Monday, January 23, 2006

Stitches in Britches

Reminder to male knitters in the Chicagoland area: the brand new Chicago men's knitting group, Stitches in Britches*, will have its second meeting tomorrow at Argo Tea CafĂ©, 16 W. Randolph Street, in Chicago, from 6:30–9:30 p.m.

I will be there. And I will be knitting. And I can't wait.

Come out, come out, wherever you are, guys.

*Note to Sew Fast/Sew Easy, Inc.: go after our title and we'll smack you into next week.


  1. Yay! I can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Until this moment I would have assured you that under no circumstances would I wish to be either male or in Chicago in January, never mind both.

    Since neither is possible, knit a stitch for me.

  3. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Yay! Franklin's shoulder is better (or, at least better enough) to again wield his trusty needles and venture forth into the wooly wilderness with his fellow knitting knights!

  4. Rock on I love the "Stiches in Britches" name! You tell them!

  5. Anonymous10:45 PM

    I'm glad you're doing the men's group thing in Chicago. I will definitely be there if I'm in Chicago at the time you do one. Keep doing it!!!!!!!!!! It only grows over time. We started with like 1 or 2 a few months ago, and 22 boys came last night!! Very cool..

  6. Love your blog, love your art...just plain get a big kick in the pants when I read your stuff...and good for you on sticking up for your group's name...kick some ass!

  7. Would love to join you but Toronto is a little far from Chicago. There is a very, very, very small chance I might be in Chicago this year (can't say why yet) . . . and if I am . . . I'll be e-mailing you to find out where it is.
