffee all over my laptop when I saw this cartoon!

  10. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I just got done laughing for five minutes. My son (while I was laughing) said "Baaaa" and set me off again. He said "I'm tired of these mother f'ing sheep on this mother f'ing plane" and "Can you just imagine the smell?" Thank you. I needed that badly!

  11. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I LOVE IT!!!

  12. I think the woman in the flowered dress is in fact yelling, "I'm tired of these mother*&%@ing sheep on this mother*&%@ing plane!"

  13. I am still laughing! What a hoot, and thank you so much, Franklin!!! So much nicer to have a plane over-run by lovely wooly sheep. I am wondering if perhaps a barrage of email to Cafe Press about t-shirt sizes might be of help? It is a shame that our larger friends must give the shirts a pass, or squeeze into too small shirts.

  14. Fabuloussss Franklin! Thanksssss for the hoot. :o) Lori

  15. Anonymous12:02 PM

    I adore you. Truly I do.

  16. OMG. It took all of my sore stomach muscles to hold in the guffaw!
    Let me guess, Dolores is flying the plane too?

  17. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I think everyone needs to have this!

  18. Love the woman with the sheep down her shirt.

  19. I think I just wet myself. Just a little bit.

  20. Oh, geez, I thought that was "Coming home from Rhinebeck." My mistake ... love it.

  21. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Love it!

  22. So.........funny.....I can't even....I LOVE IT.

    Sheep on a plane...ain't a --- damn thing you can do about it....

  23. Back in the day, I believe that on certain Aeroflot flights, this was not far from the truth.

    That cartoon was pure joy in black and white.

  24. Anonymous3:35 PM

    This is so adorable! I love it!

  25. See! This I'd spend my money on!! :)

  26. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Love it! Hey, Franklin - I happen to know this cowboy (ok, cowboy wannabe) in St Paul with tix to see Brooks and Dunn on Labor Day but who can't find a date. Know any interested takers?

  27. Hysterical. You have more talent than one person should be allowed to possess.

  28. More like the squeal...

  29. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Absolutely Priceless!!!

  30. The scenario wouldn't be so bad if one could knit on the aircraft, or even better, spin. Yeah, send in the spinners and forget Samuel L.

  31. My husband was already doubled over laughing.

    Then I pointed out the sheep feet sticking out of the woman's shirt.

    He melted.

    You are a national treasure, Franklin.

    And also? I must have one of those t-shirts. :)

  32. May you make more money with Sheep on a Plane than Samuel L. Jackson will make from those lousy snakes!

  33. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Thanks for the laugh. Great cartoon.

  34. That was wonderful! I can imagine Dolores as the ovine gangster behind all of this...or would it not be her style?

  35. You. Are. Adorable.

  36. Would these little sheepies be Dolores' offspring by any chance?

  37. Anonymous2:02 PM

    I'm with Norma- can ya get it on a mug?

  38. This one was cool enough even for my 15 year old son. (He doesn't knit, but does raise sheep for 4-H.)

    I love this one, but Deloris is still my fave...

  39. Anonymous8:22 AM

    My children are even enjoying your "Sheep On A Plane" cartoon! Many thanks for the levity with sheepy themes!

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