Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Stuff It!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Yes, even to those of you who aren't American. Here's to hoping that tomorrow everyone reading this will enjoy some time in the day with people they love, or doing something they love.

And if you've never experienced Thanksgiving Day, it is without doubt the most American of holidays. We celebrate it through equal parts sloth and overeating, with the following day devoted to shopping. This festival day expresses our national ethos in a way that the Fourth of July never will.

(I will be eating Cheerios and going out early to shoot photographs. I am a very odd sort of American.)

"On the other hand," thought Brenda,
"I bet I could store at least three balls of worsted in there."


  1. I love the cartoons. I smell a book deal!

  2. Anonymous11:14 AM

    actually eating cheerios and shooting photos sounds like the freedom we may sometimes take for granted doesn't it? love the rodeo pix, used to attend amatuer (sp?) rodeo in central florida when i was a young girl. that is real sport.
    marie in texas

  3. I love the cartoon! And I'm betting if it was a good-sized turkey and you packed it tight, you could get six balls of wool in there ...

  4. no you won't, you'll be upstairs at my place eating real food!

  5. Anonymous12:55 PM


    Have a great holiday!

  6. ah, Franklin. You have me making un-ladylike snorting noises again.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you ...

  7. i love your knitty witticisms... ! i hope you find some time to have some of the food (screw the turkey, but the potatoes, dressing, and desserts are all requirements). Happy gobble gobble day!

  8. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I'm spending four hours in school while my kid eats pizza with my husband.

    Pizza box. Hmm. Would have to be flat skeins...

  9. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Happy Thanksgiving Franklin. And may I say that cartoon takes 'creative stashing' to new, and slightly disturbing heights. ;o)

  10. Anonymous3:18 PM

    yet another good cartoon.

    Hope you have a good Thanksgiving day. I spent this morning remembering some of the better fiascos of cooking t-giving dinner. All for the blog of course. I certainly wouldn't share those stories with the actual people who created the fiascos. ;-)

    I second the book deal.

  11. Anonymous3:29 PM

    At least you are having cheerios and not turkey and stuffing flavored soda pop. ICK!!!!
    Love the cartoon!!!!

  12. Dear Franklin, one day we will meet. At what exhibition? Poussin? Degas? Raphael? You can see the direction in which my husband's enthusiasm tends. Thanks for your comment on my blog, and Happy Thanksgiving. I've posted a comment somewhere -- I think it must be on Mar's -- about my own annual delight at being spared the ordeal, and my son Alexander's astonished pleasure when he was (after several Thanksgivings spent as you describe your own) finally coaxed indoors and made to sit at a table with a turkey on it.

  13. Clever poodle!
    Enjoy your restful, low-expectational holiday. I can relate.
    So thankful am I fer u.

  14. Anonymous9:35 PM

    The drawing is hilarious. Thanks for the giggle. Enjoy your day, I'm sure if cheerios were around back then that they Pilgrims would've eaten them as well.

  15. Anonymous1:18 AM

    I enjoy both sloth and overeating and have, as a result, always liked Thanksgiving. The Friday shopping day can always be ignored. Enjoy the cheerios.

  16. Anonymous6:43 AM

    as usual, hon, you hit it right on--both in terms of the 'true American holiday' and yarn stash! Enjoy your Cheerios & photo shoot--we'll be interested in how it goes!

  17. ...and a happy, happy T-day to you too, Franklin dear!

  18. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I love you Franklin, that cartoon is SO ILL!

    I had lobster. I stopped eating Turkey a while back.

  19. I think you should have celebrated by eating photographs and shooting cheerios. That would have been more interesting.

  20. nice cartoons : enjoy the holiday

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