Monday, July 17, 2006

Too Busy to Write Cute Title

It's not a fully-realized idea, and I drew it with a pen I won't be using again (don't like the nib), but the general tone suits a Monday, don't you agree?

Such a week this is going to be. I'm working at warp speed because I owe sketches to a couple of people (I haven't forgotten you, Stitchy) and I still don't have all my paraphernalia together for Knitting Camp. It seems I have to go buy some more yarn. Oh, woe.

Knitting Camp will begin for me on Thursday morning. Martha and Susan are picking up self and sheep after driving in from Ohio. Thence we four to Wisconsin for what I gather is quite a wild rumpus. At least it seems so from the e-mails other campers have been sending me. I want to make one thing clear, ladies: I may agree to dance around the bonfire with you all, but under no circumstances am I taking my top off.

And Speaking of Open-Air Breasts...

Tonight C is taking me to a concert by a performer named Peaches. He trots me out to rock concerts every so often to keep me from actually turning into an Eminent Victorian.

Do you know of Peaches? She's not exactly mainstream, although her following is growing. Peaches is on tour promoting her new album, Impeach My Bush. And if you think I am making that up, she has a Web site, which you should not look at until you're at home with the door locked and the shades drawn.

Keep in mind that this woman used to be an elementary school teacher. Can you imagine what show and tell was like in her classroom?

I showed the site to Dolores, who put a hoof to her mouth and said, "Oh, now that's just going too far."

Need I say more?


  1. Oh my. Peaches looks like she'd be a hoot at children's parties. ;)

  2. Peaches is amazing. I'm so jealous that you are going to see her, I hope you have a good time!

  3. So I'm thinking she's no longer singing with Herb, eh?

  4. Is Dolores going to Knitting Camp?

  5. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Now I remember why I haven't eaten any peaches all summer--all the fuzz.

  6. Anonymous3:17 PM

    hee hee heee *claps madly* . . . . take your time with those, pumkpin. There's no big rush.

    Peaches, huh? I love her cover of "Tent In Your Pants". I mean, the original is pretty good, but Jim Nabors put sort of a country twang to it, where as Peaches takes a more urban approach to this melodic tale about nature's glorious bounty.

    Have fun! I trust you're wearing the Red Heart thong you got from your internship at the MOKS?

  7. Who needs a cute title with an illustration like that? *grin*

    Hehe... I'm in stitches!

    Peaches seems like fun. ;)

  8. Holly using her mothers blog. I think Yarn Harlot would identify with this one at the moment.

  9. You must've met my cat. I'd recognize that glint in the eye anywhere.

  10. "Uh oh" sounds fine for a title. It's what my stash thinks when my Maisie is looking for a place to sleep.

    "I may agree to dance around the bonfire with you all, but under no circumstances am I taking my top off."

    Why? Did C write something embarrassing on your back, hon?

    "Keep in mind that this woman used to be an elementary school teacher. Can you imagine what show and tell was like in her classroom?"

    If you were stuck in a room full of eight year olds for an interminable amount of time, paid enough to eat but have to spend it on supplies and other curricula, and maintain a truckload of forms, files, and charts to show how fabulous your students are, you'd go off the deep end too.

    Friend of disillusioned ex-teachers

  11. When you get back from camp, be sure and join msknitting camp that EJ set up.

  12. Anonymous5:40 PM

    I must remember to not eat or drink while reading your blog. At least this time it was only a grape instead of an entire oreo.

    Might I suggest, if you revamp the sketch, that you add some motion to the cat's rear end, since they do that butt wiggling thing before pouncing.

    Now I have an image of Dolores dancing, hooves on her head, wiggling her butt. Lord help me.

    Have fun at camp!

  13. Suffice it to say, you should have no reservations dancing could only enhance the scene of tribal fire dancing.

  14. Anonymous3:53 AM

    Eh, Check with Meg before you take Dolores along to camp. There are strict 1 to a bed rules! You don't HAVE to buy yarn before'll have plenty of opportunity to load up when you're there. Just relax and have fun! I'm going the next week as I have been for years. Don't forget to knit yourself a nametag! And blog along everynight. We want to hear all of your reactions and experiences!

  15. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Ooh, I forgot to mention that I was a kindergarten teacher like Peaches! Well, maybe not exactly like her,heh,heh...

  16. Anonymous5:53 AM

    i would imagine that Dolores would be well acquainted with Peaches, perhaps with a collaboration in the past ... ?

  17. I'm thinking the children pushed Peaches over the edge. Certainly that's what happened to me! Only I just raised some... didn't teach... except for two weeks one year as a subtitute at the middle school...

  18. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Please, please put that sketch on a mug...

  19. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Please, please put that sketch on a mug...

  20. Love the 'toon--combining two of my favorite things!

  21. Please put that sketch on ... oh, a mug, a notecard, a bag. And I'm suddenly getting a vision of the cat appearing about to pounce on someone's left, probably shouldn't go on a shirt. That is truly a wonderful sketch. I'm so glad I found you!
