Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Curmudgeonly Candles

One of my knitting and blogging mentors just celebrated a birthday. Today's cartoon is dedicated to the Knitting Curmudgeon, because she has been encouraging and supportive, because she makes me laugh out loud, and because I stole the caption from her.

Many happy returns, Marilyn.

Please don't miss the essay she has posted as part of this entry. It's a lovely piece of work. Even Dolores got the sniffles after reading it.


  1. Wonderful! Now you'll have to put them on greeting cards for when knitters get married.


  2. That is a great cartoon, Franklin. I read Marilyn's piece yesterday and it was amazing.

  3. Thank you, my sweet boy.

    I shoulda said that when I married Jimmy. Of course, he would have found that supremely funny. As he would you and your cartoons.

  4. Thank you for the link to Marilyn's essay. It is just lovely, and I did indeed weep a little upon reading it. And again, thanks for your wonderful drawings and talents.

  5. Anonymous9:12 PM

    hey franklin--tee shirt please!!!! thanks! have fun at stitches midwest! bess

  6. lol, that's gonna be me on my wedding day! go see my post for 5 places i've knit/will knit

  7. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Hahahaha, I just love your drawings, and Dolores :-)

  8. (sniffle)

    You've just produced the perfect wedding invitation. 25 years too late for me. Rats.

  9. This can't have effect in actual fact, that's exactly what I think.
