Thursday, September 01, 2005

Rhinebeck Sweater Status Report

Elizabeth Zimmermann Seamless Percentage sweater (Knitting Without Tears), raglan top

Jo Sharp DK Wool

Needle: Clover bamboo US7 circular

Working on:

Swatch gauge: 5.5 stitches/inch

Currently knitting at: 5.5 stitches/inch (yay)

Desired circumference: 39 inches

Achieved circumference:
39 inches (yay)

Desired body length from hem to underarm: 13.5"

Current body length: 6" on the dot

Number of times gauge has been measured: 4,567

Surprises: Iridescent purplish ply in otherwise blue yarn. Swear it was not there when looked at yarn at Stitches Midwest Market.

Programs watched in whole or part while knitting:
"The Forsyte Saga" (original version, 3 episodes), Hirschfeld: The Line King, "Absolutely Fabulous" Season One (2 episodes), "The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization," "In the Footsteps of Alexander" (final episode)


  1. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Oh, GAWD - I love Ab Fab. I must knit with you some time. It would be so much fun.

  2. The sweather is looking great so far, Franklin. I was looking at some of Zimmerman's books At Amazon.Com and may have to invest in one (or more). Is the sweather you're making knit in one piece? I have a friend that knitted one on circs. in one piece and swears by it. No setting the sleves or anything. I can't wait to see the finished product. It's almost Friday and I hope that you and C have a great weekend.

  3. Anonymous9:42 PM

    That looks great. I'm scared to comment on the colour as I don't trust my monitor but it looks great. Knitting in the round is the best. You'll wow them at Rhinebeck.

  4. Ah, EZ..... She makes you believe you can do ANYTHING. I know she's empowered me. Beautiful color (if the monitor is to be believed) and I'm impressed with the gauge keeping. May you make and wear in good health!

  5. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Oh that Soames Forsyte....don't get me started! Love the color.....

  6. Anonymous12:46 AM

    mugging in the mirror and in Rhinebeck for the public...Priceless!

  7. beautiful! thanks so much for the pic in progress, it's really very exciting stuff :)

  8. I bought that book. Cause of you, you know.

  9. Anonymous10:35 AM

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