Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Something for the Boys

With Rhinebeck looming (a pun, ha ha) my schedule is getting very tight, but I've managed to add one more design to the shop, available on shirts and two styles of bag. [Late addition: It's on a coffee mug now, too. Without the caption, it fit very nicely indeed.]

[Much later addition: it's on women's clothes as well.]

Creation of Knitting Design
If you want to see a larger version, click this one.

For the time being, I'm only putting it on men's clothes. Even with Adam's goodies covered up by a ball of worsted this just didn't strike me as being unisex. If I'm wrong about that, I have a feeling y'all will let me know.

Somebody asked if it's okay with me if images get lifted from my blog and used elsewhere in non-profit settings. While I know perfectly well I can't stop you, I'd rather you didn't, please. The little daily cartoons are one thing - if you want to stick them in your personal blog and give me credit and a link, that's perfectly cool. But the stuff that goes on sale in the shop is a different matter.

I work very hard on these, silly as they are, and they are subject to copyright laws. (No, I don't hold the copyright on the Sistine Chapel, but I do hold the copyright on my designs, drawings, and photographs.)

This being the Internet, all I do is hope you'll be nice and consider the laws of karma before you right-click.

Rhinebeck Schedule

Coming to Rhinebeck? Wanna say hi? Please do. Check out QueerJoe's blog for information about when I'll be there, and where. I plan to follow my guides and hosts around obediently and try not to say anything too stupid.

I also checked with the landlords and confirmed that sheep, however small they may be, are strictly prohibited under the terms of my lease. Poop.


One of my boss's favorite sayings is "A successful child has many parents." (This is how he justifies the upper management's annoying habit of taking credit for my work.) When the Rhinebeck sweater is finished, it will be thanks in large part to the helpful advice and encouragement I've received from all of you.

Roggey and Judy Foldi wrote in and outed themselves as fellow fans of British historical TV series.

Judy asked if I'd seen The Pallisers. You betcha, Judy. Love it. I own the first series on DVD and am making my way through the others thanks to the kind people at Netflix. It's especially fun watching the original Forstye Saga (the peerless black-and-white version) and The Pallisers in alternation, in order to enjoy Susan Hampshire playing a sunny, frivolous idiot in the latter and a sunny, frivolous bitch in the former.


  1. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Franklin - great shirt. I would totally buy that for the man in my life. If he knit. Or if he didn't mind wearing a well-built naked man on his chest.

    On second thought - never mind.

  2. Maybe the, umm, poop is the reason why sheep aren't allowed under the terms of your lease. :)

    Love the new shirt. That might even be bolder than my favorite Yarn Ho tee.

  3. Your shop looks great! Much more you than that goofy maroon leaf business that topped it before. The new shirt is a hoot! Keep 'em comin'!

  4. Anonymous5:33 PM

    You could adopt a sheep and have a nice shepherd keep it for you. You'd shell out "X" number of bucks for its maintenance, and get the fleece when it's shorn. Then you can have a grease fleece in your apartment...

  5. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Thanks for your blog--it's one of the best ones I've seen. I just found your description of Stitches Midwest and will probably read it again. Any chance that was you last weekend at the EAC climbing wall?

  6. Anonymous6:12 PM

    You and I have exactly the same Rhinebeck plan.

  7. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Oh my, I can't decide which one I need (why yes, I really do need them all!). I do know I need a coffee mug... hint, hint.

    Just found your blog recently and I love it. Keep up the great work!

    Jackie in Rockford

  8. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I'm a newbie to your blog and can I just say... I Love love love that shirt design! Thanks for the smile today! I don't even remember how I arrived here, but I'll definitely be stopping back by!

  9. fandamtastic! i love it! i'd buy it on a coffee mug! that is fantastic. have fun at rhinebeck, i wish i could go. maybe i'll be queer joe's next charity project, lol?

  10. I'd buy it as a coffee mug, even though I'm a girl. Woman. Chick. Broad. Whatever.

    I wouldn't wear it as a shirt, but that's mostly because the jahoobies would stretch it all out of shape. Maybe later when that problem's taken care of.

  11. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Great design! I have the yoga tote and a long sleeved T with the knitting needle design winging their way cross the pond. Can't wait to wear it:-)

  12. oooh.. I can't be at Rhineback but I am sending my Mom and brother (they ar knuggles) So I will just have to have them look for you and follow you around as your guides lead you hehehhe
    So look out for a short blonde middle aged woman with a teenager who has all your missing hair.. heheh

    The shirt is priceless!

  13. That shop is CUTE.

  14. Fabulous new design.
    Wherever do you find the time dearheart? Writer, photog, knitter, cartoonist, contortionist, political instigator. :-)
    However do you do it? Really?

  15. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I would deeply love to see you at Rhinebeck. Trouble is, I can't go.

    Sniff. Sniff.

    Your sheep comment makes me think you might, I don't know, need a wheel, or at the very least a spindle or something...

    Please fondle the roving for me. Gawk at the lace shawls. Hug a llama (they like that). Have a wonderful time, Franklin :-)

    (oh, cool, my word verification is a palindrome today...)

  16. Anonymous3:21 AM

    The new shop logo is fantastic - a tired knitter earning a well earned rest before a hard days work to pay expenses and wool bills. I'm looking forward to my shirt flying over the Ocean to me.

  17. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Great logo in the shop, and great shirt design! Now will you please design a button so I can put it on the side of my blog? :)

  18. I love the new design/shirt, it's very cool. Your cartoons are funny too, they illustrate my knitting experiences, especially the sweater cartoon.

  19. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Hey Franklin! Come visit me -- I made you a present -- a button for your site! Grab it if you want.

  20. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Um, do the Thanks Dude for women folk too!

  21. Talking about British historical TV series: The Cazalets. Rather nice, if I do say so myself (being British and all....no, really, I am. I seem to see you looking askance at me, but I am. Wanna see my passport?)
